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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

High Arctic Ocean Observation System


New research possibilities in the Arctic

New possibilities in research in the Arctic, outcome of the first workshop with the RIs.First workshop in year 1 will address new observing capabilities for Ris, possibilities for inclusion of additional instruments applicable for the ice-covered Arctic Ocean in HiAOOS moorings, and collaboration in field operations. The participants in the workshop will be invited to formulate the needs and requirements to the method development (WP3) and the use cases in WP 4, with emphasis on how HiAOOS can support new research. This deliverable will require input from Workshop participants.

Plan for integration of methods and tools in Blue Insight platform

The report will provide a systematic description of the digital platform, overview of existing methods and tools, and a practical description of how to integrate methods and tools. NERSC, IOPAN, NPI, UIB, UBAH and FORTH are responsible for providing and overview and description of the methods and tools they use for processing and analyzing data. The deliverable will provide a template for how partners should analyze their workflows with respect to ingestion into the platform.Contributors: NERSC, IOPAN, NPI, UiB, UBAH, FORTH.

Dissemination, exploitation, and communication plan (including progress)

The DEC plan will describe the methods and tools used and provide assessment of the impact of the different measures used in the project. The plan will be updated in M18, M36, M60.Contribution from all partners.

Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment report will be produced based on input from WP 2. The report will address the acoustic instruments, mooring hardware, and icebreaker operations to ensure that the experiment have minimal impact on marine life and environment. The assessment will incorporate results from previous experiments (Vigeness Raposa et al. 2019). The assessment will if necessary, recommend changes in mooring localization, experiment schedules, and/or deployment solutions to reduce environmental impacts of the field experiment.Contributors: UBAH, NPI, AWI, IOPAN, NAXYS.

HiAOOS Field expeIriment plan (R)

A coordinated experimental plan will be developed for the project by NPI and NERSC. Ship time applications and detailed cruise plans will be prepared for the field work from 2023 to 2026. Each cruise will have appointed a cruise leader who will be responsible for developing the detailed plan for the field operations as well as logistical plan together with the cruise participants. The experiment plans will be subject to environmental assessment in WP 1. Contributors: NERSC, AWI, IOPAN, NAXYS, UiB.

Public website including materials for dissemination and communication

The web-page will be populated with contribution from all partners.The updates of the webpage will be reported into the periodic reports M18, M36, M60.


Providing infrastructure platforms for Arctic PASSION

Autoren: Sundfjord, Arild
Veröffentlicht in: 2022
Herausgeber: Zendo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7447495

Connecting the dots – how to improve data coverage in the Arctic Ocean across space, time and disciplines

Autoren: Sundfjord, Arild
Veröffentlicht in: 2022
Herausgeber: zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7454505

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