CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

A European infrastructure for farmed animal genotype to phenotype research


Set of biobanking access rules for future TNA for input in WP2

The access procedures linking with WP2 in the form of a set of bio banking 'rules' will be developed for D4.2 to connect EuroFAANG repositories and standardise the requesting procedures, for tissues or cells for G2P research, via TNA applications to the EuroFAANG infrastructure.

Outcomes of stakeholder workshops exploring TNA to genome editing technologies

To engage with stakeholders EFFAB will run an annual workshop, when the think-tank on genome editing will meet virtually and explore the use of genome editing, barriers to implementation, and importance of TNA to capabilities and facilities for application of the technology. Outcomes of these workshops will be consolidated for D5.5.

Results of survey of technological advancements in the field

To identify new potential partners to integrate with the EuroFAANG operating infrastructure, EFFAB and UEDIN will undertake a survey of scientific and technological developments in the field and of other international and national initiatives in animal agriculture, including those beyond the state of the art, and provide the results of the survey for D1.3.

List of existing biorepositories to be connected via a common portal for access to resources labs

For D4.1 the European facilities storing sample collections that are open to collaboration, their current users and the list of potential future users upon EuroFAANG upgrading will be mapped, and a list created, building on the gene bank survey performed by the former H2020 IMAGE project.

Roadmap to set up an animal science community within ELIXIR

D7.1 will study the potential added value and the feasibility of establishing an Animal Agriculture Community within Elixir, drawing from the experience of the existing Plant Science Community. For this, we will map the interest of data scientists across countries and Elixir nodes to collaborate in a community for farmed animal research.

List of barriers to implementation of genome editing technology in vitro and in vivo

D5.3 will summarize the status quo regarding existing barriers (legal, technical, societal) to implement genome editing in vivo and in vitro

Formalised access policy for the infrastructure

D 2.1 is concerned with formalising an access policy for the EuroFAANG infrastructure based on scientific excellence for academia and based on feasibility and impact for industry. Criteria of selection will be soundness of concept and adequacy of the experimental design. Applicants and users’ profiles, geographical distribution and gender will be also considered; for example, access priority will be given to users who can rely only on limited resources locally and nationally.

Publish formalised EuroFAANG Data policy and access principles

For D3.2 a data policy and set of access principles will be developed for the future users of the EuroFAANG infrastructure that will define the data handling expectations and data access requirements for all users of the EuroFAANG infrastructure, with a focus on open science, FAIR data principles and existing European policies.

Plan describing the different options for transnational access to the infrastructure and how they can be implemented

How distribution of transnational access to the EuroFAANG infrastructure will be set up and managed via different options including on-site, remote or virtual means will be devised in D2.2 and a plan describing TNA to the infrastructure published.

Consolidated list of all labs using genome editing in Europe

D5.2 will help to facilitate access to genome editing technology in vivo and in vitro by providing a list of all the animal research facilities currently generating genome edited animals, as well as those performing genome editing in vitro using organoids and cell lines to help facilitate connection and consolidate research effort.

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