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D2.1 (associated with T2.1) will define the whole COMMUNITAS platform architecture considering the use cases and requirements identified in WP1, as well as the specification to ensure an integrated, modular and interoperable platform. Additionally, the security requirements will also be defined.
Data and Ethics Management PlanD8.3 (associated with T8.3) will report the projects' plan regarding data requirements and ethics compliance. The deliverable will be split in the different stages of handling the data collected in the pilot sites, namely the generation, use, processing, curation and preservation of data. All stages will be define in accordance with EU regulation and will be followed by the consortium during the project lifetime, and the Data Management Plan will consider open access of research data. Regarding the ethics compliance, the deliverable will focus on the definition of best practices to follow during participatory and co-creation sessions and every other activites involving citizens.
Project Management RoadmapD8.1 (associated with T8.1) will define project management actions and interaction with the EC for all financial and administrative aspects, including a plan for keeping tasks on track according to the deadline and produce high-quality work, via a work breakdown structure. The deliverable will also include the scheduling and minutes of all project meeting (General Assemblies and Steering Committees; Review meetings). The deliverable will still include information on the reporting periods, creating of the external advisory board, and all collaborative and communicational tools used in the project.
Use cases: requirements, specifications and KPIsD1.3 (associated with T1.3) will outline a set of use cases, built upon business and functional levels, that consider technical and social requirements and functional and non-functional specifications. This will also include the definition and characterization of technical, economic, social KPIs to support the implementation plan and baseline data collection.
COMMUNITAS Knowledge Base: concept and development roadmapD1.1 (associated with T1.1) will define the concept for the project’s Knowledge Base based on the needs and recommendations towards the creation, operation, and expansion of ECs from different stakeholders’ perspectives.
Methodology for citizen engagement & value-based proposition, including evaluation plan for Participatory LabsD4.1 (associated with T4.1) will define the methodology for citizen and consumer engagement and define an evaluation plan (which will be updated, if needed, throughout the project development cycles) focusing on all SSH perspectives central to COMMUNITAS.
Best practices in citizen engagement for ECs and Methodology for citizen and consumer engagement and value-based proposition design in ECsD1.2 (associated with T1.2) will present strategies and best practices for engaging citizens and develop methodologies for involving them in the co-creation of services and social-economic value-based proposition design in ECs in order to maximize citizens’ active participation in the energy markets.
Recommendations for new market roles, participants and innovative incentives schemesD1.4 (associated with T1.4) will describe guidelines and recommendations based on market design requirements for new and emergent energy market roles and participants and novel incentive schemes to effectively create, operate, and expand ECs
Project Management Roadmap - version 2D8.4 (associated with T8.1) aims to update the Project Management Roadmap (D8.1). Additionally, the deliverable will include all the risks identified until the moment and all the risk mitigation strategies proposed by the consortium.
Quality and Risk Management PlanD8.2 (associated with T8.2) will expand on the set of management procedures defined in T8.1, focusing quality, risk, technical and innovation management issues. As part of this quality assurance plan a set of contingency rules and plans that will be defined towards a high-quality work, anticipating and minimising risks. The deliverable is expected to gather suitable mechanisms to identify, anticipate, communicate and mitigate risks and other project deviations will be outlined.
D7.1 (associated with T7.1) will release the project website, social media channels and the first version of the communication material of COMMUNITAS.
Dissemination and communication strategyD7.2 (associated with T7.1) will deliver the Dissemination and Communication Plan (DCP) of COMMUNITAS, defining the strategy, activities, implementation instruments, target audience and groups, and identifying key events and media.
Marko Mimica, Ivan-Pavao Boras, Goran Krajačić
Veröffentlicht in:
Energy Conversion and Management, 2023, ISSN 1879-2227
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