CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Thermal Management for the Hybrid Electric Regional Aircraft

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - TheMa4HERA (Thermal Management for the Hybrid Electric Regional Aircraft)

Berichtszeitraum: 2023-01-01 bis 2023-06-30

The high-level objective of the project is to demonstrate the dissipation of required additional heat in the order of 20 to 50 kW for systems and 300 to 1000 kW for power storage and generation in batteries, the APU and fuel cells in future commercial aircraft. To give an order of magnitude for today’s aircraft falling under certification requirements of CS25/FAR25: 100 passengers generate approximately 10kW of heat in the cabin. Electrical appliances, in-flight entertainment, light, galleys, etc. may add another 10kW to the cabin. The avionics system generates approx. 15 kW of heat. In total, today’s aircraft thus produces an order of 35-50 kW heat.

The project will mature major technology bricks for the thermal management to TRL5. The aircraft platform is considered for a seating capacity up to 100 passengers (minimum 50) with a range of 400-1000 Kms and Entry Into Service (EIS) 2035

Adherence to those objectives will be measured through the impact monitoring deployed at Clean Aviation level, and cascaded to each of the pillars
Q1 2023 was focused on getting the technical assumptions right, harmonized across the technology WPs, and providing the HERA project with a technology input (state-of-the-art and forecast). Many iterations occurred in particular between System Suppliers, as WP Leaders, and Leonardo, as OEMs defining the Top Level Aircraft Requirements in HERA and as Lead Systems architect in TheMa4HERA. 

The face-to-face kick-off meeting occurred in January 2023 and was rated as very successful, with the attendance of all consortium members, and allowing to align all stakeholders as well as foster interesting discussions between them.

Q2 2023 was the opportunity to iterate & mature the technology input to HERA, and it saw the ramp-up of other key activities for the project, in particular the interfacing with A/C concept projects HERA and SMR ACAP as well as other Clean Aviation projects. 

Several iterations were required with Leonardo to converge on the expected input to the HERA project (technology forecast), goal which was eventually fulfilled.

Cooperation with EASA was also initiated with a kick-off in EASA premises during June 2023.

Several alignments occurred with the Clean Aviation project coordinators identified as having a potential interface, the outcome of those meetings being formalized in the ICD deliverable. 

The consortium also made some progress with the communication & dissemination activities:

- Several communication actions were carried out by consortium partners. They started as early as 2022 to announce the selection of the TheMa4HERA project and their involvement in it. Then, during Q1 2023, most communications actions were related to the kick-off of the project in Honewell premises in Brno, Czech Republic. The announcement was made by Honeywell on its website; it was then shared by the CAJU via LinkedIn

- A TheMa4HERA LinkedIn page was also created in RP1, giving the opportunity to communicate around several events such as the participation to the HERA workshop in Naples and the EASA F2F meeting in Cologne. Additionally, CAI and NDM submitted two abstracts for EASN 2023 and TRA 2024 conferences. Both abstracts were
accepted and the team is preparing to attend EASN in September 2023 to present preliminary results of WP5.2.
The technologies developed in the project are foreseen to be developed beyond the state-of-the-art, up to TRL5:
- Cabin Air Compressor
- Vapour Cycle System
- Internal Heat exchanger
- Outflow valve
- UBV fan
- LH2 as Heatsink
- (non-propulsive) Fuel Cell cooling
- Skin Heat Exchanger
- Capillary Jet loop
- Micro channel heat pipe
- Pulsating Heat pipe
- Mechanically Pumped loop

With a TRL5 targeted at the end of the project, a clear further uptake is the maturation to TRL6 of the technologies deemed suitable for future Regional and SMR aircraft. This is planned in Phase 2 of the Clean Aviation program, that will include flight testing of the selected technologies.

Following the kick-off of the collaboration with EASA, there are indications that new regulations could be an outcome of the project (beyond the timeline of the project due to need to align with other regulatory bodies such as FAA, etc...)