CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

The Roots of Civility. French Renaissance literature as a laboratory of modern civility


Die Rolle der Literatur bei der Gestaltung einer friedlichen Gesellschaft

Das Streben nach Anstand und Höflichkeit dauert über alle Zeiten hinweg an. Das Zeitalter der Renaissance mit seiner fesselnden Mischung aus Tugend und Grausamkeit bietet eine einzigartige Perspektive auf Umgangsformen und gesellschaftliche Harmonie. Mit Unterstützung der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen begibt sich das Team des Projekts CIVILITY auf die Suche nach den Ursprüngen der Höflichkeit und stellt dabei die übliche Zeitachse in Frage. In diesem Forschungsvorhaben wird die Vorstellung erkundet, dass es im Frankreich der Renaissance, ein Jahrhundert vor der allgemein anerkannten Entstehung der „politesse française“, bereits eine vollständig entwickelte Höflichkeit gab. Anhand von literarischen Dialogen, Kurzgeschichten und Texten aus dem 15. und 16. Jahrhundert werden im Rahmen des Projekts zentrale Modelle der Höflichkeit ermittelt. Mithilfe der modernen Instrumente der historischen Pragmatik wird versucht, die Entwicklung der verbalen und nonverbalen Verhaltensweisen während der Zeit der Dynastie Valois aufzuzeigen.


Renaissance men and women had a passion for virtue and a genius for cruelty. They had wonderful manners and barbaric inclinations, lovely clothes and terrible diseases. Can they really teach us something about civility? I think they can: they were made of contradictions and so are we. And both, we and they, dream of a society where politeness and respect reduce tensions and allow a peaceful and pleasant cohabitation for all.
The goal of this research project, executed at the University of Lille under the supervision of Marie-Claire Thomine, is to prove that the roots of civility go back to the 16th century and that there was a mature form of civility in the Renaissance France a century before what is usually considered to be the beginning of the 'politesse française'. I will identify its main models and situate them in relation to the previous (medieval) ones and those from the century of Louis XIV. I will argue that Renaissance authors used the literature as the principal means of wide diffusion of this new civility, and this is precisely what makes this century a turning point in the history of manners in France and a part of the cultural reform initiated by the kings and queens of France to build a more cohesive and peaceful society. Furthermore, I want also to prove that this evolution can be observed using the modern tools of historical pragmatics, a branch of pragmatics that had developed strongly over the last twenty years but was not yet used to study the phenomenon of (im)politeness in France during the Renaissance. I will accomplish those goals through a program of close reading of prose texts (essentially literary dialogues and collections of short stories) of the 15th and 16th centuries, informed by the literature of civility, and through corpus-based research to detect and define evolution in verbal and nonverbal behaviors in the time of the last kings of the Valois dynasty.

Wissenschaftliches Gebiet


€ 211 754,88
59000 Lille

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Hauts-de-France Nord-Pas de Calais Nord
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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