CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Optimized Nanofluids for Efficient Solar Thermal Energy Production


Neuer Ansatz zur Verbesserung der solarthermischen Energieerzeugung

Ziel des über die Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen finanzierten Projekts ONESTEP ist es, die photothermische Energieerzeugung in nordeuropäischen Ländern zu verbessern, in denen es an konstantem Sonnenlicht mangelt. ONESTEP wird das Verständnis des durch Sonneneinstrahlung induzierten Siedens in Nanofluiden erhöhen. Dies ist ein Schlüsselfaktor für die Dampferzeugung durch photothermische Energie, da es eine effizientere Solarkollektortechnologie unterstützt. Die Forschenden werden zwei neuartige Nanofluide charakterisieren und neue Messverfahren entwickeln. Durch die Durchführung von Kochtests und die Erweiterung bestehender Modelle wird ONESTEP neue Forschungsmethoden bereitstellen und den Forschenden Kompetenzen für die industrielle Forschung vermitteln.


As part of its Green Deal, the EU aims to decarbonize energy production by 55% compared to 1990 levels and must turn to renewable energy sources. While the northern European countries have some access to these sources, they do not have consistent amounts of sunlight for photothermal energy (PE) generation. Novel approaches are under development to allow these regions to benefit from solar resources. Solar radiation-induced boiling in nanofluids can be used for PE steam generation as it facilitates more efficient solar collector technology. However, knowledge of the mechanisms behind this boiling is severely lacking because the methods to measure these systems are inaccurate at scale and cannot be used for practical, opaque nanofluids, limiting the focus to macroscopic properties. Understanding these mechanisms is the key to advancing PE technologies. Therefore, this project endeavours to develop and use new methods to qualify and quantify the photothermal boiling process in nanofluids at the microscale. I will move from Canada to Europe to complete this ambitious project with three specific aims. First, I will characterize two novel candidate nanofluids: plasma-functionalized graphene and carbon nanofibers (mass-produced by the project exploitation partner). Second, I will develop new, distinct measurement techniques that separate this study from existing ones which only measure temperature and steam flow rate. One method will use bubble bursting acoustics to quantity the number and size of bubbles. The other will use a medical X-ray technique, computed tomography, to image photothermal boiling for the first time. Finally, I will perform boiling tests to determine potential mechanisms and extend the existing models. With these objectives fulfilled, new information and methodologies will be developed for future research, I will gain new skills and competencies to prepare me for a future in industrial research, and Europe will be ONESTEP closer to a greener future.


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