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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Zagora Sustainable Hydrogen Region


Demonstration von Wasserstoffenergie in einem Land der Kohle

Die Nutzung von Sonnenlicht und Wasser zur Erzeugung von Wasserstoff als sauberem Energieträger steht im krassen Gegensatz zur Verbrennung kohlenstoffreicher Kohle. In der boomenden Region Stara Sagora befindet sich Maritsa Ost, einer der größten Stromerzeugungskomplexe Europas und Bulgariens größter CO2-Emittent. Um das unglaubliche Potenzial von grünem Wasserstoff zur Verbesserung der Luftqualität, zur Verringerung der CO2-Emissionen und zur Erzielung wirtschaftlicher Vorteile zu demonstrieren, will das Team des EU-finanzierten Projekts ZAHYR die Wasserstofftechnologie in Stara Sagora installieren. Eine neue Fotovoltaikanlage wird Elektrolyseure antreiben, die Wasser in Wasserstoff und Sauerstoff aufspalten. Der Wasserstoff soll in Verkehrs- und Energieanwendungen wie Stadtbussen und Straßenbeleuchtung eingesetzt werden.


Stara Zagora is a strategic logistic centre in Bulgaria and the Balkan Peninsula. It is also host to one of the biggest power production complexes in Europe (Maritsa East). This makes it the perfect location to showcase the versatility and potential of green hydrogen as means to improve air quality in the city, reduce CO2 emissions for energy production and mobility applications, and generate economic welfare. The demonstration of clean, safe, and sustainable hydrogen technology applications will improve public perception of hydrogen ecosystems, and kick start a hydrogen-based economy not only in the region but across the country.

ZAHYR will install and demonstrate two electrolysers with a combined installed power of 5MW, to be run on green electricity produced in a new 20MW PV plant. The hydrogen produced will be used in various transport and energy applications. These include the installation of two Hydrogen Refuelling Stations to service a fleet of 10 city buses, 2 heavy transport trucks and 2 light-duty vehicles. A bi-fuel gas turbine will be installed in which blending limits between hydrogen and natural gas will be tested. A 1MW fuel cell at Stara Zagora will provide the municipality’s public night lighting, showcasing how this municipality can become net zero emission. Finally, a broad training and education program will be set up resulting in a master’s degree. An intense replicability activity will be carried out based on the organization of the Hydrogen Valley Development Group.



€ 829 220,25
6000 Stara Zagora

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Северна и Югоизточна България Югоизточен Стара Загора
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 829 220,25

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