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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Network of Networks 4 Democracy

Descrizione del progetto

Rafforzare la democrazia europea attraverso il networking e la collaborazione

Nel panorama in continua evoluzione della democrazia europea, la mancanza di efficace collaborazione e networking tra le parti interessate costituisce tuttora un ostacolo significativo. La frammentazione delle conoscenze relative all’innovazione democratica e alla governance aggrava ulteriormente questa sfida, impedendo ai politici e ai professionisti del settore di affrontare le complesse questioni sociali esistenti. In questo contesto, il progetto Nets4Dem, finanziato dall’UE, introduce un pionieristico approccio basato sul paradigma della rete di reti, con l’obiettivo di creare una comunità europea di operatori e ricercatori specializzati in democrazia. Intrecciando gli attori e le reti esistenti nell’ambito della democrazia, Nets4Dem mira a sfruttarne i punti di forza, riducendo al contempo la duplicazione degli sforzi. Nel complesso, il progetto cerca di superare le difficoltà in tal ambito facilitando la collaborazione, la condivisione delle conoscenze e i progressi relativi al processo decisionale allo scopo di dare vita a società inclusive e democrazie resilienti.


Nets4Dem puts forward a Network of Networks approach to establish and develop a European network of practitioners and researchers in the field of democracy, civic deliberation, participation and citizenship education.
The Consortium, brings together widely networked organisations with long-term expertise in democratic innovation across a broad range of areas (including digital democracy, rule of law, climate change, also through cultural and creative approach). It is composed of umbrella organisations, that will draw on their already existing networks to contribute to the call outcomes.
The unique approach that Nets4Dem puts forward is to ‘weave’ more and better connections between existing actors and networks already active in the wider democracy field, taking advantage of each other’s strengths and reducing duplication.
Nets4Dem will focus its efforts on four main objectives: (1) creating, fostering and sustaining stronger Network of policy makers, practitioners and researchers; (2) systematizing and connecting the fragmented knowledge on democratic innovation and governance research; (3) establishing a coordinated European approach to promote systematic accessibility of democratic innovation; (4) raising the ambition of policy making through policy recommendations to strengthen democracy at all levels of governance.
We will seek to address the challenges we’ve identified: the need for better collaboration and networking in the democratic field, the need to connect existing knowledge on democracy and governance and make it more accessible, so that policymakers and practitioners are better equipped to the address complex challenges they are facing for inclusive societies and more resilient democracy
To address these and potential new challenges, substantial efforts are required from researchers, practitioners, policy makers and citizens. One of the most impactful ways to support this work is by connecting the efforts of all those who are pursuing the same goal


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 899 928,13
12045 Berlin

Mostra sulla mappa

Berlin Berlin Berlin
Tipo di attività
Costo totale
Nessun dato

Partecipanti (9)

Partner (1)