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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Innovative Solutions for Plastic Free European Rivers


Eine ganzheitliche Lösung zum Schutz der Flüsse

Die Flüsse Europas ertrinken in Abfall, Makrokunststoff und Mikroplastik. Diese Schadstoffe sind eine Bedrohung für aquatische Ökosysteme und somit die Lebensadern unseres Kontinents. Daher werden im EU-finanzierten Projekt INSPIRE 20 innovative Technologien und strategische Maßnahmen kombiniert, um die Verbreitung von Schadstoffen zu erkennen, zu erfassen und zu verhindern. Daraus entsteht eine ganzheitliche Lösung, um Flüsse zu schützen. Die Innovationen werden mit 26 Partnern aus Wissenschaft, Industrie und Kommunikation in 6 Anwendungsfällen getestet. Das INSPIRE-Team weist einen Weg zu saubereren Flüssen und setzt einen neuen Standard für die Umweltverantwortung.


INSPIRE's main objective is to contribute to the drastic reduction of litter, macro and microplastics in European rivers in a holistic approach, by bringing together 20 technologies and actions for:
DETECTION of the pollution present in the river and at the riverbank,
COLLECTION of litter and macroplastics at the river bank and litter, macro and microplastics in the river,
PREVENTION of litter, macro and microplastics to enter the river by collecting it from its waste stream before it can enter the river and by developing biodegradable alternatives for currently non-degradable polluting products, to avoid they will further be used and arrive in the river as litter. Six use case are defined in INSPIRE to install and test the technologies and actions, to model the processes related to the water purification activities, to obtain 7 well defined solutions at detection, collection or prevention level and combinations thereof. The technical feasibility is backboned by a techno-economical analysis with the development of business cases for the solutions, action plans towards upscaling and replication and together with mapping and modelling all elements are brought together to develop a Master Plan for tackling the challenges of the mission and contributing to the objectives of the mission. The INSPIRE project will be very visible due to its well developed dissemination and communication plan and strategy for community engagement. Apart from the general dissemination and communication tools and activities, specific activities will be setup on festivals, promoting 100% biodegradable products as a result of INSPIRE.
INSPIRE's consortium is composed of 26 partners with complementary expertise and a good balance of academia, industry, communication specialists and soft skills organisations is obtained, who all together will work towards the target of having a number of successful solutions that can find their way to the market and put INSPIRE on the radar.


€ 937 450,00

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Vlaams Gewest Prov. West-Vlaanderen Arr. Oostende
Research Organisations
€ 937 450,00

Beteiligte (25)