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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Cybersecurity platform used for scoring, predicting and remediating potential security risks

Descrizione del progetto

Un nuovo modo per proteggere l’Europa dalle minacce informatiche

I sofisticati attacchi informatici rappresentano una minaccia imminente per le aziende su scala globale. L’Europa, in particolare, si trova di fronte all’urgente necessità di costruire una resilienza contro queste minacce informatiche, salvaguardando al contempo la protezione dei dati e la libertà dei suoi cittadini. Tuttavia, il mercato delle piattaforme di sorveglianza informatica è dominato dalle aziende statunitensi. Si tratta di una potenziale vulnerabilità per le imprese europee. In questo contesto, il progetto KARTOS, finanziato dall’UE, sfrutta l’intelligenza artificiale (IA) per individuare, prevedere e correggere i rischi per la sicurezza analizzando le informazioni trapelate da un’azienda su internet, il web sommerso e il dark web. Grazie alla capacità di identificare le vulnerabilità, gli exploit attivi e le minacce informatiche avanzate, KARTOS consente alle aziende di salvaguardare in modo proattivo le proprie risorse. Questa soluzione unica intende garantire la sovranità delle aziende europee.


ENTHEC is an early-stage deep-tech startup, pioneer in the development of Cybersecurity Solutions against cybercrime. María Rojo, Co-Founder and CEO of ENTHEC is a Computer Engineer, PhD in Telematics, with more than 12 years of experience in cybersecurity at corporates such as BBVA, Santander, Indra, or Airbus who is becoming one of the leading women in the European cybersecurity ecosystem. Constantly emerging sophisticated cyber-attacks jeopardize thousands of businesses every minute of every day. Europe must build resilience to cyber-attacks while making sure that data protection and freedom of citizens are strengthened. That is why, ENTHEC is developing KARTOS, a unique Cybersecurity Platform used for scoring, predicting and remediating security risks based on Artificial Intelligence that analyses the company's leaked information anywhere on the Internet, Deep web and Dark web. KARTOS instantly identifies vulnerabilities, active exploits, and advanced cyber-threats to help companies rigorously protect their business and strengthen their security posture from outside its IT perimeter, enabling them to see what a hacker sees thus remediating risks before a potential attack. The Cybersurveillance platforms market is dominated by US companies, which may alter their analysis by strategically affecting European companies. KARTOS is the only European solution able to defend the sovereignty of European companies in this market. Cybersurveillance platforms are a niche market within the Cybersecurity Marketplace in which ENTHEC will commercially target the European, North America, Latin America and Middle East valued at €6.000M in 2027. At that time the global cybersecurity market will be €281.000M according to Grand View Research. The successful completion of the development and commercialization of KARTOS is a great business opportunity for ENTHEC to become a European cybersecurity leader and to generate revenues of more than €20M by 2028 and more than 90 skilled jobs.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 75 000,00
46008 Valencia

Mostra sulla mappa


L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Este Comunitat Valenciana Valencia/València
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
Nessun dato