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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Smart Integration of Process Systems Engineering & Machine Learning for Improved Process Safety in Process Industries


Zum Schutz der verarbeitenden Industrie Lücken überbrücken

In der sich ständig weiterentwickelnden verarbeitenden Industrie besteht die dringende Herausforderung, Sicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit zu gewährleisten. Die heute üblichen Methoden werden der Komplexität der Risikobewertung und der Prozesssicherheit oft nicht gerecht, wodurch in der industriellen Praxis eine kritische Lücke entsteht. Mit Unterstützung der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen wird das Team des Projekts PROSAFE ein Ausbildungsprogramm für Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden entwickeln, um diese Lücken zu schließen. Es werden robuste Risikobewertungsmethoden harmonisiert und hochmoderne KI- und Maschinenlernmodelle integriert, um die Landschaft der Prozesssicherheit in der Industrie revolutionär zu verändern. Das übergeordnete Projektziel besteht in der Gestaltung einer neuen Ära der Prozesssicherheit, wobei qualifizierte Fachkräfte gefördert und wichtige gesellschaftliche, wirtschaftliche und ökologische Belange berücksichtigt werden.


PROSAFE proposes a novel doctoral training program in the multidisciplinary field combining machine learning, artificial intelligence, and process systems engineering with domain knowledge of process industry and process safety. PROSAFE will pioneer new foundations by integrating Quantitative Risk Assessment, Process Systems Engineering (PSE) with interpretable machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) disciplines as targeted breakthroughs to achieve the objectives. To this end, PROSAFE will develop new synergistic tools and train skilled professionals to address this very important societal, economic, and environmental challenge of safe and sustainable process industries. PROSAFE research objectives are:
1: Harmonize robust QRA methods and implementation strategies for effective and improved risk assessment and process safety
2: Develop AI and ML (interpretable ML) models using domain knowledge for efficient, safe, and reliable operations
3: Develop synergistic integration of model-based with data-based methods for improved process safety operation and monitoring
4: Demonstration and validation of PROSAFE novel concepts and methods on industrial relevant case studies for safer operation
PROSAFE's major training objectives are:
1: Training of doctoral candidates (DCs) through individual projects combining multidisciplinary competences in the areas of AI, ML, and PSE within the domain of process safety
2: Establish and pilot the concept of a truly interdisciplinary European multicenter training program in AI/ML, QRA, and PSE within the domain of safety in process industries through relevant network-wide events, courses, workshops, and on-site industry training that complements training in soft skills for effective communication and entrepreneurship.
Through this research and training program, PROSAFE will contribute to realizing the promising potential of the new artificial intelligence paradigm with a particular focus on process safety in process industries.


€ 905 364,00
2800 Kongens Lyngby

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Danmark Hovedstaden Københavns omegn
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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