CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

C-NEWTRAL: smart CompreheNsive training to mainstrEam neW approaches for climaTe-neutRal cities through citizen engAgement and decision-making support for innovative governance and integrated pLanning


Sachverständige für klimaneutrale Städte ausbilden

Die Herausforderung, in Städten Klimaneutralität zu erlangen, ist angesichts der komplexen städtischen Aktivitäten und der verschiedenen Interessengruppen ein dringendes Anliegen. Zur Bewältigung dieses Problems hat die Europäische Kommission eine partizipative Stadtverwaltung und eine integrierte Stadtplanung als entscheidende Faktoren ausgemacht. Es mangelt jedoch an gut ausgebildeten interdisziplinären Fachleuten, die Fortschritt sicherstellen können. Ziel des über die Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen unterstützten Projekts C-NEWTRAL ist es, Spitzenforschende zusammenzubringen und auszubilden, die bereit sind, sich der Herausforderung der klimaneutralen Stadt zu stellen. C-NEWTRAL wird einen strukturierten Rahmen für individuelle Forschungsprojekte bereitstellen, die ein ganzes Spektrum städtischer Herausforderungen abdecken. Das Besondere an C-NEWTRAL ist, dass es sich auf die Ausbildung Forschender in fortgeschrittenen partizipativen Methoden, Governance und integrierten Planungsinstrumenten für den Übergang zur Klimaneutralität konzentriert.


Achieving climate-neutral cities is an EU priority, yet faces many challenges because of the complex urban activities, and the vast range of stakeholders involved. The European Commission has identified ‘participative city governance’ and ‘integrated urban planning’ as key enablers for driving climate-neutral cities forward. Cities require enhanced capacity and ongoing support for implementation of climate-neutral solutions and assessment of how they may impact different sections of society. There is however, a lack of highly-skilled, highly-trained interdisciplinary researchers and professionals for this task, which C-NEWTRAL aims to address.
C-NEWTRAL is underpinned by five key thematics (Urban Nature, Urban Mobility, Built Form, Energy, Circularity), which are integrated through two cross-scale research dimensions, linked to drivers identified by the EU: I. Citizen Engagement & Public Participation and II. City Governance & Decision-Making. This provides a framework for individual research projects examining participation and decision-making for integrating nature-based solutions in urban regeneration, active/ green/ just mobility transitions, social acceptance of energy performance standards in buildings/ neighbourhoods/ social housing, hydrosocial/ circular/ digital approaches in urban water management, and nexuses among these. Each researcher will be trained in advanced participative methods and use of governance & planning tools, supported by digital technologies - recognised by the EU as a priority, but still under-developed within city planning processes. Researchers will be exposed to secondments in local authorities, NGOs or industry.
The program will provide a dynamic, intellectually-challenging, interdisciplinary training environment attracting the best international graduate candidates and fosters an enthusiastic and innovative community of researchers - effectively placed to advise on cross-sectoral strategies for achieving climate-neutral cities.


€ 859 464,00
4 Dublin

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Ireland Eastern and Midland Dublin
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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Beteiligte (4)

Partner (22)