CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Program Exchange for Chiral Symmetry


Die Quantengrenze entschlüsseln

Im komplizierten Bereich der Quantenmechanik bleibt das Verständnis der subtilen Nuancen von Topologie und Chiralität schwierig. Diese Eigenschaften bestimmen das Verhalten der Materie auf ihrer grundlegendsten Ebene und beeinflussen alles, von den elektronischen Eigenschaften der Werkstoffe bis hin zur Struktur der Raumzeit. Trotz jahrzehntelanger Forschung gibt es immer noch viele Rätsel, die den Fortschritt in Bereichen wie Twistronik und Quantenchemie behindern. Mit Unterstützung der Marie Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen bringt das Team vom Projekt EXQIRAL die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, das ICFO, das Weizmann-Institut für Wissenschaften, die Universität Pisa und das MIT in einem dynamischen Austauschprogramm zusammen. Die Forschenden werden sich mit grundlegenden Fragen befassen, sich die einzigartigen Eigenschaften chiraler Materie zunutze machen und bahnbrechende neue Verfahren entwickeln.


EXQIRAL is a proposed 4-year exchange program between the Max Planck Society, ICFO (Barcelona), the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel), University of Pisa and MIT (USA). The researchers exchange will be based on pre-existing scientific program between these partners and will provide the researchers with a collaborative environment to address fundamental questions in the field of topology, chirality, twistronics or quantum chemistry, amongst others. Many fundamental breakthroughs in science will result from the development of new techniques in this synergetic program: EXQIRAL will develop specialized tools for exploring the chiral nature of matter as well as fabricating novel tuneable devices that take advantage of the unique properties of chiral matter. EXQIRAL will bring tremendous added value not only to the research programs that it will catalyze and incentivize but also in the training and mentoring of young scientists to carry out research that is bold, of high risk, and that will lead to the greatest impact on the scientific world and beyond. EXQIRAL will create a range of structural components that are designed to promote risk taking both in scientific exploration as well as in the translation of research findings to impact on society. A major mission of EXQIRAL will be to foster the careers of the most brilliant young scientists at the participating institutes and, especially, to create structuEXQIRAL is a four-year staff exchange multidisciplinary program between 4 academic partners of four European countries: ICFO (Spain), Weizmann (Israel), Uni Pisa (Italy), MPG (Dresden), and one third-country (MIT, USA). This collaboration is based on an existing program and established collaboration amongst these institutions. The combination of expertise from the five institutes can benefit a joint research program by offering a comprehensive and synergetic approach to studying novel quantum and topological materials and unresolved mysteries like the CISS effect. 


€ 409 400,00
08860 Castelldefels

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Este Cataluña Barcelona
Research Organisations
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