Descrizione del progetto
Valutare l’impatto dell’inquinamento luminoso e acustico sulla biodiversità terrestre
La perdita di biodiversità sta aumentando rapidamente a causa di problematiche quali urbanizzazione, crescita demografica e industrializzazione. Sono inoltre emersi nuovi fattori che contribuiscono a tale perdita, come l’inquinamento luminoso e quello acustico. Sebbene l’UE abbia attuato politiche, come il Green Deal e la strategia dell’UE sulla biodiversità per il 2030, per salvaguardare tale biodiversità e ripristinare l’equilibrio della natura, essa avrà bisogno di un piano alternativo per raggiungere gli obiettivi in tal ambito. Il progetto PLAN-B, finanziato dall’UE, mira a mitigare gli effetti negativi esercitati dall’inquinamento luminoso e da quello acustico sulla biodiversità e sugli ecosistemi terrestri. PLAN-B genererà un quadro di riferimento, un manuale e un database per valutare e mitigare questi impatti; inoltre, elaborerà soluzioni innovative, offrirà raccomandazioni politiche e istituirà varie comunità di pratica.
The rate of global biodiversity decline is unprecedented and accelerating. Urban sprawl, population growth and industrialization bring previously unrecognised drivers of biodiversity loss, including light and noise pollution. The EU has adopted policies, including the EU Green Deal and the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, to enable transformative change through better protection of biodiversity and nature restoration activities. However, current projections suggest that the EU’s 2030 biodiversity target will not be met; an alternative plan is required. PLAN-B takes an integrated, multidisciplinary and multi-actor approach to deliver better understanding and support reduction of light and noise pollution impacts on terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem services. Key outputs of PLAN-B include: a framework and supporting handbook for assessing light and noise pollution impacts to inform environmental decision-making; an open access database on light and noise impacts on terrestrial biodiversity; spatiotemporal models for evaluating noise and light impacts on terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem services, including at the European scale; innovative solutions to prevent and mitigate light and noise pollution impacts; recommendations for enhancing legal and policy frameworks to reduce light and noise pollution impacts on terrestrial biodiversity; and sustainable Communities of Practice (CoPs), centred around key stakeholder groups, on the impacts of light and noise on terrestrial biodiversity. Working with European and international partners, including from Brazil, CoPs, key networks (e.g. Biodiversa+) and the Horizon Europe sister project on aquatic biodiversity and ecosystems, PLAN-B will maximise its global reach and research impact. Through its work programme, PLAN-B will create the enabling conditions to support and enhance activities planned in the EU biodiversity strategy and provide a new path towards meeting the EU and international biodiversity targets.
Campo scientifico
Meccanismo di finanziamento
HORIZON-RIA - HORIZON Research and Innovation ActionsCoordinatore
9000 Gent