CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Consolidating Research and Policy along the Cognitive Computing Continuum


Politik und Forschung in die kognitive Informatik integrieren

Der Wechsel von H2020 zu Horizont Europa spiegelt die Konvergenz von Cloud-, Edge- und IoT-Technologien in der IKT-Branche wider, die sich auf verschiedenen Ebenen erheblich auf Europa auswirken. Künftige Projekte sollten sich auf die laufenden Bemühungen stützen und die von der EU-Industrie festgelegten technologischen Prioritäten vertiefen. Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts NexusForum.EU ist es, den Übergang der Gemeinschaft von EU-finanzierten Projekten und verwandten Initiativen zu einer engeren Zusammenarbeit mit der Industrie zu unterstützen. Das Projektteam verbindet Forschung und Politik entlang des Kontinuums der kognitiven Informatik, das für die Ausweitung der laufenden Koordinierungs- und Unterstützungsmaßnahmen, insbesondere EUCloudEdgeIoT, wesentlich ist. Es wird Forschungsfahrpläne erstellen, die Zusammenarbeit fördern, Verbindungen zu einschlägigen Organisationen herstellen, die Vielfalt der EU-Forschung fördern, Qualifikationsdefizite ermitteln, wichtige Themen analysieren und mit Forschungsgemeinschaften außerhalb Europas in Kontakt treten.


The transition from H2020 to HE reflects an ongoing mega-trend in ICT: the convergence of Cloud, Edge, and IoT. This tendency has significant impact in Europe at scientific, technological, socio-economic, and geopolitical levels, as these traditionally separated fields are now converging into a much larger ecosystem now sharing a number of common challenges and key priorities. Upcoming RIAs should integrate and capitalise on ongoing efforts, with a vital aspect for Europe in this whole process being to successfully combine and consolidate the technology priorities defined by EU industry through the “European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud” and the advancements that the IPCEI-CIS will provide in the coming years. This transition and the move of the whole community of EC-funded projects and related initiatives towards a closer cooperation with industry is what the NexusForum.EU project aims to support and facilitate by focusing on consolidating research and policy along the Cognitive Computing Continuum, something crucial to effectively expand what the ongoing CSAs (particularly EUCloudEdgeIoT) are working on, thus providing a clear, consistent vision for future research and innovation topics in this EU strategic area. NexusForum.EU through its unique consortium, will be able to effectively undertake a number of crucial activities, such as producing annual research roadmaps and policy recommendations; fostering collaboration between industry and academia; creating solid links with the IPCEI-CIS and the “European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud”; collaborating with past and present RIAs in order to promote a diverse EU research and innovation community; identifying relevant issues such skills development gaps; analysing the relationship with crucial topics such as Open Source and Open Standards; and engaging with forward-looking research and innovation communities and strategic initiatives outside Europe (starting with Japan & South Korea).


€ 704 375,00
501 15 Boras

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Research Organisations
€ 704 375,00

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