CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Demonstrating large pit thermal energy storages and improving their components, processes and procedures for an accelerated realisation of 100% sustainable district heating networks in Europe.


Große thermische Energiespeicher für eine schnellere Dekarbonisierung

Ein vollständig dekarbonisiertes europäisches Energiesystem erfordert beträchtliche flexible Kapazitäten, um intermittierende erneuerbare Energiequellen aufzunehmen, Energiesektoren zu integrieren und die Gesamteffizienz des Energiesystems zu erhöhen. Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts TREASURE ist es, die Realisierung von großen thermischen Energiespeichersystemen zu beschleunigen, die vollständig erneuerbare Fernwärmenetze und industrielle Heizsysteme fördern. Im Rahmen des Projekts werden sieben Demonstrationsanlagen in fünf Ländern gebaut, um die Kosteneffizienz, die Komponenten und die Bauverfahren zu optimieren. Zudem nutzt das Projektteam Überwachungsdaten und marktorientierte Partner, um Finanzierungs-, Genehmigungs- und Gesellschaftsherausforderungen anzugehen. Dem Konsortium gehören Partner aus der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette an, darunter Lieferbetriebe, Bauunternehmen, Ingenieurbüros, Forschungs- und Entwicklungsinstitute, Auftragnehmer, Energiedienstleister, Fernwärmeunternehmen und Berufsverbände.


A fully decarbonised European energy system must be equipped with very large flexibility capacities, enabling the uptake of intermittent renewable sources, coupling energy sectors, and increasing the energy system efficiency. The TREASURE project paves the way for the accelerated realization of large pit thermal energy storages that serve as the enabler for fully renewable district heating networks and industrial heating systems. With the project, 7 demonstrators are being realized in 5 different countries. The projects` aim is to use synergies in order to improve cost effectiveness through the targeted development of improved components and the collective improvement of design and building processes. Monitoring data from an already operating storage and from the demonstrators are used for better numerical simulation of actual and future system performance. Through the participation of market-oriented partners possible solutions to the financing, permitting, and social challenges in the realisation of large pit thermal energy storage projects are mapped and discussed with the broad group of stakeholders, with a core group of 15 satellite initiatives. The experience with the operation, maintenance and refurbishment of especially Danish pit thermal storages is used to improve the design and operation of the demos, the satellite initiatives and future storages in broad. The project consortium is composed of partners from the complete value chain; component suppliers, building companies, engineering companies, research and developments institutes, contractors, energy service providers, district heating companies and professional organizations. The developed roadmap and generated knowledge in the fields of planning, design, components, building, system integration, financing, permitting and business plans is actively disseminated to experts and to decision makers in order to accelerate the realisation of more than 2000 large PTES needed for the full decarbonisation.


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