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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Promoting an environmentally-responsible Hydrogen economy by enabling Product Environmental Footprint studies

Descrizione del progetto

Un passo in avanti verso la sostenibilità ambientale dell’economia dell’idrogeno

Nel contesto odierno in cui le politiche energetiche e climatiche di tutto il mondo abbracciano sempre di più i sistemi a celle a combustibile e idrogeno, garantire la loro sostenibilità rimane una preoccupazione pressante. In questo contesto, il progetto HyPEF, finanziato dall'UE, svilupperà e implementerà criteri e procedure basati sulla scienza per assicurare l'idoneità ambientale dei prodotti basati su celle a combustibile e idrogeno, promuovendo la trasparenza e la comparabilità dei profili ambientali del loro ciclo di vita. Seguendo i principi di trasparenza e riproducibilità, HyPEF mira a stabilire un quadro rigoroso per la valutazione dell'impatto ambientale esercitato da questi prodotti. Attraverso una collaborazione interdisciplinare, il progetto svilupperà le regole di categoria sull'impronta ambientale dei prodotti (PEFCR, Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules), concepite su misura per i prodotti a base di celle a combustibile e idrogeno, migliorando la qualità e la disponibilità dei dati e offrendo raccomandazioni politiche per effettuare investimenti responsabili dal punto di vista ambientale.


Fuel cells and hydrogen (FCH) systems are increasingly considered in energy and climate policies, roadmaps and plans all over the world. In order to avoid past criticalities, such as those leading to a climate emergency situation, sustainability criteria are being progressively implemented in these initiatives, e.g. by promoting low-carbon renewable hydrogen in Europe. In this regard, science-based criteria and procedures are required to guarantee the environmental suitability of FCH products, reporting their life-cycle environmental profile according to the principles of transparency, traceability, reproducibility, and consistency for comparability. While these principles are aligned with those of the general methodological guidance for Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) studies, further specification is required to effectively implement them when addressing FCH products. Hence, the HyPEF project aspires to support and promote the establishment of an environmentally-responsible hydrogen economy by developing and testing the first Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCRs) specific to FCH products, while paving the way for subsequent related initiatives in the FCH sector. HyPEF is conceptualised as the natural step forward in methodological specification towards policy- and market-relevant life-cycle environmental assessment and benchmarking of FCH products. The interdisciplinary approach behind HyPEF leads to crucial advancements regarding (i) the first development and application of well-accepted PEFCRs tailored to three pre-selected FCH product categories (electrolysers for hydrogen production, tanks for hydrogen storage, and fuel cells for hydrogen stationary use), (ii) increased high-quality data availability for consistent environmental assessment and benchmarking of FCH products, and (iii) first PEF-oriented policy recommendations towards official qualification of an FCH product as an environmentally-responsible investment.


Fundacion IMDEA Energia
Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 277 531,25
28935 Mostoles Madrid

Mostra sulla mappa

Comunidad de Madrid Comunidad de Madrid Madrid
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 277 531,25

Partecipanti (7)