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Clinical evaluation of AntimalarialS tri-therapy with AtovAquone-Proguanil for treatment of uncomplicated malaria in African children


Dreifachtherapie zur Behandlung unkomplizierter Malaria bei Kindern

Malaria stellt in Afrika nach wie vor ein erhebliches Gesundheitsproblem dar, das effizientere und rasch einsetzbare Lösungen erfordert, um Resistenzen gegen Artemisinin-basierte Kombinationstherapien zu verhindern. Artemether-Lumefantrin wird in Afrika in großem Umfang eingesetzt, aber die Sicherung seiner Wirksamkeit ist entscheidend, um seine Nutzungsdauer zu verlängern. Atovaquon-Proguanil ist eine hochwirksame, sichere und vielversprechende Alternative. Es zielt auf mehrere Parasitenstadien ab und minimiert das Risiko einer Kreuzresistenz mit aktuellen Artemisinin-basierten Kombinationstherapien. Beim EU-finanzierten Projekt ASAAP-plus handelt es sich um eine klinische Studie der Phase III, in der die Wirksamkeit eines Dreifachtherapieansatzes zur Behandlung unkomplizierter P. falciparum Malaria bei afrikanischen Kindern untersucht werden soll. Dieser Ansatz umfasst die Kombination von Artemether-Lumefantrin und Atovaquon-Proguanil und wird in Benin, Gabun, Ghana und Mali erprobt. Das primäre Zielkriterium ist die Heilungsrate an Tag 42.


Susceptibility to Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) currently remains high among the African Plasmodium falciparum population, but resistant mutant has been detected recently. To mitigate the risk of resistance leading to a dramatic increase in malaria related mortality, more efficient ACTs need to be urgently explored for quick deployment in Africa.
Artemether-lumefantrine (AL) is widely used and shows high efficacy and favourable safety in Africa but needs to be protected to increase its useful lifespan. Atovaquone-proguanil (AP) is highly efficacious, safe and resistant parasites are not circulating in any endemic area. AP targets multiple parasite stages -liver and blood in human host, and mosquito- through an independent mode of action, limiting the risk of cross-resistance with current ACTs.
The aim of the project is to assess the efficacy of a triple-therapy associating artemether-lumefantrine (AL) and atovaquone-proguanil (AP) for the treatment of uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria in African children in a non-inferiority comparator-controlled trial.
A phase III clinical trial will be conducted to compare safety and cure rate of a 3-day treatment course with AL+AP versus AL in 1,664 consenting 6 to 70 months children with uncomplicated malaria from Benin, Gabon, Ghana and Mali. The main outcome will be cure rate at day-42, excluding reinfections. Antimalarial pharmacokinetic parameters and post-treatment prophylactic efficacy will be estimated for the two treatments and compared. Sub-studies will look at transmission-blocking efficacy through membrane-feeding assays and gametocyte dynamics, drug resistance selection.
By proofing that AL+AP has safety and cure rate similar to AL, this project will lead to important public health-level benefits by provision of a first candidate regimen to be deployed when ACT resistance spreads throughout Africa and by decreasing human to mosquito transmission.



€ 454 068,75
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€ 454 068,75

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