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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

A Framework for Modelling and Optimising the Resilience of the Integrated Natural Gas Production and Transmission Network System


Erhöhung der Widerstandsfähigkeit von Erdgasnetzen

Erdgasförder- und -transportnetze sind anfällig für (Teil-)Ausfälle, was zu Versorgungsunterbrechungen und Methanemissionen führt. Diese Netze müssen widerstandsfähiger werden. Das über die Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen unterstützte Projekt ResilientGas zielt darauf ab, ein neues Rahmenwerk zu entwickeln, das den Markow-Entscheidungsprozess und Deep Reinforcement Learning verwendet, um die Widerstandsfähigkeit von integrierten Erdgasförder- und -transportnetzsystemen zu optimieren. Das Projektteam konzentriert sich auf die Stärkung der europäischen Erdgasförder- und -transportnetze und zielt darauf ab, Gaserzeuger und Fernleitungsbetreiber zu unterstützen. Diese Forschungsarbeiten werden am Polytechnikum Mailand in Italien durchgeführt, mit zusätzlicher industrieller Expertise von ARAMIS SRL.


Natural Gas Production and Transmission (NGPT) network systems are vulnerable to (partial) failures, leading to natural gas supply disruptions and methane emissions, thus, calling for enhanced resilience. This project proposes to develop a novel framework for modelling and optimising the resilience of integrated NGPT network systems by employing Markov Decision Process (MDP) frameworks that identify optimal policies for system operation and maintenance. This novel approach allows for incorporating the dynamics of the system, including network topology and functionality changes upon operation and maintenance interventions; thus significantly improves on present-day practices. The MDP model is solved by Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) algorithms integrating a novel network capacity model developed using Graph Neural Networks (GNN). For illustration, I consider a European NGPT network comprising of offshore production platforms, subsea pipelines and onshore pipelines exporting the Norwegian gas to Europe. The project outcomes can be beneficial to gas producers and gas transmission operators whose optimal decisions contribute to more resilient natural gas supply for the benefit of Society. The success of ResilientGas hinges on advanced training on network resilience modelling, and on computational intelligence methods such as DRL and GNNs. I will thus need to compliment my own skills with a scientific tradition that is best studied with the team at Politecnico di Milano in Italy, where I will be under the direct supervision of Prof. Enrico Zio, whose research team is internationally recognised to lead the development of advanced tools and techniques for reliability, risk and resilience. A six-month placement in ARAMIS SRL ( a cutting-edge R&D company, is foreseen to complement the research training with industrial practice and first-hand experience in deploying project outcomes, enabling me to position myself as a top researcher in this field.


€ 215 937,60
20133 Milano

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Nord-Ovest Lombardia Milano
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