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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Gurdwara Architecture in the diasPora. Understanding the effects on (non-)Sikhs to build an inclusive urban environment


Untersuchung der Sikh-Gurdwaras in der Diaspora

Religiöse Praktiken werden zunehmend in säkularen Gebäuden ausgeübt, doch ihre Auswirkungen auf die soziale Interaktion und städtische Inklusion werden oft unterschätzt. Das Team des im Rahmen der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen unterstützten Projekts GAP untersucht den Einfluss von Gurdwaras innerhalb der Sikh-Pandschabi-Diaspora in Europa, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf Italien und Singapur. In Italien, wo sich 58 der 140 Gurdwaras in der EU befinden, handelt es sich bei den Sikh-Tempeln häufig um umgenutzte Lagerhallen in Industriegebieten. Im Gegensatz dazu befinden sich in Singapur, einem historischen Ziel der Sikh-Pandschabi-Diaspora, die Gurdwaras im Stadtzentrum und widerspiegeln die traditionelle Sikh-Tempelarchitektur. Unter Anwendung eines transdisziplinären Ansatzes wird das GAP-Team empirische Belege für eine wirkungsvolle europäische Governance der religiösen Vielfalt sammeln.


Religions increasingly materialize inside secular buildings with aesthetic and architectural characteristics which produce impacts that are still underestimated in the process of social interaction and urban inclusion. The GAP project aims to study these effects by exploring for the first time the opinion of (non-)users regarding the materiality and aesthetics of gurdwaras built in countries concerned by Sikh-punjabi diaspora. The emblematic case of Italy, a country that is home to 58 of the 140 gurdwaras in the EU (after Brexit), will be examined. Here, Sikh temples are pre-existing warehouses located in industrial and artisanal areas that communities are unable to fully convert. To better understand and act on such hybrid materialities, the GAP will also examine the views of (non)gurdwara users in the city-state of Singapore, an early destination of the Sikh-Punjabi diaspora (mid-19th century). Here, they are mostly located in the city center and their architecture resembles the 'iconic' forms of the Sikh temples of Punjab. The research will consider a representative sample of four Sikh temples that will be examined through a trans-disciplinary approach (geography, urban studies and religious studies) and a methodology that integrates traditional qualitative research techniques, including participatory activities, with Digital Humanities. The GAP will provide new empirical material to help build effective European governance of religious diversity in terms of inclusion and social interaction. It will also contribute to the process of legal recognition of Sikhism in Italy. The GAP will be conducted over the course of 36 months at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (prof. Alessandro Saggioro). The outgoing phase will be carried out at Singapore University Management (Prof. Orlando Woods). GAP also provides for an 8-month secondment at the Bruno Kessler Foundation (Italy; prof. Massimo Leone).


€ 315 803,52
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5
00185 Roma

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Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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