Final Report Summary - MEDRESIN (Medical Research Initiative South East)
The three meetings each included information and training sessions in which experts provided detailed information and showed skills essential for competing for European research projects. Based upon this training, the meetings continued with proposal building meetings, in which researchers gathered to develop and draft the first sketches of what several grew into full project proposals submitted to FP7.
Participation in the project activities, meetings and proposal building efforts was open to all researchers in biomedicine who work in a field relevant to FP7and who are interested in and committed to cooperating in a European project (extended consortium). Having had a first training and proposal building session in 2006, several teams continued their efforts and thus the second and third training and proposal building meetings in 2007 gathered both existing teams already active and several new groups with new projects ideas. Moreover, three workshop teams met separately and were specifically supported in finalisation of their proposals. Based on the collaborations instigated within the three MEDRESIN SEE meetings, six project proposals have been submitted to FP7 in spring and autumn. One of these projects has been granted funding. A second one is still under consideration by the European Commission. Additionally, within almost all teams long lasting cooperation and networks have been established.