Researchers’ Night 2007 in Ile de France (IDFFERN) : if I were e researcher…” aims at giving the opportunity to a large public to meet researchers outside their laboratories. This federative project that brings together 9 partners (local authorities, networks of associations, research structures, SMEs and universities) will result in a festive night all over the territory of the Ile-de-France Region. The project will be linked with other events taking place in France at the same time. The large public will be invited to put themselves in a researcher’s shoes through a variety of captivating activities dedicated to different age categories (children, young and elderly people;..) : scientific theatre, pedagogic activities, demonstrations… The activities have a funny and fascinating side but also raise awareness of the participants on sustainable development of the region and other social issues. They will encourage the idea that every citizen can play an active role in science making. Researchers will be invited to unveil and share their passion with the public in the nice relaxed atmosphere of public gardens, bars and restaurants, theatres and libraries. They will also have the occasion to prove the young public that European research domain offers multiple career possibilities. Several communication channels will be used to disseminate the information all over Ile-de-France (web site, newspapers, radio…). A film will result from the night that will be broadcasted on internet. Further to the event, the IDFFERN consortium will launch new projects, benefiting from this innovative experience of festive events to raise the interest of the public in scientific issues.
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CSA-SA - Support actionsCoordinatore
75007 Paris