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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-18

RESEARCHER'S NIGHT, COPENHAGEN Meet science in art, music, food and drink


Researcher's Night will be celebrated on Sep. 28th in Copenhagen, Denmark as the conclusion of the Week-long Danish Science Week. The event will take place at the Town Hall Square and involves • hands-on exhibits (from Sept 24th to Sept. 28 • a special Friday Night Event with focus on science in art, music and • the Finals of the Draw a Scientist national competition The objective is to make science accessible to an audience of young people between 15 and 30, who will be in town on a Friday night. The researchers presenting the activities will themselves be young, most of them PhD students, thus stimulating a dialogue between the presenters and the audience. By using popular music performers and offering interesting activities involving food and drink, a large young audience is expected to participate, and the unusual approach to science communication is also expected to attract a lot of press coverage. The young scientists comes from different universities in the Copenhagen area. These universities have collaborated making big exhibitions of this kind in 2002, 2004 and 2006. The activity is planned by Danish Science Communication (DSC), a non-profit organisation with 10 years of experience in doing science events in cities, railway stations, rock festivals and so on. DSC is a co-founder of EUSCEA, the European Science Events Association.

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CSA-SA - Support actions


Contributo UE
€ 69 769,00
Costo totale
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