The broad science objective of this proposal is to search for the root causes of solar magnetic activity by establishing connections and physical relationships between internal solar properties and the various components of magnetic activity in the solar interior and atmosphere. The physical processes inside the Sun are best studied with helioseismology, i.e. the observation and interpretation of solar seismic waves. Helioseismology is on the verge of a revolution with (1) the development of new techniques of data analysis and interpretation and (2) forthcoming observations by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO, scheduled for launch in 2008), which represents a major technological step beyond the ESA/NASA SOHO mission: higher spatial resolution, higher cadence, and a complete view of the solar disk and the corona. I propose to develop an active program of research in local helioseismology, a relatively young science. New methods of analysis will be developed to make 3D images of the solar interior and to infer the subsurface structure of sunspots using full-waveform modeling techniques. In order to take full advantage of space-based observations, I propose to establish a computing center for helioseismology at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, which will provide the infrastructure and the manpower required to process the relevant SOHO/MDI and SDO/HMI data and to deliver original science data products.
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ERC-SG - ERC Starting GrantIstituzione ospitante
80539 Munchen