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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-06-18

EU Fusion for ITER Applications


Deployment of e-Infrastructures for scientific communities

ITER is the next generation of fusion devices and is intended to demonstrate the scientific and technical feasibility of fusion as a sustainable energy source for the future. To exploit the full potential of the device and to guarantee optimal operation for the device a high degree of physics modelling and simulation is needed already in the current construction phase of the ITER project. First principles modelling tools that are needed for an adequate description of the underlying physics cover both a wide range of timescales and spatial orderings and are in general very demanding from a computational point of view. Current modelling activities relies on local or national computational resources and an improved access to computing infrastructures will be instrumental in advancing a pan-European modelling activity for ITER to a very competitive status in relation to the ITER partners.
The EUFORIA project will provide a comprehensive framework and infrastructure for core and edge transport and turbulence simulation, linking grid and High Performance Computing (HPC), to the fusion modelling community.
The project will enhance the modelling capabilities for ITER and DEMO sized plasmas through the adaptation, optimization and integration of a set of critical applications for edge and core transport modelling targeting different computing paradigms as needed (serial and parallel grid computing and HPC). Deployment of both a grid service and a High Performance computing services are essential to the project. A novel aspect is the dynamic coupling and integration of codes and applications running on a set of heterogeneous platforms into a single coupled framework through a workflow engine a mechanism needed to provide the necessary level integration in the physics applications. This strongly enhances the integrated modelling capabilities of fusion plasmas and will at the same time provide new computing infrastructure and tools to the fusion community in general.

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€ 430 700,00

Auf der Karte ansehen

Södra Sverige Västsverige Västra Götalands län
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Kontakt Verwaltung
Ingrid Eriksson (Mrs)
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Beteiligte (15)