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Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-30

Foundations Research and Mapping

Final Report Summary - FOREMAP (Foundations research and mapping)

Research is ever present in all aspects of our lives, from driving innovation and economic development, to contributing to the development of therapies and informing policy-making. In every European country foundations are supporting research, yet how much do we know and understand of their contribution, beyond the anecdotal? In an era when research is of increasing strategic importance, it is crucial we seek answers to this question and better understand foundations' added value which lies beyond the monetary. This is key information to research policy making at every level (national and European) and for different types of organisations (universities, foundations, research institutes etc.).

The Foremap project has developed a mapping methodology and tools to document foundations' support for research and to enable the collection of comparable data across countries for a Europe wide picture of their activity. The methodology was developed by the European Foundation Centre (EFC), which has been active in documenting the European foundation sector for some time, with guidance and input from a scientific advisory committee (SAC) made up of five scientists and experts:

- two were researchers from the University of Leuven (BE) and the University of Heidelberg (DE) with proven expertise and track record in documenting the third sector (which includes foundations);
- one was a representative from Eurostat (the statistical office of the European Communities) with specific expertise for science, technology and innovation;
- two were representatives from European foundations supporting research: The Riksbankends Jubileumsfond (SE) and Compagnia di San Paolo (IT).

The methodology developed by the EFC with contributions from the SAC was tested in four pilot studies undertaken in countries chosen for the diversity of their foundations sector and of their research performance. These countries are Germany, Portugal, Slovakia and Sweden. The objective was to ensure that the methodology could be applied in countries with varying foundation sectors and research capacity. The pilot studies were undertaken in each country by experts chosen for their knowledge and understanding of their national foundation sector. All have been active in documenting foundations and the third sector in their respective countries.

Based on the outcomes of the four pilot studies, the mapping methodology was revised before the organisation of a workshop held in Brussels on 10 September 2009. The workshop brought together some 25 participants from across Europe, representing ministries of research, associations of foundations, researchers active in studying the foundation sector, research foundations and members of the SAC and the researchers responsible for the four pilot studies.

The objectives of the workshop were threefold:

- to review the methodology and first experience to identify further areas where improvements could be possible;
- to review how better understanding of research foundations' contribution to science could be useful to a variety of players both at national and European level;
- to start raising interest for the mappings to be extended to the rest of the EU.

Following the workshop, a book of all project outcomes and more was edited (Understanding European research foundations - ISBN 978 1 907376 00 9), and a postcard was created. Both will serve as tools for not only disseminating the outcomes of the project (the mapping methodology tools, and outcomes of the pilot studies) but also to encourage further mappings. Indeed the project will only have a real impact if the methodology and tools are applied in further countries, and if stakeholders understand what type of information such mapping can gather and how this is information is relevant for them. So far there has been positive interest from foundations, associations of foundations to support such work.