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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-28

Bureau for EU-Mexican Science and Technology Cooperation – Step II

Final Report Summary - UEMEXCYT II (Bureau for EU-Mexican science and technology cooperation - step II)

The aim of the UEMEXCYT2 project focused on three of main aspects; continue to consolidate the dialogue between the major stakeholders in Mexico and the EU, to raise awareness about the last opportunity for collaboration within the FP7 and the development of the second Fact Finding Mission of European Experts to Mexico. The consolidation of the cooperation among Mexico and the EU had been always the main axe of the activities of the project; one of the most relevant actions to strengthen the cooperation for this third and last period of the project was on the frame of the last FP7 joint mechanism among CONACYT and the European Commission (DGRTD), the KBBE Biodiversity 'Partnering Initiative' published on July 2012.

The project in coordination with the Mexican KBBE NCP, organized a Fact Finding Mission (FFM) in Mexico of European and Latin American Experts on the Biodiversity area, having the assistance and participation of experts from Chile, Costa Rica, Belgium, France, Spain, UK and Mexico. In spite of the increased interest of Mexican researchers, to have more mechanism with European countries, CONACYT continued the policy dialogue with European entities and agencies to explore new possible bilateral funding mechanisms.

In this same period, an intense work to disseminate the opportunities of collaboration within the last calls of the FP7 was developed, in strong coordination with the Mexican FP7 NCP's, and the European project partners, focusing our efforts to reach Mexican researchers that already have some kind of link or work relation with European colleagues, trying to stimulate the Mexican participation on this call.

One example of this was the workshop developed in Paris France where nine Mexican researchers financed with the travel grant scheme launched by the UEMEXCYT2 project, had the opportunity to assist and meet their European colleagues, also financed by the project having the opportunity to work in the preparation of proposals with the support and coach of the European partners of the project.