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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-06-18

Study of Strongly Interacting Matter

CORDIS bietet Links zu öffentlichen Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von HORIZONT-Projekten.

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(WP28) Development of SciFi/CheFi detector with SiPM readout”

Autoren: K. Suzuki

(WP4) p bar p→Lambda bar Lambda depolarization and spin transfer in a constituent quark model

Autoren: P.G. Ortega; D.R. Entem F. Fernandez

(WP6) Lambda-hypernuclear production in stopped (K-,pion) reactions reexamined

Autoren: V. Krejcirik

(WP24) A continuously running high-rate GEM-TPC for PANDA

Autoren: F.V. Böhmer

(WP4) High Statistics Analysis using Anisotropic Clover Lattices: (II) Three-Baryon Systems

Autoren: S. R. Beane; W. Detmold; T. C Luu; K. Orginos; A. Parreño; M. J. Savage; A. Torok; A. Walker-Loud

(WP13) Two-proton correlation function for the pp → pp + η and pp → pp + pions reactions

Autoren: P. Klaja et al.

(WP4) Higher order forward spin polarizability

Autoren: B. Pasquini; P. Pedroni; D. Drechsel

(WP4) The nn quasi-free nd breakup cross section: discrepancies with theory and implications for the 1S0 nn force

Autoren: H.Witała

(WP9) K-Mesic Nuclei Versus eta -Mesic Nuclei.

Autoren: Slawomir Wycech (Warsaw; Inst. Nucl. Studies)

(WP22) Charge symmetry breaking in parton distribution functions from lattice QCD

Autoren: Zanotti

Showing 1-10 out of 1204


Measurement of the $\phi \to \pi^0 e^+e^-$ transition form factor with the KLOE detector

Autoren: KLOE-2 Collaboration
Veröffentlicht in: HEPData

"Table 1" of "Measurement of the $\phi \to \pi^0 e^+e^-$ transition form factor with the KLOE detector"

Autoren: KLOE-2 Collaboration
Veröffentlicht in: HEPData

"Table_T02" of "Threshold ��0 photoproduction on transverse polarised protons at MAMI"

Autoren: MAINZ-A2 Collaboration
Veröffentlicht in: HEPData

"Table_T15" of "Threshold ��0 photoproduction on transverse polarised protons at MAMI"

Autoren: MAINZ-A2 Collaboration
Veröffentlicht in: HEPData

"Table_T12" of "Threshold ��0 photoproduction on transverse polarised protons at MAMI"

Autoren: MAINZ-A2 Collaboration
Veröffentlicht in: HEPData

EKHARA: A Monte Carlo generator for e + e − → e + e − π 0 and e + e − → e + e − π + π − processes

Autoren: Czyż, Henryk
Veröffentlicht in: Mendeley

"Table_T04" of "Threshold ��0 photoproduction on transverse polarised protons at MAMI"

Autoren: MAINZ-A2 Collaboration
Veröffentlicht in: HEPData

Threshold ��0 photoproduction on transverse polarised protons at MAMI

Autoren: MAINZ-A2 Collaboration
Veröffentlicht in: HEPData

"Table_T18" of "Threshold ��0 photoproduction on transverse polarised protons at MAMI"

Autoren: MAINZ-A2 Collaboration
Veröffentlicht in: HEPData

"Table 2" of "Inclusive Measurements of Inelastic Electron and Positron Scattering from Unpolarized Hydrogen and Deuterium Targets"

Autoren: HERMES Collaboration
Veröffentlicht in: HEPData

Showing 1-10 out of 225

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