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Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-18

Integrated cost-effective construction process for transport infrastructures, based on a flexible industrialisation of FRP components

Final Report Summary - TRANS-IND (Integrated cost-effective construction process for transport infrastructures, based on a flexible industrialisation of FRP components)

Executive Summary:

When the phases consist on a fibrous material dispersed in a continuous matrix phase, the resulting composite material is commonly known as Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP). Composites, as a structural material, offer the designer a combination of characteristics not available in traditional materials. Density, stiffness and strength are the properties that initially come to mind when thinking of FRP, and these would certainly be the design drivers for materials selection for components for future transport infrastructures.
FRPs are commonly used for strengthening existing concrete and steel structures in civil engineering. In the last decade there has been a concerted effort to migrate FRPs into the construction industry for use in primary load bearing applications. Potential capacity of these materials has not yet been exploited enough due to the complex manufacturing processes for composites components in construction. Until now manufacturing techniques are mainly based either on inefficient manual processes or on processes like pultrusion. Although the pultrusion is a very efficient process, it does not allow to a proper fibre orientation or to adopt variable section to each individual structure.
Trans-IND (new industrialised construction process for transport infrastructures based on polymer composite components) was a large-scale collaborative integrating research project funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme. The project, which was active from June 2009 till May 2013, is completed and has achieved successfully all its targets.
The overall objective of the project was to develop a cost-effective integrated construction process that enables the maximum capability of industrialisation of components for transport infrastructures (road and pedestrian bridges, underpasses, containing walls, acoustic and safety barriers) using fibre reinforced polymer based materials (FRP’s). The tangible result of the project is an integrated Trans-IND system that combines technical solutions that can be applied during all phases of construction process supported by software platform. An important aspect is that the Trans-IND system is to enable the reduction of the life cycle costs of FRP’s transport infrastructure through automation and process optimization, so that bridges can be made out of FRP components around 10% cheaper than conventional bridges.
Trans-IND coved the whole range of activities from gathering customer needs and requirements to specification for modular design of the transport infrastructure components, off-site components manufacturing, logistics, transport and on-site assembly and disassembly together with the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) tools needed to manage and handle the whole process. The off-site manufacturing is flexible answering both to the whole range of transport infrastructures and building components and its variable demand. The on-site assembly benefits from modular and adaptive plug-in joint solutions arising from the concept design of the components, together with the use of RFID or QRcodes for improved material flow control and traceability, lightweight cranes, intelligent positioning systems, ICTs and robotics applications.
The main breakthrough of the Trans-IND approach was a holistic, flexible, cost-effective, performance and sustainable knowledge-based industrialisation system of FRP components for transport infrastructures through the whole integration of the construction process fulfilling users and clients demands addressing their needs and requirements, social acceptance, standardization, on-site needs, industrial models, design, procurement, manufacturing process, logistics and assembly.
The ultimate goal was the efficiency of resources in the whole process and life cycle from procurement, manufacturing off site, logistics, assembly on site, operation and disassembly, by re-engineering the construction process towards a cost-effective manufacturing process integrating the entire supply and value chain. It contributes to the transformation of the EU industry from a resource-intensive to a knowledge-intensive one.
Project Context and Objectives:
In the world, the number of bridges that incorporate composites has increased considerably over the last decades. In 2003 there were 175 vehicular bridges and over 160 pedestrian bridges in service, built of composites which is quite an impressive number, taking into account that 10 years before, there were only about a dozen. The rise in the wide application and popularity of composite bridges was caused by the growing recognition of FRP composites structural durability, corrosion resistance and light weight, and in consequence: fast installation, better load-carrying capacity, virtually unlimited design freedom and no or very low maintenance over the life span of the bridge as well as vast energy savings (bridges made of lightweight glass-fiber-reinforced composite resin). All these advantages cause that the demand for composites in civil construction will continue to expand.
Looking at the European construction market, the FRP composite applications declined in the years 2005–2010. This was caused by the collapse of residential construction, weak GDP performance, decreased penetration. In 2010, however, the market recovered and is today growing steadily especially as the material becomes more known in this industry. The composite market is expected to reach $2.04 billion in 2016. Leading applications during the next five years will be: rebar, windows, bridge decks, utility poles, and architectural applications which are expected to present the average growth of above 7.0% annually. High potential applications will be in repair of bridges, rooftops and columns as well as in new buildings. Slower rates of growth will be visible in doors, bathtubs, and fiber-reinforced plastic panels. Moreover, as the composite market for construction applications is still price sensitive, high cost will still limit the development of new applications. The use of composites is growing in applications where weight savings, corrosion resistance, durability, and other performance benefits are crucial. Increasing energy efficiency requirements; greater focus on the total life-cycle cost of end products versus those manufactured of conventional materials; GDP growth; relative prices for competing materials; and the energy and infrastructure markets are expected to be important drivers for the composites in the European construction market.
The steady growth of composite bridges will continue and not only as an alternative material to conventional materials but also in conjunction with conventional materials in hybrid scenarios. It is expected that 20 years from now, around 20% of all bridges will feature composite materials. The growth potential and environmental benefits are impressive, especially if we take into account that composites have been, in the past, considered as a cosmetic material and excluded from infrastructure development material.

The scientific and technical objectives:

Below there has been listed the main targets that were put in front of the Trans-IND consortium.
1) Trans-IND conceptual model and specifications
-Definition of Trans-IND conceptual model: The vision for an innovative and cost-effective industrialisation conceptual model for composite transport infrastructures components (road and pedestrian bridges, underpass, containing walls, acoustic and safety barriers).
-The definition of the technical performance indicators and requirements by gathering and analysing clients & users demands and the needs of the whole value chain covering the whole life cycle of the transport infrastructures components: concept and design, procurement, manufacturing, logistics, construction (assembly), operation (maintenance) and disassembly.
-The definition of the socio-economic, environmental and energy performance indicators and requirements of the whole value chain and the whole life cycle.
-Definition of the required technical performance of FRP materials (mechanical behaviour, durability, fatigue resistance).
-The requirements from existing literature: normative from other fields (materials characterisation testing), recommendations and guidelines at the National and European level for FRP components, establishing the starting point for components design and pre-normative research.
- Definition of the future scenario for transport infrastructures.
- Specification of the Trans-IND system covering: knowledge management, materials, procurement, design of composite transport infrastructure components, off-site manufacturing facilities and processes, logistics, on-site assembly and disassembly.

2)Design, development and implementation of the integrated Trans-IND industrialisation system
-New conceptual design model of the selected FRP components and plug-in joint elements based on the industrialisation system. Catalogued standardised products (product types, geometry, dimension, technical performance).
-Conceptual design and development/implementation of the off-site industrialisation process.
-Innovative off-site manufacturing process supported by ICT tools and robotics.
-Machinery, tooling and facility lay-out (human resources included).
-Design and development/implementation of flexible, rapid and reliable on-site assembly methods.
-Innovative on-site assembly methods.
-RFID application, adapted ICTs, robotics and intelligent positioning systems.
-Development of a software platform to provide a holistic approach in the management, design, simulation, visualization and knowledge management of the whole process.
-Trans-IND system (a cost-effective integrated construction process that enables the maximum capability of industrialisation of composite components for transport infrastructures).

3)Demonstration of the Trans-IND system:
-Demonstration of the flexible industrialisation system through monitoring of the performance indicators and assessment of the results along the whole value chain.
-Recommendations for standardisation of FRP components.
-Provide the technical knowledge to different stakeholders (civil engineers, technological providers, off-site and on-site workers, etc) through training and education.
-To build up and deploy an awareness and dissemination plan.
-To build up exploitation plan and business model options for exploiting the Trans-IND system.

4)The new construction process objectives will be achieved through:
-A full reengineering of the transport infrastructure construction process and of the components together with associated services development, covering their whole life-cycle.
-Integrating the full value chain: citizens (social acceptance), end-users, regulatory and standardization bodies, clients (public and PPP), civil engineers, construction companies, materials manufacturers, components manufacturers/suppliers, equipment manufacturers, service suppliers, etc. (most of them SMEs).
-Analysing the most suitable sustainable strategies in order to specify the technical, socio-economic and environmental requirements of the whole industrialisation process of the components.
-Applying the most advanced techniques on components design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA), as well as analysis and simulation technology. Design and manufacturing of innovative joint solutions and robotics for rapid, standardised and configurable on-site assembly methods for industrialised components.
-Providing a design tool for component designers from which a catalogue of components will be developed as well as a design guide with standardized solutions, including a decision support tool.
-Implementing flexible manufacturing methods and equipment for off-site components production.
-Establishing component approval procedures (off-site quality control) at the end of the production line.
-Developing rapid, reliable on-site assembly methods by applying RFID, adapted ICTs, robotics and intelligent positioning systems including monitoring and evaluation of the composite components performance.
-Adopting/adapting ICT tools supporting all the integrated process of the value chain: requirements from client & user needs, design manufacturing, logistics, and assembly, including holistic approach in the management, simulation, visualization, and knowledge management tools.

Trans-IND project is completed on time and has achieved its targets with successful and its results are ready to be exploited on the growing market.

Trans-IND project has a great impact in this growing market for FRP in construction.

Some of the solutions that are achieved thanks to the Trans-IND integrated system come from:

New components that have been designed in these FRP materials: beams, decks, acoustic and safety barriers, special joints for these components that are presented in the project catalogue;

Material used in the main components and its advantages as compared to traditional materials:
- Corrosion to environmental agents;
- Lighter weight of the whole structure (up to 4 times the weight of traditional materials), which results in: Achieving longer spans with a lower number of pillars due to lighter weight of the main components (the beams in a bridge, for example); Constructing infrastructures in locations with difficult access (new means of transport such as helicopters can be used; light trucks and cranes can be used for the logistics, temporary roads can be used); Economical foundation; Fast assembly.
- Machinery for FRP manufacturing specially adopted to the components designed within the Trans-IND project;
- Intelligent positioning system and robotics applied during the on-site assembly process in order to make easier the on-site assembly thereby reducing physical efforts of the workers and improving their security at the site;
- Information and material management:
Trans-IND software platform: Common platform for storing project, product and process related information and documents, accessible by different users with different roles and permissions (Investor/client, main contractor, certification authority, quality control officer, project manager, safety control officer, etc.).
This platform includes:
a) Configuration Tool, which helps during the tender phase shortening the times needed to create cost estimations and drawings;
b) Knowledge Management Tool, which provides controlled access to required information and documents, allowing access to up-to-date information about the project status;
Scheduler: helps to plan and manage the transport and installation process.
Tracking of the materials with RFID tags and QR codes. The identifiers stored in these tags allow direct access to related information by means of the Knowledge Management Tool.

The main breakthrough of the Trans-IND approach is a flexible, cost-effective, performance and sustainable knowledge-based industrialisation system of FRP components for transport infrastructures through the whole integration of the construction process fulfilling users and clients demands addressing their needs and requirements, social acceptance, standardization, on-site needs, nD industrial models, design, procurement, manufacturing process, logistics and assembly/disassembly.
Project Results:
In the last decade there has been a concerted effort to apply Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) into the construction industry more widely, including the use in primary load-bearing applications. Potential advantages commonly expounded by proponents of FRP materials include high specific strength, high specific stiffness, tailorable durability, good fatigue performance, versatile fabrication and lower maintenance costs. As a result, reinforced polymer composites are being investigated in applications such as rehabilitation and retrofit, and as an alternative reinforcement for concrete. However, the number of primary structural applications of FRP in construction (i.e. the entire FRP structures) remains relatively low.

Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) material and the associated technologies for bridge construction and refurbishment have been proven to be durable and sustainable. Much research and a number of recent projects have demonstrated that FRP bridges can also be cost-effective, provided that the cost and benefits over the lifecycle are considered and the solutions are produced through an efficient industrialisation chain developed and demonstrated within the Trans-IND project.

Trans-IND consortium identified 32 exploitable results which are listed and described below.

1.Assessment of the performance of FRP materials for construction applications
2.Conceptual Trans-IND model
3.Detailed design of FRP beams
4.Detailed design of FRP Deck
5.Detailed design of safety barrier system
6.Detailed design of acoustic barrier system
7.Plug-in joint solutions designed
8.Catalogue of standardised FRP components
9.Conceptual off site industrialization process
10.Autonomous navigation system for beam finishing operations
11.Lab-scale modular system for fabrication of composite components including software control system
12.Multi-axial UD Cross ply machine
13.FRP deck manufacturing process (advanced pultrusion)
14.Automation of cross-ply process for DForm® prepreg production
15.Rib mould manufacturing including DForm® technology (Deformable Composite System)
16.Continuous Compression Moulding process
17.Automatic Quality Control and NDT procedures integrated in the manufacturing system
18.A consultancy service to support optimized design of dimensional and morphological control system for FRP components using laser scanner technology
19.Conceptual on-site assembly method
20.RFID-based technologies supporting logistics and assembly process
21.Asset management tool for the on-site assembly process
22.Use of QRCodes for item tracking and production and assembly support
23.Intelligent positioning system and robotics for on-site assembly processes (for large scale components e.g. beams)
24.Consultancy to support on-site assembling and disassembling activities of FRP barriers based on Manual Guidance Device
25.Conceptual business model for value chain integration
26.Integrated Trans-IND software platform
27.Trans-IND Scheduler
28.Bridge semantic model and rules
29.Testing and certification procedures
30.Recommendation for standardization
31.Demonstration construction
32.Integrated Trans-IND system

The detailed description of each of the results is also described below:

1. Assessment of the performance of FRP materials for construction applications
- Innovation content of result: design and manufacturing customized flexible structures, new light weight, modular, easy to transport and assemble structural elements, with dimensions and configurations practically impossible to deliver with current technologies.
- Customer: Companies of infrastructure composite manufacturing, consultants, architects, designers, producer or service in the field of NDT systems, education schemes.
- Benefit to the customer: Customers will be able to build structures that was not possible, or if it was, the installation/assembly will be shorter and easier. New design capabilities and lower manufacturing costs.

2. Conceptual Trans-IND model
- Innovation content of result: Cooperation between manufacturers, designers, builders and suppliers, use of RFID and ICTs’ during process. Conceptual Trans-IND model is fully integrated, which makes it fast and efficient.
- Customer: All kinds of transport infrastructure investors (private and public), construction companies, manufacturers, suppliers
- Benefit to the customer: Shortening of whole building process, integration of the process of building road infrastructure for transport

3. Detailed design of FRP beams
- Innovation content of result: Design of new light weight, modular, easy to transport and assemble beams made of composites.
- Customer: Architects, consultants, construction and engineering companies.
- Benefit to the customer: Possibility of building structures that was not possible with traditional materials or, if it was, the assembly with FRP materials will be shorter and easier.

4. Detailed design of FRP deck
- Innovation content of result: Trans-IND Deck innovative design includes new concept for composite (FRP - Concrete) deck. - Maximum span between supports: 3.5 m, maximum span in cantilever: 1.2m height of the deck: 75-100 mm, height of the connection: 40 mm maximum (constraint due to the concrete layer), thickness of the laminate: 3-6 mm, composite part designed as pultrusion profile
- Customer: Investors, Architects, Engineers, consultants, construction and engineering companies
- Benefit to the customer: durability (highly resistant to corrosion and fatigue); lightweight; high strength; rapid Installation; lower or competitive life-cycle cost; high quality manufacturing processes under controlled environments.

5. Detailed design of safety barrier system
- Innovation content of result: Innovative design for safety barrier made of composite materials profiles combined with traditional steel IPE profiles. The application field is the transport infrastructures such as bridges. This new safety barrier system is modular, light weight and easy to transport and assemble. The detailed design of the safety barrier has been carried out according to the European Standards EN 1317- 2 “Road restraint systems – Part 2: Performance classes, impact test acceptance criteria and test methods for safety barriers”. By extensive production trials process windows could be determined for the production of the safety barriers. It could be shown that the closed cap profiles are most suitable for the desired application fields.
- Customer: Architects, Engineers, consultants, construction and engineering companies.
- Benefit to the customer: The new safety barrier system is modular, higher impact performances, light weight and easy to transport and assemble.

6. Detailed design of acoustic barrier system
- Innovation content of result: The results are focused on the effectiveness of panels made of the strategic assembly of GFRP and rockwool as acoustic barriers in highways and bridges to reduce the noise pollution.
- Customer: Construction and engineering companies.
- Benefit to the customer: Short production times and low manufacturing costs; Easiness in assemblies.

7. Plug-in joint solution
- Innovation content of result: Elaboration of the design of easy-to-use plug-in joints, and join methods for thermoplastic and thermoset components which make the assembly process easier, shorter and more effective.
- Customer: Manufacturers of composite elements who want to be more attractive to the investors.
- Benefit to the customer: Easiness of assembly, shortening of assembly and disassembly process.

8. Catalogue of standardised FRP components
- Innovation content of result: The Trans-IND Catalogue includes the conceptual design model and provides information and solutions about the different components developed and how to integrate them into the day to day design process of transport components. It is also a tool for the dissemination of the project results. The Catalogue makes designing easier thanks to the collection of the technical information about the main transport infrastructures’ components, materials, standards and some solutions to solve typical design problems.
- Customer: Engineering companies, especially small, that will be able to design composite structures easily with use of this catalogue; Construction companies; Consulting companies; Civil Engineers and Architects.
- Benefit to the customer: The Catalogue will support the engineers in the design of the main components of transport infrastructures

9. Conceptual off site industrialization process
- Innovation content of result: Manufacturing processes high automation level and at the same time high flexibility and agility for coping different sizes and quantities of FRP components.
- Customer: Machine and equipment manufacturers, composite parts manufacturers from different sectors (e.g. construction, aeronautics,..)
- Benefit to the customer: adapting the manufacturing system regarding different product types and quantities to variable market demands

10. Autonomous navigation system for beam finishing operations
- Innovation content of result: Navigation software for mobile platforms.
- Customer: Manufacturing companies of large scale parts; mobile robotics developers and manufacturers.
- Benefit to the customer: Decrease of time during manufacturing process.

11.Lab-scale modular system for fabrication of composite components
- Innovation content of result: New automated and flexible system for producing composite components (close shape beam) with combination of two technology processes. Specially developed software control system for specific requirements for the structure of composite components.
- Customer: Manufacturers of composite parts for civil engineering application (e.g. construction companies ).
- Benefit to the customer: Automation of manufacturing process for production of composite part (closed shape beam). Increase of productivity, reduction of time; use the different types of materials in production process.

12. Multi-axial UD Crossply machine
- Innovation content of result: New innovative multi-axial UD Crossply machine not available on the market.
- Customer: Prepreg makers and suppliers, component manufacturers
- Benefit to the customer: Lay-up time will be reduced by making the stacks by means of this machine and a laminating line. Quality of the product will be increased due to the exact positioning of the UD layers.

13.FRP deck manufacturing process
- Innovation content of result: New optimized manufacturing process for composite decks designed within the project.
- Customer: Machine and equipment manufacturers, raw material manufacturers, composite parts manufacturers.
- Benefit to the customer: New technology which will not only give them entry in the construction sector, but also in sectors which currently are dominated by manual or low productivity processes.

14.Automation of cross-ply process for DForm® prepreg production
- Innovation content of result: Rapid moulding with DForm allowing unidirectional prepreg to be formed over complex shapes including double curvatures and tight radii, this technology is established and patented but current production methods are slow and labour-intensive; the innovation in this result is the automation of a crucial stage in the manufacture of the DForm prepreg which requires crossplying in order to render the material practical.
- Customer: Any composite moulding business could take advantage of DForm to increase productivity and reduce reject rate
- Benefit to the customer: Rapid lamination over surfaces including double curvatures using low-skilled workers to produce complex parts at a high quality level; automation of the crossplying stage of the manufacturing process will reduce manufacturing costs, hence costs to the customer, as well as speeding up the process thereby reducing the impact on the prepreg outline.

15.Rib mould manufacturing including DForm® technology
- Innovation content of result: Rapid moulding with DForm allowing unidirectional prepreg to be formed over complex shapes including double curvatures and tight radii; this technology will be demonstrated through the production of a rib tool and component. Current methods include woven fabric prepreg which is much more labour-intensive to lay up and dry preform infusion which has limitations in achievable fibre content and resin properties.
- Customer: Any composite moulding business could take advantage of DForm to increase productivity and reduce reject rate.
- Benefit to the customer: Rapid lamination over surfaces including double curvatures using low-skilled workers to produce complex parts at a high quality level.

16. Continuous Compression Moulding process
- Innovation content of result: With the CCM-process it is possible to produce continuously geometric formed profiles, even so called closed profiles. It is possible to use the outstanding mechanical properties of the textile reinforcement in combination with the weldability and formability of the thermoplastic matrix system for the production of safety barriers.
- Customer: Construction companies, machine suppliers.
- Benefit to the customer: The use of lightweight materials for production of profiles; Improved material properties.

17. Automatic Quality Control and NDT procedures Integrated in the manufacturing system
- Innovation content of result: The result is focused on the development of NDT methods based on existing technologies, but with set-ups and procedures specifically designed for the new FRP manufacturing products and processes.
- Customer: Producer of the new Trans-IND manufacturing systems, Users of the new Trans-IND manufacturing systems, Producer or service in the field of NDT systems, Producers and users in other fields with similar applications (e.g. aeronautics, wind turbine bland, naval).
- Benefit to the customer: NDT inspection will be made with higher reliability (safety), reduced inspection time and costs. More flexibility to inspect FRP elements with high thickness and complex shape is given. An accurate inspection reduces the risk of cracks, accident and cost of maintenance.

18.A consultancy service to support optimized design of dimensional and morphological control system for FRP components using laser scanner technology
- Innovation content of result: The result is focused on the development of methods and procedures based on laser scanner technology dedicated to design, Hw and Sw configuration and set up of the most appropriate “dimensional and morphological control system” for the FRP products and processes. Developed tools will be used by ITIA to furnish an integrated service focused on dimensional and morphological control.
- Customer: Producers of dimensional and morphological control systems. Producers of FRP components.
- Benefit to the customer: Companies involved in dimensional and morphological controls.

19. Conceptual on-site assembly method
-Innovation content of result: Using composite elements allows for assembly with use of light cranes. Connectors are plug-in joints. Assembly process is short and do not require long-term traffic disturbance. Elements are delivered in just-in-time system.
- Customer: Construction companies specialized in road infrastructure
- Benefit to the customer: Shortening of the assembly process duration; only light cranes are needed so the cost will be lower.

20. RFID-based technologies supporting logistics and assembly process
- Innovation content of result: improve and control information flow and components traceability, increase competitiveness and improve the assembly process and the safety on site by rapid, precise and safe placement of the components, integration of conceptual design from off-site manufacturing, logistics and on-site assembly in an holistic approach for management.
- Customer: Manufacturer of FRP-Components, Construction Companies.
- Benefit to the customer: increased cost competitiveness through shorter construction times and reduced failure frequency.

21. Asset management tool for the on-site assembly process
- Innovation content of result Software functionalities to: uniquely identify physical bridge parts, track the lifecycle and the location of these physical parts, access part information from the identifier of the part (RFID or QRCode).
- Customer: Manufacturer of FRP-Components, Construction Companies.
- Benefit to the customer: Improve components flow control and traceability, Ease access to part related information. For example: history, location, assembly and safety instruction.

22.Use of QRCodes for item tracking and production and assembly support
- Innovation content of result: On-site crews rarely has access to the internet, but Smartphone with camera, internet connection and positioning capability are becoming a standard. QR codes scanning and processing combined with positioning and wireless networking technologies are used to develop innovative solutions which allow architectural, engineering and construction companies to do daily on-site jobs more efficiently.
- Customer Architecture, engineering and construction companies. Contractors, developers and municipalities.
- Benefit to the customer: Improvement of operational planning response (tracking), production and assembly support (extended content provision on the phones) and quality control procedures (positioning, identification of parts, online provision of extended part information)

23. Intelligent positioning system for on-site assembly processes (large scale)
- Innovation content of result: Software application to help crane operator during the manipulation and positioning of large parts.
- Customer: Crane manufactures, construction companies, other companies that assembly large scale components.
- Benefit to the customer: Decrease of time during assembly operation, and reduction of human resources during assembly.

24. Consultancy service to support automation of on-site assembling and disassembling activities of FRP barriers based on Manual Guidance Device
- Innovation content of result: CNR-ITIA will be able to offer consultancy service to support automation in assembly and disassembly operations. The result is focused on the development of a tool, based on manual guidance device dedicated to support assembling and disassembling activities enhancing productivity.
- Customer: Companies involved in FRP components assembly and disassembly in construction and transport sectors.
- Benefit to the customer: Customers will enhance productivity reducing the working time especially for repetitive operations.

25. Conceptual business model for value-chain integration
- Innovation content of result: The present project intends to transform a demand-driven and effort-based sector into a sustainable innovation-driven one, that is user-oriented, flexible, creative, innovative, performance and knowledge-based, being the ultimate goal the efficiency of resources in the whole process and life cycle. For this purpose a full business re-engineering that integrates the whole value chain (including demand and supply chains) of the transport infrastructure construction and of the components manufacturing process will be carried out.
The new business model for industrialised FRP components and systems for civil infrastructure projects creates new added-values through the horizontal and vertical value-chain integration to solve the current fragmentation problem in the construction sector.
A comprehensive market survey and a number of real case studies from different EU countries are also included as an empirical underpinning for the new business model.
- Customer: Clients/customers (project owners) and providers of integrated products and services (large construction companies). Every FRP manufacturer and producer which is willing to improve its current business processes.
- Benefit to the customer: The delivered project will meet the customer’s requirements optimally since these requirements are clearly structured according to Systems Engineering method, and the achievement of the demanded quality/performance is assured through Performance-Based Procurement.
The new construction process will be achieved through:
Integrating the whole value chain: citizens (social acceptance), end-users, regulatory and standardization bodies, clients (public and PPP), civil engineers, construction companies, materials manufacturers, components manufacturers/suppliers, equipment manufacturers, service suppliers, etc. (most of them SMEs)
The ability to adopt and adapt the ICT tools to support the integrated process within the value chain, i.e. modelling of the clients and users requirements , design for manufacturing and assembly, including a holistic approach for the management, simulation, visualization, and knowledge management.

26. Integrated Trans-IND software platform
- Innovation content of result: The Trans-IND integrated software platform is a set of user tools developed on top of a common understanding layer. These tools are: configuration tool, off-site manufacturing support tool, on-site assembly support tool and, knowledge management tool.
The Trans-IND Software Platform makes accessible and executable the Trans-IND industrialised processes and the transversal procedures of knowledge management activities.
It is built upon the pre-existing REPCON® technological platform developed by Semantic Systems.
Tools are integrated by means of the common understanding layer based on Semantic Web technologies, which will hold the information about projects and all their components, through the infrastructure lifecycle: conceptual design from off-site manufacturing, logistics and on-site assembly in a holistic approach for management, simulation, visualization, and knowledge management.
User tools will show and give access to different aspects or facets of the whole project depending of its development phase accessing the same reference information : Knowledge-storing and real time information about the project status
This reference information is structured according to generic and specific ontologies. Ontologies can be maintained by the user organisation to adapt the common understanding layer to the evolving context (new designs, materials, and processes for example).
The tools and the common repository are generic outcomes, customized during the project to the specific area of bridges and FRP parts. Generic ontologies for manufacturing processes, logistic tracking and geo-localisation are also generic outcomes of this task.
- Customer: Organisations in the construction industry that have an important workload in engineering phase and high needs of sharing structured information along the whole lifecycle of the infrastructure.
Producers of Fibre Reinforced Polymers components for transport infrastructure
Benefit to the customer: Increased cost competitiveness through shorter construction times and reduced failure frequency, Real time information about the project. Higher control of documents and materials, Design industrialised composite transport infrastructure keeping under control the whole life cycle, The underlying Semantic technologies bring enhanced adaptability to product, process and partners evolution, By extending and adapting the ontologies on which the platform is based, administrators at user organizations can adapt the software platform. That way, tools built on top of it are always up-to-date with respect to the product or processes they deal with. This flexibility does not preclude the use of legacy information coming from existing ERP, CAD or BIM systems.

27) Trans-IND Scheduler
- Innovation content of result: The application supporting the scheduling of construction projects provides a user graphic interface, which has been created using the "Qt Creator" integrated programming environment. Functionalities associated with scheduling of construction projects have been implemented in the C++ language. The application has been developed for the Windows platform.
- Customer: Construction companies, designers
- Benefit to the customer: The application supporting the scheduling of construction projects provides an easy-to-operate graphic user interface along with many descriptions, which constitute self-commenting program documentation in the form of descriptions and hints.

28. Bridge semantic model and rules
- Innovation content of result: The integrated software platform is driven by a semantic model of the bridge that includes rules (for configuration for example). This model and the associated rules constitute as such a result of the project.
- Customer: No customer intended outside the project partners.The model and the rules enter in details that can be considered confidential. Partners should agree on uses of this model after the project.
Benefit to the customer: N/A.

29. Testing and certification procedures
- Innovation content of result: The result is focused on the drafting of proposals for new or altered testing or certification procedures
- Customer: Standardization bodies, industrial users, control bodies.
Benefit to the customer: Clarity, equity for the standard of production and inspection. Parameter for the competition.

30. Recommendations for standardization
- Innovation content of result: Recommendations for standardization of FRP (based on TransIND infrastructure elements, processes...). Collected existing standards on FRP field in one place, properly assessed, sorted, easy to use in design, production, testing, education...Development of certification procedures.
- Customer: Architects, designers, companies of infrastructure composite manufacturing, research institutions, education schemes, standardisation bodies.
Benefit to the customer: Help in development of Eurocode of FRPs, easy use in design, production, testing, education. Implementation of certification procedures.

31. Demonstration construction
- Innovation content of result: Demonstration of a lab scale bridge using components developed with the Trans-IND project.
- Customer: Construction companies, public authorities, Architects, etc.
- Benefit to the customer: New possibilities to build structures of FRP materials: where it was not possible to build the desired/needed; in a short period of time (traffic distortion, etc.); using light tracks; for a longer lifecycle time; with good properties regarding: chemical resistance, thermal insulation, weather conditions, etc.

32. Integrated Trans-IND system
- Innovation content of result: The Integrated Trans-IND System is a cost-effective integrated construction process that will enable the maximum capability of industrialization of components for transport infrastructures (deck, beam, joints, secondary elements) using Fiber Reinforced Polymer
- Customer: Producers of Fiber Reinforced Polymers components for transport infrastructure and more in general players in the civil construction field
- Benefit to the customer: The Integrated Trans-IND System will make the entire supply and value chain cost efficient and easy and safe to manufacture, transport and assembly industrialising the whole construction process of the FRP components and transforming on-site construction to off-site manufacturing.

Business models
The technical and economic viability of FRP based on abovementioned solutions for new as well as existing bridges has been proven in a number of pilot projects. In order to ensure large-scale market implementation of FRP bridges and infrastructures, the remaining challenges in terms of value-chain integration and business strategies need to be resolved. For this purpose, Trans-IND team analyzed the market opportunities; reviewed the viability of the business cases; proposed the concepts of asset management and comakership as part of the clients’ and construction companies’ business models; and discussed the recent practice.
Despite the present financial crisis in the EU, Trans-IND concludes that the market trend for FRP bridges is fast-growing. One of the reasons for a business case within this trend is the government’s budget cut, which urges public authorities to shift more responsibilities and to assign bigger roles to the construction companies through an integrated procurement, such as Design–Build–Maintain (DBM). Therefore, innovative construction companies now have the liberty to introduce the use of a new material like FRP in their design proposals. The lower maintenance cost of FRP bridges will bring benefits for both the client and the contractor in a long-term DBM contract. Another business case for using FRP solutions is regarding numerous advantages in using FRP for bridge structures, and most importantly, their durability will reduce future maintenance requirements and therefore minimise disruption to transport networks. FRP based improvements of the existing bridges lead to reduced urban disturbance during the project through predominantly off-site construction techniques and efficient assembly of light-weight components. A supporting business case is related to the fact that FRP bridges are more environmentally sustainable than concrete or steel bridges due to the lowest level of embodied energy that includes multiple re-use and recycle possibilities.
New or improved business models are crucial in order to optimally respond to the new market trend and to exploit the associated business cases for FRP bridges. The recently completed Partnership Programme of Infrastructure Management (PIM) involving a number of public clients and consulting firms from UK, the Netherlands, and Belgium has, among others, resulted in a new asset anagement business model that redefined the roles of the public clients, construction companies and suppliers. Asset management replaces the one-off approach to a civil infrastructure project as the objective of the public clients is shifted from the individual project result towards the operational performance of the infrastructure network over time, and thus leading to the implementation of performance-based contracts with the construction companies. Although the asset management concept is very suitable for FRP bridges, its application in new bridge projects is still rare due to certain constraints in the existing public procurement laws. Most experience is found in the use of asset management system for monitoring, maintenance and rehabilitation of existing bridges.
Another business model that encourages the value-chain integration is the comakership. Not only is comakership important to sustain a public-private partnership, it is also essential to raise the awareness of FRP material among the architects and bridge engineers. In a joint product development process, these designers can consider the full or partly FRP based solutions for their designs in direct teamwork with the specialists, contractors and suppliers. A comakership is also the key behind the business case to re-use or recycle second hand bridges.
With more and more bridges being built or refurbished using FRP, the volume and demand will increase and the cost of a serial production will decrease. This, in combination with the new business models, will make FRP bridges very competitive in the market. In light of the emerging market uptake, it is urgently recommended to accelerate the establishment of design performance standards and the integrated procurement framework in the EU and worldwide to facilitate the implementation of asset management and comakership.

European legislation and formatives
While the use of fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites in structural applications is in constant increase, in Europe there is still no Eurocode in this field as common design criteria for the design of structures using FRP. In this context, civil engineers need common methods to design structural solutions using FRP and also to prove safety to owners. The needs of the industry extend to the methods for the definition of properties of FRP materials and for the assessment of the declared values in CE marking for products. Therefore Trans-IND project within WP8 provides recommendations for standardization on FRP (based on Trans-IND infrastructure elements, processes...).
The recommendations for standardisation were developed through collection of existing standards on FRP field, assessment, sorting, through detailed study of literature on procedures of manufacturing, design, testing, assembly, maintenance. Through systematic survey of the inventory of gathered standards, norms and regulations the blank spots, possible barriers and opportunities were identified. A list of barriers and opportunities has been compiled. After that it was decided about priorities - which of the barriers/opportunities are of most importance to the project and for the better adoption of FRP products in construction of infrastructure. Action plan was made with determination of actions to overcome listed barriers and also with actions to exploit the existing opportunities. The weakest (blank) spots (like connection solutions) were considered in further research. The action plan included inventory of activities to be taken for each action and choice for actions that will be taken in this project. More detailed activity plan included also preparing a material for communication, addressing experts and organisations involved in standardisation of FRP and also preparative work for drafting the testing and certification procedures.
The contact with various experts and organisations outside the project consortium has been established. The experiences about implementing new standards have been exchanged on meetings and workshops.
The final outcome of all this research on blank spots, barriers and opportunities in existing normative documents that influence the use of FRP based products in construction is the document ‘Recommendations for standardisation of FRP components’. Drafts of testing and certification procedures that are needed for better adoption of FRP products in construction practice will be prepared. Recommendations has been sent to different international bodies appointed for development of standards and other normative documents for consideration.

Negative decision of CEN
The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) was officially created as an international non-profit association based in Brussels on 30 October 1975. CEN is a major provider of European Standards and technical specifications. It is the only recognized European organization according to Directive 98/34/EC for the planning, drafting and adoption of European Standards in all areas of economic activity with the exception of electrotechnology (CENELEC) and telecommunication (ETSI). The Programming Mandate M 466 was addressed to CEN with the overall objective of initiate the process of further evolution of the Eurocodes. Trans-IND was very much involved in the activates of the working group (WG4) that was established after the Programming Mandate M 466 that was addressed to CEN with the overall objective of initiate the process of further evolution of the Eurocodes. Eurocodes are a set of harmonized technical rules developed by the European Committee for standardisation for the structural design of construction works in the European Union. Unfortunately after establishing the approved index for the technical document to be elaborated CEN decided not to finance further works on the Eurocode for composite materials in construction.
RESOLUTION 304: CEN/TC 250 requests working-groups, and expert group “EN 1990” to reconsider their work proposals in the light of the report of the meeting held with the commission on 24th April 2012. in particular, they are requested to indicate what work they can carry out without funding from the commission. CEN latest decision not to support the issue of a specific Eurocode for composite structures is a further barrier that will disrupt wide exploitation of Trans-IND results.
Potential Impact:
Trans-IND project impact

Policy context and expected impacts
Trans-IND developed a cost-effective integrated construction process that will enable the maximum capability of industrialisation of components for transport infrastructures (road and pedestrian bridges, underpass, containing walls, acoustic and safety barriers) using polymer based materials (carbon& glass fibre). The ultimate goal will be the efficiency of resources (materials, waste and energy) in the whole process and life cycle from procurement, manufacturing off site, logistics, assembly on site, operation and disassembly, by re-engineering the construction process towards a cost-effective manufacturing process integrating the entire supply and value chain. It contributes to the transformation of the EU industry from a resource-intensive to a knowledge-intensive one, thus meeting the challenge imposed by the new industrial revolution and competition at global level as well as environmental challenges such as climate change and resources scarcity. Trans-IND produced in a sustainable manner high added value products through design what is essential not only to prevent the relocation of EU industry to other areas of the world, but also create new industries, and hence growth and employment within EU. It contributes to enhancing the productivity and competitiveness of construction in the EU by implementing decisive knowledge for new applications generating high added value products, services and related processes and technologies to meet both customers and the entire value chain requirements.

The construction sector
With an estimated construction investment of 1.196 billion € (EU 27 - 2006) and 26 millions of workers (the biggest industrial employer in Europe), represents about 10,4 % of GDP, 2,7 million enterprises, the great majority SMEs (about 99%) is a fragmented sector in which knowledge based solutions and the integration of the whole value and supply chain is a real challenge. Civil engineering represents about 20% of the total investment in construction where transport infrastructure accounts for nearly a 12% of the total investment in construction.

Trans-IND will contributes to European policies:
Competitiveness policy: Transforming EU industry from a resource intensive to a knowledge intensive one is a key objective of the EC Agenda while increasing the productivity and competitiveness of EU enterprises. However in its report of the 2004 Spring conference on “Delivering Lisbon”, the Commission has warned that productivity levels in the EU are still not rising as originally envisaged what is particularly truth in the construction sector. Therefore, construction is a strategic sector of major relevance to fulfil the commitments of the EC Agenda. Trans-IND contributes to improve productivity and competitiveness in the construction sector by a full re-engineering and industrialization of the whole transport infrastructure components constructive process.
Transport Policy: The road traffic through Europe is growing steadily in the first decade of the 21st century by 50 %, mainly due to the big development of the cargo transportation. As a consequence, traffic congestion costs will account for 1% of the European Union’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) by 2010. Even in the very optimistic assumption that only 1% of the total traffic jams have direct relation with the presence of infrastructure building works at the road, this still accounts for 0,01% of the European Union’s GDP, which represents a total amount of 6 Billion €/year. Within the Transport White Paper the regeneration of many urban areas of Europe and the realisation of major Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T) are addressed as a pressing need. Within the infrastructures foreseen inside these TEN-T networks, bridges play a key role in strategic, logistic and economical terms. To avoid that the construction of bridges might constitute a budgetary bottleneck in the upgrading, construction and subsequent maintenance of these new TEN-T infrastructure networks, Trans-IND developed and integrated the necessary processes, technologies and services that allow the cost-effective and sustainable industrialisation of long-life durable bridges in composites materials.
Environmental Policies: Trans-IND supports the fulfilment of the targets established by Kyoto protocol concerning the reduction of greenhouse gas, the Bali Declaration urging GHG limits December 7 ,2007 and the SET Plan for reducing 20% of the GHG emissions ( at 1990 level) in 2020 and reducing CO2 emissions by 60 to 80% in 2050
Energy Policies: Trans-IND will also contributes to achieve the mandates of the Action Plan on Energy Efficiency in Europe – saving 20% by 2020 for reducing the energy consumption compared to 2005 and Stabilizing energy consumption at the level of 1990 by 2050 and therefore contribute to European Energy independence
Research Policy: Trans-IND has a significant impact on the RTD in the Construction sector contributing to reinforce the construction research expenditure level in Europe, which is far behind other sectors, towards the•3% GPD target figure by 2010 in Europe as stated at the Barcelona Summit.

Market and socio-economic impacts.
a) Market Impact
Transport infrastructures accounts for nearly a 12% of the total investment in construction: 12%x1196b€ = 244b€
Assuming that around 20% of the total cost of road infrastructure investments is devoted only to new bridges, (from own experience as construction companies), this means that the total estimated yearly market at the EU-27 only for transport infrastructure bridges is around 244 b€ x20% =29,28 b€. Industrialised products for bridges are beams and pre slabs and its assembly represents about 70% of the total cost of the bridge( from own experience as construction companies). The market will be of 29,28b€x70% = 21 b€. Estimating a market penetration of industrialised FRP components of 10%, would amount a total yearly market of around = 2,1 b€ per year. Other FRP components for civil infrastructure like, acoustic and safety barriers can represent (from our own experience as construction companies) about an additional 10% of 29,28b€ = 2,9 b€. Estimating a market penetration of these kind of industrialised FRP components of 10%, means that the total estimated yearly market at the EU-27 is 2,9 b €x10%= 0,29 b€ per year. Total estimated yearly market: 2,1 b€+ 0,29 b€= 2,39 b€.
Other FRP components for buildings like floor slabs, roof structures and partition walls, namely part of the building skeleton, could also be industrialized. The methodology for the whole industrialisation process can be applied to buildings with some changes in the supply and value change. In any case components can be manufactured off-site.
Taking into account that an average 20% of the final prize in a standard building is due to the skeleton construction and that the building sector without considering refurbishment and maintenance accounts for 640 bn€ (nearly almost the 50% of the total’s sector output), this is a huge market where Trans-IND technologies are to be applied.

b) Socioeconomic Impact
In addition to all presented benefits obtainable at the construction phase from Trans-IND and FRP’s, other positive impacts, more difficult to quantify, can be forecasted at the operation, maintenance and disassembly stages. Durability of FRP structural elements is estimated to be double of traditional concrete structural elements due to its better resistance to ageing, corrosion and harsh operational and environmental conditions, thus maintenance costs can be expected to reduce to half of those needed with concrete structural elements.

c) Other Trans-IND socio-economic contribution:
- Providing an opportunity to enter into a specific market of industrialized components for civil infrastructure offer companies (in particular SMEs) new business opportunities through the outline of new business models integrated and yet built around site specificities and knowledge that will cover the whole life cycle taking into account mainly life cycle cost, but also societal aspects and through long-term supply chain collaboration for results exploitation deriving in an open market for EU and the world.
-Additional economic and social impact will be derived from: improving productivity and competitiveness by creating growth and employment within EU, transforming industry from resources-based to knowledge-based-in which sites, construction machinery and mobile staff are 100% connectable to corporate information networks by means of ubiquitous information access systems that connect all the agents of the value chain. Furthermore by providing attractive high-technology work places by providing workers a higher degree of specialization and level of skills with better jobs with more user friendly equipment, new technologies and advanced solutions together with specific training activities.
- Trans-IND contributes to Improving Health and Safety in the manufacturing process (automated control), transport (less weight to transport) and assembly (less weight to handle, less time, better guidance system) permitting to the Construction sector to offer safer (safety is increased in manufacturing, transport and assembly)

d) Environmental impact
The lower energy consumption have an environmental impact that can be seen in the reduction of CO2 releases.
On average, considering C2G approach, FRP bridges presents not so good environmental behaviour than concrete ones, as was expected. The worst environment behaviour, caused production stage for FRP bridge. However, construction and end life cycle stage, represents better environmental indicators for FRP bridge than concrete construction. The main reasons are composite lightness, which enables the reduction of fuel and energy consumptions (including transports and installation activities), as well as excellent mechanical properties which avoid maintenance and reparation activities over the years.
- Production phase is the most harmful stage. Specifically, manufacturing of raw material required for construction of FRP bridge (epoxy resin and fibres).
- Enhancing construction phase (lamination, infusion, curing, polishing processes) as well as end of life (recycling composite instead of landfill) stage, emissions and impacts could be reduced.

e) Impact on SMEs
Trans-IND will helps the construction sector to become a fully efficient knowledge-based added value sector by enabling SMEs: i) ) to enter into a specific market of industrialized components for civil infrastructure new business opportunities through the outline of new business models .Ii) networking through integrating actors mastering the whole industrialisation process and other FRP infrastructure components (ii) allowing specialization of companies (mainly SMEs) in different aspects of the construction process (design, industrialization, ICTs, logistics, assembly/disassembly, maintenance); iii) Allowing SME to have the possibility of changing their traditional construction methods to more technological and advanced ones which will allow them competing in new ways and enlarging their client list. iv) building up regional clusters able to supply large orders that can replicate the system.
Within the Trans-IND construction SMEs are present in the whole supply chain from the design phase, through materials procurement, manufacturing, logistics, and assembly/disassembly

Trans-IND exploitation of the project’s results

In order to achieve the objectives of Trans-IND project, a multidisciplinary and well balanced consortium with complementary strong research capabilities from both the scientific and technical skills has been built up.

The consortium members bring enough critical mass and complementary expertise to achieve the technical and societal objectives of the project as well as for spreading knowledge and technologies and for exploiting appropriately project results. It has been configured with a well-balanced contribution of large companies with strong research capabilities, high-tech SMEs and Research Organisations: 6 Large companies, 5 SMEs and 7 Research organisations.
Industrial Partners

HUNTSMAN: Huntsman Advanced Materials is a leading supplier of synthetic and formulated polymer systems for customers requiring high-performance materials that outperform the properties, functionality and durability of traditional materials. Over 2,300 associates at 13 locations worldwide work to fulfill this promise every day. Huntsman Advanced Materials supplies high-performance materials for design, prototyping and manufacturing. With recognized expertise in research, development and processes, it offers a unique and wide range of innovative solutions, combined with strong technical support and customer service.

CYTEC: Amongst the world’s leading suppliers of composite materials, and the only wholly UK-owned supplier in this market, Cytec as its forerunner Advanced Composites Group (ACG) has been at the forefront of advanced composite materials and processing for more than 25 years. The company specialises in developing and marketing application-oriented prepreg materials designed for use across a range of processing temperatures and conditions. These materials find use in a wide range of industries including F1 motor racing, aerospace, automotive, marine, wind energy, recreation, construction and industrial engineering. Cytec is also acknowledged world-leader in the design and manufacture of composite tooling.

MIKROSAM: Mikrosam is world know supplier of different type of automated equipment comprising filament winding machines, fibre placement machines, tape and fibre tow, pre-preg making machines, impregnation plants, CNC milling machines for composites, auxiliary equipment (resin baths, fibre creels, mandrel extractors, mandrels, ovens, tools). Mikrosam’s core activities include motion control, process control and composite materials.

D’APPOLONIA: D’Appolonia is an Italian engineering consulting company active on the international market and it has developed a multidisciplinary staff with extensive capabilities in the earth sciences, civil, environmental and structural engineering, risk assessment, health and safety, chemical and process engineering, capable to identify and manage unconventional solutions for industrial and engineering needs.

ZRMK: Building and Civil Engineering Institute ZRMK from Ljubljana, Slovenia, is active in the field of research and development, consulting, design, protection and retrofitting of buildings, production and application of special materials, efficient use of energy and ecology and transfer of technology to industry with over 50 years of tradition. The company focuses on all fields concerning buildings and civil engineering, independent assessment, consulting, supervision and execution of special works in the fields of investment and project documentation, geotechnics, engineering geology, engineering geophysics and ecology, protection and retrofitting of building structures and traffic infrastructure.

SOLINTEL: Solintel is a Spanish high-tech SME specialized on engineering and consultancy, offering a great variety of technological services oriented to business, applying its know-how in structural design, geotechnical, soil mechanics and foundation engineering. SOLINTEL prepares geotechnical and constructional design plans for foundations and underground civil engineering works based in modules that have been developed during the last 20 years, has depth experience in composite engineering, and a significant background in the design of foundations using these materials.

MOSTOSTAL: The Mostostal Warszawa Group is active in all basic sectors of the construction market. It acts as a general contractor of investment projects and provides turnkey execution of construction assignments for local and foreign investors. Group’s activity is divided into five organization structures: General Construction Division, Industrial Construction Division, Civil Engineering Division, Road Construction Division and Environmental Engineering Division. The Mostostal Warszawa Group also specializes in production, assembly and renovation of all types of steel elements and structures for the needs of general construction.

ACCIONA: ACCIONA Infraestructuras is a leading Spanish construction company developing and managing buildings and civil infrastructures under the sustainability principles. It has an international presence in more than 30 countries and its total turnover in 2007 was 3.6 billion €, employing 14000 people. It is part of ACCIONA Group, whose business lines are Construction, Real State, Urban-Environmental Services, Energy, Logistic and Transport. ACCIONA has almost a century of experience carrying out the design, construction, financing and maintenance of infrastructures in multiple sectors both in civil works and building.

SEMANTIC: SEMANTIC SYSTEMS S.L. founded in 2002, is a high-tech SME ( ) devoted to the development and integration of advanced Knowledge-based and IT solutions for the manufacturing and services industry. It is based in Biscay (Basque Country), one of the Spanish regions with a deeper industrial culture and a higher concentration of traditional manufacturing companies. SEMANTIC has developed its own technological platform, repcon®, based on semantic web technologies.

ATOS Spain: Atos is a leading international Information Technology (IT) services company, providing Hi-Tech Transactional Services, Consulting, Systems Integration and Managed Services to deliver business outcomes globally. It provides integrated design, build and operate solutions to large multi-national clients in carefully targeted industry sectors. The business approach is based on establishing long-term partnerships that encourage success through mutual benefit.

VAN WEES: Van Wees develops and builds machines for the production of technical textiles and composite materials. The company is technology leader for UD and Crossply technology. This technology aims to reach optimum performances of materials with high production rates and relatively low costs.

Research centres & universities

TECNALIA Research & Innovation Foundation: It is a non-profit, private technology centre for research and development based in the Basque Country, Spain, with over 50 years of experience helping companies and government bodies in their innovation and technology needs. Tecnalia's strategic vision is to be a "private applied research centre of international excellence with great impact on industry, and a centre that attracts people and organizations." The keys to enable this vision are marked by its private nature, focusing on applied research, being an international centre of excellence an impact on local industry and attracting people who want to develop their creativity and organizations who want to interact and co-create knowledge with Tecnalia to transform society through innovation.

FHG-IPA: Finding solutions to organizational and technological challenges, particularly within the production environment of industrial enterprises. That, in a nutshell, is the key focus of the research and development work carried out at the Fraunhofer IPA. With 14 individual departments engaged in the fields of Corporate Organization, Automation and Surface Engineering, our R&D projects aim to enhance production processes and make products more cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

IVW: The Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH (IVW) is a non-profit research institute located at Kaiserslautern, Germany. IVW was founded in 1990 by the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The institute’s mission is to research and develop technical applications of composites and their potential, and to communicate currently known facts in this field to companies, research centres and interested individuals. Its main competence lies in the field of polymer based composite materials and IVW covers the whole area from material science, design and calculation aspects to production technology.

ITIA-CNR: ITIA-CNR, as a promoter of industrial innovation, performs strategic activities of Scientific Research and Technological Development for the Competitiveness and Sustainability of Italian and European Manufacturing Industries. ITIA-CNR, contributing and supporting the European initiative MANUFUTURE, finalized in development of added high value manufacturing based on research and innovation, work on the development of production systems and elements for knowledge-based factories, business models and related enabling technologies in tightened collaboration with research centres, universities and enterprises on national, European and international level. ITIA has focused its competences on the following areas: microsystems, mechatronic knowledge-based systems, robotics, multi-layer adaptive control systems, virtual prototyping and integrated simulation of mechatronic manufacturing systems and methods and new organizational, management and business paradigms. ITIA’s staff is composed by 129 people: 87 researchers, 8 technicians, 22 collaborators, 12 administrative, and a network of 7 laboratories distributed on the national territory. ITIA constitutes, with other 6 CNR institutes, the Department of Production System of the National Research Council.

UNIVPM: UNIVERSITÀ POLITECNICA DELLE MARCHE (UNIVPM), former Università degli Studi di Ancona, Department of Mechanics. It was founded in 1971. This University now includes the faculties of Engineering, Medicine, Economy & Business, Agriculture and Science. The number of employees (professors, researchers, technicians, and administrative) is in total around 1000. The Department of Mechanics will participate in the project with the Mechanical and Thermal Measurement Group, which is managed by 4 professors, composed of more than 35 researchers and engineers and is active in more than 20 European Projects.

TUD: The Dresden University of Technology (TUD) is one of largest universities throughout Germany. The university here is represented by the Institute of Construction Informatics (CIB) and contributes with its research experience in the areas of product and process modelling, enterprise modelling, concurrent engineering, virtual organisations, Internet-enabled network infrastructures, knowledge-based systems, Semantic Web technology and mobile computing.

TNO: TNO is the Netherlands organisation for applied scientific research. It is a national and multidisciplinary research institute with more than 4300 researchers and staff. In the Trans-IND project, TNO deploys its expertise in: development and application of new construction materials; ICT integration based on open product modelling standards and Building Information Modelling (BIM); design guidelines and standardisation for FRP; and new business models for value-chain integration based on performance-based procurement.

ASM: ASM Market Research and Analysis Centre Ltd., ASM (PL) is a Polish, non-profit firm, founded in 1996. The company specialized in the market research and social surveys. The areas of the expertise covers: Market related issues e.g. market shares, market size, attitudes and opinions and behaviours of clients (business and individuals), cost benefit studies, business models etc. Socio-economic analyses of: individuals, group’s needs, motivations, behavioural patterns, attitudes, public decision makers, social inclusion and exclusion, labour market, policy and legislation analysis.

The Trans-IND system as a whole:
The Trans-IND system is meant to be a cost-effective integrated construction process that will enable the maximum capability of industrialisation of components for transport infrastructures (road and pedestrian bridges, underpass, containing walls, acoustic and safety barriers) using polymer based materials (carbon fibre, glass fibre, etc). The manufacturing process would be also able to produce both load bearing and non-bearing components. The Trans-IND system will cover the whole range of activities from gathering customer needs and requirements to specification for modular design (taking into account the whole life cycle) of the transport infrastructure components, off-site components manufacturing, logistics, transport and on-site assembly together with the ICT tools needed to manage and handle the whole process. The off-site manufacturing will be flexible answering both to the whole range of transport infrastructures components and its variable demand. It will be very close to flexible advanced manufacturing sectors. The on-site assembly will benefit from modular and adaptive plug-in joint solutions arising from the concept design of the components, together with the use of RFID for improved material flow control and traceability, lightweight cranes, intelligent positioning systems, ICTs and robotics applications.
The Trans-IND project helps to transform a supply-driven and resources-based sector into a sustainable demand-driven one, that is user-oriented, flexible, creative, innovative, performance and knowledge-based, being the ultimate goal the efficiency of resources in the whole process and life cycle. For this purpose a full reengineering that integrates the full supply and value chain of the transport infrastructure construction and of the components manufacturing process are to be carried out.

Please provide a description of the work performed since the beginning of the project and the main results achieved so far. The length of this part cannot exceed 4000 characters.
It is well-known that the construction sector is a very traditional one and that every innovation needs an period for acceptance by the end users. Introducing Fiber Reinforced Materials (FRP) in this sector is difficult because the construction process has been optimized for traditional materials (concrete and steel) that are popular within this sector. In order to introduce FRP materials in this sector, this new and advanced material has to gain trust among the people (technical, commercial, architects, etc.) and this will only be possible when they are supported by a design code accepted by the standardization bodies. The integrated Trans-IND system not only deals with FRP, manufacturing components made of FRP, their assembly, but it also goes further. The integrated Trans-IND system tries to optimize the management of the whole construction site from its beginning at the tender stage to its maintenance and demolition. It will be shown that Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are very important in this system, and introducing these technologies into the construction sector will also be a challenge, where traditional methods are very difficult to substitute.

Overview and list of the solutions developed so far.

In order to give a better overview of the works that have been performed within the Trans-IND project, the list of specific technical solutions and guidelines was created, Table 1. Each solution is assigned to a different phase of the construction process and described in details.

List of technical solutions within Trans-IND project.

• Design of FRP beams
• FRP deck system
• Safety barrier system
• Acoustic barrier system
• Plug-in joint solutions
• Catalogue of standardised FRP components

Manufacturing process
• Off-site industrialization process
• Autonomous navigation system for beam finishing operations
• Epoxy resin application into the manufacturing system for Trans-IND components
• Lab-scale modular system for fabrication of composite components (closed shape beam) including software control system
• Multi-axial UD Crossply machine (material manufacturing process)
• FRP deck manufacturing process
• Automation of cross-ply process for DForm® prepreg production
• Rib mold manufacturing including DForm® technology (Deformable Composite System)
• Continuous Compression Molding process
• Automatic Quality Control and NDT procedures
• Support for optimized design of dimensional and morphological control system for FRP components using laser scanner technology

Logistics & Assembly process
• Conceptual on-site assembly method
• RFID-based technologies supporting logistics and assembly process
• Asset management tool for the on-site assembly process
• QRCodes tool for item tracking and production and assembly support
• Trans-IND scheduler
• Intelligent position system based on 3D technology to assist crane movement

All phases of construction process
• Business model for value chain integration
• Bridge semantic model and rules
• Testing and certification procedures
• Recommendation for standardisation
• Integrated Trans-IND system

The project intends to deliver integrated package of solutions and techniques that enable to construct a transport infrastructure in a more efficient way. The Trans-IND system contributes with specific solutions to different stages of the construction process from the design to the maintenance of the structure.

The project enters into the final stage of the project which is demonstration. The whole process will be demonstrated within the demonstration WP.

List of Websites:
Project Coordinator:
Mostostal Warszawa
Pawel Poneta (
Scientific and Technical Coordinator:
Acciona Infraestructuras
Anurag Bansal (