The main research objectives of the 4-year joint programme are: • to synthesise and characterise new hybrid composite and functionalised nanomaterials based on oxides, carbons, polymers and natural minerals; • to study their interaction with biological objects and environmental systems; • to elucidate the role of interfacial phenomena in these systems; • to study structure-properties relationship of nanocomposites in specific applications; • to evaluate performance of novel nanocomposites in biological media, environmental systems and specific industrial applications. Other objectives of the proposed collaboration are aimed at: • increasing individual mobility and career prospectives of each person involved; • facilitating transfer of knowledge between research groups involved via exchange visits; • providing training opportunities for early stage researchers; • disseminating results of the joint activities; The joint investigations will be carried out via transfer of knowledge and networking activities between four teams from Member States - Poland, UK, Hungary and Greece, and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, an ICPC country with an economy in transition.
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MC-IRSES - International research staff exchange scheme (IRSES)Koordinator
20 031 Lublin