It is commonly recognized that maintenance management of industrial plants is an interdisciplinary topic. Design and improvement of maintenance management systems can be achieved only by considering all together different interconnected methodologies and technologies. When building a maintenance management system, one should deserve attention to multiple and heterogeneous issues, such as, e.g.: the ICT tools and platforms for maintenance and plant automation; machine diagnostics and prognostics; maintenance economics and planning, maintenance human resources, spare parts, etc… Due to the above mentioned situation, an international interdisciplinary working group, endorsed by well recognized scientific institutions, can be considered very important to overcome the “divide” situation among maintenance related disciplines and, in particular, to bring together, in the context of a collaborative scheme of research exchanges, the reciprocal knowledge. This project proposal is endorsed by four institutions, 3 EU partners and a Chilean partner, agreeing for a common exchange program built around the theme of Integrated Maintenance Planning (iMaPla). The exchange program aims to facilitate deployment of a collaborative scheme focused on the exchange of the knowledge required to develop methods, models, ICT tools for Integrated Maintenance Planning. The knowledge is provided complementarily by the members of the project consortium. The complementarities have been drawn out in accordance to a joint research vision, commonly shared by the partners at the moment of writing the proposal. The project will concern the exchange activities of PhD students, researchers and professors. The exchanges will enable the reciprocal transfer of knowledge between the members of the consortium and will be deployed by a set of various activities (integrated exchange programs, training in laboratories, lectures exchange program, workshops / seminars open also to external stakeholders).
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MC-IRSES - International research staff exchange scheme (IRSES)Koordinator
20133 Milano