NANOYOU will design and undertake a communication and outreach program in nanotechnology (NT) aimed at European youth. The project will reach 11-18 year olds through school programs to take place in at least 20 EU Member States and Associated States. Additional programs aimed at young adults aged 19-25 will be offered in science centres. The school programs are planned to involve at least 400 schools and reach more than 25,000 students. The science centres program is expected to reach an initial 4,000 young adults during NANOYOU and many more subsequently as more science centres adopt the program. Recent surveys show that most European citizens have poor understanding of NT, its potential and risks. This needs to be rectified if the European public is to contribute positively to future decision-making about the use of NT. In focusing on ages 11-25, NANOYOU recognizes that effective programming needs to be tailored to the educational capabilities and interests of the target population. Programming specialization will be provided for subgroups within this youth population. While some FP6 programs have made an excellent start in informing the public about NT, they have not focused on youth nor have their activities taken places in the schools. NANOYOU will combine temporary exhibitions, innovative computer games, experiments and other online content, with workshops aimed at promoting dialogue that will raise participants' awareness of ethical, legal and societal aspects of NT. NANOYOU's content will be balanced and up-to-date, and teacher training materials will be prepared to equip science teachers and other personnel to present the NANOYOU programs. NANOYOU has assembled a strong consortium with partners experienced in nanotechnology, educational methodology and science communication, as well as organizations highly suited and experienced at arranging outreach/communication activities in schools and science centres
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