CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-27

Experimental reconstruction of volcanic explosions: understanding the fragmentation energy balance and seismic signals

Final Report Summary - VOLCEXPLOSEIS (Experimental reconstruction of volcanic explosions: Understanding the fragmentation energy balance and seismic signals)

During this project, laboratory apparatus were developed to investigate seismic signals during volcanic explosions. This involved extensive testing of the recording system in the lab and considerable design, research and development for the novel apparatus to be fully functional. Reports of the development of the apparatus and methods were presented at several international conferences.

After this extensive development stage, it was finally possible to record laboratory scale seismicity (acoustic emissions) during rapid decompression induced fragmentation of rock samples. The key finding was that the amount of seismic energy and its frequency distribution corresponded well with the energy associated with the creation of new surfaces in fragmentation and the size distribution of the fragments, respectively. These results could be important for recognising how energetic a volcanic explosion will be and how small the ash fragments from the seismic signal emitted during the explosion, which would be useful for hazard mitigation. A manuscript is currently being prepared to publish these results in an international peer reviewed journal.