There has been a long history of cooperation between researchers from Europe and New Zealand (NZ). In recent times there has been a renewed impetus for activities in supporting NZ researcher access to European research programmes. ACCESS4EU:NZ aims to balance this relationship by increasing collaborations with European researchers in the NZ research and innovation system. It will also inform EU-NZ policy dialogue in jointly defined areas of strategic EU-NZ research importance. The ACCESS4EU:NZ project has a series of four integrated workpackages (WP) that encompass the Mapping, Dissemination, Monitoring and Feedback project structure components, reflected in the FP7-INCO-2009-5 call as well as a fifth WP to ensure the project is managed effectively. WP1 provides an overview of NZ funding schemes that can be accessed by researchers from Europe’s Member States, as well as identifying prospective NZ partners. WP2 disseminates this information to the broadest possible European audience, through a website and development of training materials for information multipliers. WP3 builds EU-NZ researcher connections, through workshops and networking events. In WP4 surveys of numbers of collaborations and the process/policy environment within which these collaborations were developed are carried out to ensure the project informs policy dialogue between NZ and the EC. The ACCESS4EU:NZ consortium brings together the best partnership to deliver the project tasks. The co-coordinator, NCRE at UC, currently co-ordinates the FRENZ bilateral project to Facilitate Research cooperation between Europe and NZ through FP7. DLR and Sigma Orionis ensures ACCESS4EU:NZ has the best dissemination routes within Europe and the project is well connected with European researchers.
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