Descrizione del progetto
Embedded Systems Design
There is a clear need for an ambitious pan-European approach to speed up the development of major technologies, by undertaking at the Community level large research actions taking into account National and Regional strategic R&D priorities. In the field of the Embedded Systems, ARTEMIS ETP has paved the way, but the ambition to align the research agendas drawn by the various European National/Regional Authorities is still to be achieved.
ARCADIA has the right involvement of the National/Regional Authorities to reach its major objective of advancing the European Research Area in Embedded Systems field. It builds on solid grounds, establishing effective links to COSINE 2 project and to ERA-Net projects to benefit from its work done so far.
ARCADIA will proceed through a roadmap-based-strategy plan which includes market trends & drivers, mapped technologies, application needs and application capabilities, research challenges, needed skills, and future research targets within the main industrial sectors Transport Air /Road, Nomadic Devices, Infrastructure and Health.
ARCADIA will leverage on its deep connexions within the ArtistDesign NoE, to promote structured synergy with the European research community. It will proceed through a two-step approach in order to contribute in the building of an updated version of the ARTEMIS Strategic Research Agenda that is more inclusive of new research challenges and objectives to align efforts of European actors on the European national and regional levels. ARCADIA also deploys an inclusive communication means to involve the EU-wide Embedded Systems Community, and also world-wide.
ARCADIA aims to achieve effective coordination and synergy of resources and funding from the Framework Programme, industry, national R&D programmes and intergovernmental R&D schemes (EUREKA), thus contributing to strengthening Europe's position in this major technology domain.
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CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinatore