Final Report Summary - DIVEFOR (Digital Image and Video Forensics)
• WP1: Formulation of Device Fingerprint Vector
All 32 researcher months have all been completed. The expected deliverables, 3 conference papers and 1 journal paper, have all been published.
• WP2: Forensic application of device fingerprint vector
This WP has been successfully completed, with all 36 researcher months implemented. The expected deliverables in terms of publications, 5 conferences papers and 2 journal papers, have all been produced.
• WP3: Detection of device fingerprint removal and substitution
All 35 allocated Researcher months have been completed. The expected deliverables, 4 conference papers and 2 journal papers, have all been produced.
• WP4: Semi-fragile/fragile digital watermarking
All 26 Researcher Months have been implemented. The expected deliverables upon completion of this WP, 3 conference papers and 1 journal papers, have all been produced.
• WP5: Robust Digital Watermarking
All 32 allocated Researcher Months were implemented according to the Gantt chart. The expected 5 conference papers and 2 journal papers as deliverables have all be achieved.
• WP6: Steganography / Steganalysis
All 20 allocated Researcher Months have been implemented. The expected deliverables, 4 conference papers and 2 journal papers, have been produced.
2. Research Outputs and Knowledge Dissemination
2.1. Patents
[1] “Methods for Identifying Imaging Devices and Classifying Images Acquired by Unknown Imaging Devices,” UK Patent Number GB2467767 (Owned by Forensic Pathways Ltd)
[2] “Methods for Identifying Imaging Devices and Classifying Images Acquired by Unknown Imaging Devices,” International Application Number PCT/GB2010/050247 (Pending; Owned by Forensic Pathways Ltd)
[3] “Methods for identifying imaging devices and classifying images acquired by unknown imaging devices,” 10711923.2 (Pending; Owned by Forensic Pathways Ltd)
[4] “Method of automated clustering of images acquired by unknown imaging devices," UK Patent Application No. 1200030.3 (Pending; Owned by Forensic Pathways Ltd)
2.2. SME Technical Reports
[1] D. Vladušič, C.-T. Li, G. Pipan and P. Campisi “Parallelisation of the SPN extraction and identification algorithm and its implementation in a server environment,”, XLAB Technical Report 2012/1
[2] G. Pipan, S. Ivanšek and C.-T. Li “Android application for controlled acquisition of the mobile camera images to be used as SPN-related research database,” XLAB Technical Report 2012/2
[3] D. Vladušič, C.-T. Li, G. Pipan and P. Campisi, “Detection of device fingerprint removal and substitution," XLAB Technical Report 2012/3
[4] Forensic Pathways Ltd, “Forensic Pathways Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Report (Communication on Progress) to the United Nations Global Compact”
2.3. Software / Prototypes
[1] D. Vladušič, “Client-Server Architecture for imaging Device Identification through SPN”
[2] G. Pipan and S. Ivanšek, “Reference Photo Database Management System - a prototype”
[3] D. Vladušič, “Detector of device fingerprint manipulation”
[4] A. Soobhany, “ Forensic Image Analyser in .NET Environment”
2.4. Disseminations
Conference Organisation
[1] C.-T. Li acted as Chair of the Track on Network Security and Privacy, the 17th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS), Salerno, Italy, 10 - 12 September 2014
[2] C.-T. Li acted as Co-Chair of the International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Kitakyushu, Japan, August 27-29, 2014
[3] C.-T. Li acted as Co-Chair of Technical Programme Committee of the Second International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics, Valletta, Malta, 27-28 March 2014,
[4] C.-T. Li acted as Advisory Board Member of The First International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics, Lisbon, Portugal, 4-5 April 2013P. Campisi chaired The 1st ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security, ( June 2013, Montpellier, France.
[5] P. Campisi acted as Track Chair for IEEE International Conference on Acoustic Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2013, May 26-31 2013, Vancouver, Canada.
[6] Award committee member for IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2013, September 15-18, 2013, Melbourne, Australia.
[7] P. Campisi acted as Track Chair for IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2013, September 15-18, 2013, Melbourne, Australia.
[8] P. Campisi acted as Publicity Chair for Europe for the 12ve International Workshop on Digital Watermarking 2013, October 2103, Auckland, New Zealand.
[9] P. Campisi organized a Special Session “High Dynamic Range imaging: from theory to deployment in real life applications” at the 21st European Conference of Signal Processing, EUSIPCO 2013, Marrakesh, Morocco, Sept. 2013.
[10] P. Campisi chaired the 4th IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security ( to be held in Tenerife, Spain, December 2-5, 2012.
[11] C.-T. Li is organising the14th ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security will be held at Warwick in September 2012
[12] P. Campisi acted as Track Chair for IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2012, October 2012, Orlando, FL, USA.
[13] P. Campisi organised the special track on Multimedia security and privacy at the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, ICME 2012, July 2012, Melbourne, Australia.
[14] P. Campisi acted as Publication Chair at the 5th International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP 2012), May 2012, Roma, Italy.
[15] C.-T. Li organised the Special Track on Security Technologies of the 8th Annual Collaboration, Electronic Messaging, Anti-Abuse and Spam Conference (CEAS), Australia, September 2011
[16] C.-T. Li organised Workshop on Digital Forensic Technologies, 3 June, 2011, Coventry, UK (Jointly funded by DIVeFor project and the Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) of Warwick University)
[17] R. Leary organised Workshop on Fast Forward Forensics > Video and Image Analysis, 9 March, 2011, Tamworth, Staffordshire, UK
[18] P. Campisi organised the12th ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security held in Rome, Italy October 2010 (Roma TRE)
Speeches / Talks / Lectures / Demonstrations
[1] P. Campisi gave a talk on “Processing for template protection”, at TURBINE final workshop TrUsted Revocable Biometric IdeNtitiEs, January 17, Brussels, 2011
[2] R. Leary and his colleagues demonstrate Forensic Image Analyser at the Second National Counter Terrorism Forensics Seminar on 22 and 3 September 2011, Manchester, UK
[3] R. Leary gave a talk at International Communications Data & Digital Forensics Seminar 2011, 28 - 29 March, 2011, London, UK
[4] C.-T. Li delivered 8 lectures on Multimedia Forensics and Security at the University of Cagliari, Italy, May 2011
[5] C.-T. Li delivered keynote speeches at IEEE AVSS 2011, Austria, August 2011
[6] D. Leary talked at World Islamic Economic Forum 2011 – Deploying Innovative Technologies through Public Private Partnerships
[7] D. Leary talked at Counter Terrorism Conference 2012
[8] D. Leary talked at Securing Asia Conference 2012
[9] C.-T. Li delivered keynote speeches at WDFIA, Greece, June 2012
[10] C.-T. Li delivered a Keynote Speech on“Multimedia Forensics through Intrinsic data from Image Content,” International Information Technology Conference & Exhibition (CUBE), Pune, India, 3 September 2012
[11] P Campisi delivered a Keynote Speech on "PassBrain: can brain waves be used to recognize people?" at IIH-MSP 2013 is the ninth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, BEIJING, CHINA, OCTOBER 16-18, 2013
[12] C.-T. Li delivered an Invited Talk on “Content Origin Identification through Device Fingerprint Analysis,” National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition (NLPR) Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences(CASIA), Beijing, China, 31 October 2013
[13] C.-T. Li delivered an Invited Talk on “Provenance Inference of Digital Images for Digital Forensic Investigation,” National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 17 December 2013
[14] C.-T. Li delivered an Invited Talk on “Provenance Inference of Digital Images for Digital Forensic Investigation,” National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 17 December 2013
[15] P. Campisi gave a talk “PassBrain: Can brain waves be used to recognize people?”, Plenary talk at “The Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing October 16-18, 2013 Beijing, China”
[16] P. Campisi gave a talk “Data hiding for beginners. HDR new challenges and research opportunities”, European COST ActionIC1005, Rennes, France, October 8, 2012.
[17] P. Campisi gave a talk “Spoofing and anti-spoofing: the wider human context”, TABULA RASA workshop, Rome, Italy, May 10-11, 2012.
[18] P. Campisi gave a talk“The role of soft biometrics and behavioral biometrics in forensic analysis”, First International Workshop on Biometric and Forensics (IWBF), Lisbon, Portugal, April 5, 2013.
[19] C.-T. Li delivered a Short Course of 4 Lectures on “Multimedia Forensics,” South China University of Technology, Guanzhou, China, UK, 16 - 26 April 2014
[20] C.-T. Li delivered an Invited Talk on “Source Inference through Device Fingerprint Analysis,” Coventry University, Coventry, UK, 26 February 2014
2.5. Extended Impact
[1] P. Campisi and 7 other leading Italian scientists proposed an interdisciplinary project on “SMILE - Social media authentication for a dependable web” in April 2012 with a budget of EUR 1,439,719.
[2] FPL and Warwick joined force with Videntifier (Iceland) and INRIA TexMex (France) in 2011 and attracted an EUROSTAR grant in excess of EUR550,000 to work on Forensic Image Identifier and Analyzer.
[3] Warwick and FPL won an UK EPSRC CASE Award entitled Non-Intrusive Multimedia Authentication and Integrity Verification, with a budget of £93,117. A PhD student has been recruited.
[4] Warwick team and 5 UK companies secured a grant from Technology Strategy Board (UK) for implementing the Digital Milamber project which aims at creating a Digital Learning Market. Duration: January 2012 – December 2013; Grant: £740,272 (Warwick share : £132,689)
[5] Warwick team secured a Royal Society grant to implement an International Exchange Programme with a team at the University of Cagliari to work on “Provenance Inference of Digital Images for Digital Forensic Investigations”. Duration: July 2012 – June 2013; Grant: £12,000; Researchers: 6 researchers (including 3 PhD students) will be seconded.
[6] Warwick and Roma TRE teams both become participant of EU COST Action IC1106
[7] Roma TRE team become participant of EU COST Action IC1206