The basic strategic objective of the CX-CMCS proposal is to transform the Scientific Computing Laboratory (SCL) into a centre of excellence, i.e. to decisively increase the quality of research conducted at SCL, and make it a preferred WB research partner for EU institutions working in the fields of simulation of complex systems and of GRID technology. SCL is a unit of the Institute of Physics in Belgrade. The Institute contributes more than 10% of the total scientific output of Serbia and constantly ranks among the best R&D institutions in the region. SCL participates in several international and national projects, including FP6 project SEE-GRID and Cost action P10. SCL defines the current state of the art in high performance computing in WBC with its PARADOX cluster (64+2 processors with aggregate speed Rmax=0.21 Tflops). The proposed CX-CMCS SSA aims to reinforce research capacity at SCL by: hiring young researchers, providing of training and mobility for the research staff, and upgrading the computing infrastructure. The success of this endeavour will be measured through a benchmarking exercise to be performed in the project?s last year. Our networking partners (4 from EU and 3 from Serbia) have been carefully selected to provide the skills and expertise necessary to reinforce the research potential of SCL through training and joint research. The proposed equipment upgrade will make it possible to tackle even the most complex GRID applications allowing SCL to become a key regional player in deployment and use of emerging GRID technology. CX-CMCS plans to set up an International Advisory Board whose expertise will help SCL develop a long term strategy and facilitate integration into ERA. CX-CMCS aims to be a living example that it is possible to bridge the ?digital divide? between countries and regions having high tech ICT technologies and those that do not.
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SSA - Specific Support ActionKoordinator