Final Report Summary - NAPEP (Nanotecnology platform for electronics and photonics)
Being the very first European research project coordinated by Azerbaijan, the primary goal of NAPEP was to integrate azeri researchers in general, and the staff of the Baku State University (BSU) in particular into the FP7 workflow of the European Union. This was achieved by closely following the workplan and organizing numerous technical meetings, seminars, training and brokerage events attended by all participant institutions as well as invited external experts and potential collaboration partners. Scientifically, the following method was found to deliver the best results:
1) Scientific projects related to the main theme of the NAPEP project were pursued at the partner institutes. The Finnish and the Hungarian partners have paid extra attention to integrate azeri participants into these projects. The integration was realized by various means, e.g. joint experiments, exchange of young researchers, discussion by experienced researchers etc.
2) The Nanotechnology Center of the Baku State Univesity was able to use the gathered experience in planning and carrying out research projects of its own.
Project Context and Objectives:
The NAPEP project focuses on creating a nanotechnology platform at Baku State University through cooperation with nanotechnology centers in EU countries which is important for the development of research in the area of nanoelectronics and photonics in the collaborating countries. The project addresses the increasing cooperation capacity between NanoCenter Baku State University and EU research centers in the area of nanotechnology. The primary objective of this project is to create a nanotechnology research platform in the area of nanomaterials for electronics and photonics through collaboration of organizations from EU countries and Azerbaijan, mobilizing the regional scientific potential.
The general project goals are: Definition of the most promising fields of collaboration in area Nanoscience and nanotechnology research among the Azerbaijan and with the EU; Increase the number of highly qualified Azerbaijani scientists (by training research groups, by participation of young researchers on NAPEP Workshops); Strengthen the complex research and development infrastructure comprised of universities, technology centres, research networks, laboratories and libraries; Coordinate the actions of nanotechnology research groups, the scientific community and the private sector in Azerbaijan. In order to achieve these goals
FP 7-INCO.2010.6. 1 Project N: 266600 NAPEP FINAL REPORT
was organized meetings for discussing plans of joint Research with EU collaborators, train young persons in efficient networking, carry out seminars and disseminated results obtained during the implementation of project. The basic output of the project will be the development of the strategy of integrating the “Nanocenter“ research group of the Baku State University into the EU research area and the participation of this group in future EU projects
For 36 months the implementation of the project agreement made significant strides in direction of involving Nano Center - Baku State University in the European scientific Area and in integrating scientific interest of this center with European Research groups. During the project implementation, it was carrying out six management meetings (1-2 December 2010, Szeged, Hungary; 27 May 2011, Oulu, Finland; 30 September, 2011, Baku, Azerbaijan, 30 September 2012, Oulu, Finland, 22 March 2013, Szeged, Hungary, 22 October 2013, Szeged, Hungary). In this management meetings was discussed Contract requirements, Gender Strategy, management system, project management, organization of seminars, workshops and trainings, the general aspects of Agenda of Workshops&Trainings, the results of last 6 month work period and planning for common yearly and detailed 6 month works. It was defined the group profiles for each participating country concerning state-of-the-art nanotechnology research, nanoscience policies and key actors in the fields of electronics and photonics. It was studying the nanotechnology map research capabilities of the Nanocenter, BSU, Azerbaijan and partner countries. These indicators included macroscopic economic data such as economic growth, trade and R&D expenditure, human resources for R&D, finance resource for funding for research and innovation projects, etc. During the project implementation in framework WP3 Networking, was bought domain name for NAPEP project. All project Events data was collected and published on webpage. News about NAPEP project published on page News. For establishing future sustainability development research in area of nanotechnology is very important establishing of connection between research group of project partners, universities, SME`s, industry and service company of partner countries. Such type of connection carrying out in during all project implementation. For this purpose was collected information about Nanotechnology related research, production and Service Company in all partner countries. During the project implementation it was defined the common research interest of partner Universities. The young and senior Researchers were presented the results of original works on NAPEP Workshops. In such type of meetings it was discussed the perspective topic in area Nanoscience and nanotechnology for future collaboration. In Research planning meetings (Szeged, 24 March 2012) it was defined the main direction of future collaboration. In minutes of meeting discussion the project partners decided that future collaboration of partner groups in FP7 and Horizon2020 framework programs will be in following directions: Developing of materials for Solar cell elements, Materials for hydrogen generation, Developing sorbents on base of new layered nanocomposites, new composite materials on base of carbon nanotubes and polymers. It was the created topics for young researcher’s personal trainings. Main trainings in area of synthesizing and investigation of nanomaterials characteristics doing on second part of project implementation. On NAPEP Workshops and Trainings mainly were participated young researchers from partner universities and representatives of SME and industry. The main materials of NAPEP Workshops, Trainings and management meetings materials were published on Project web-site. Information about this event was published on newspapers and was disseminated through media outlets. In this event mainly was participated young researchers from partner Universities. The main part (more than 35% ) of project participants was Female personal.
Project Results:
The main S&T results you can find in attached document in pdf format.
Potential Impact:
The NAPEP project has successfully demonstrated the feasibility of mutually beneficial scientific collaboration between Azerbaijan and EU member states. The direct scientific output of the project can be summarized as follows:
- developments in the field of semiconductor quantum dot and luminescent phosphor research,
- developments in the synthesis, property tailoring and applications of various inorganic one-dimensional nanostructures,
- developments in the field of transparent conductive coatings,
- developments in the field of nanotechnology based photovoltaic solutions.
The whole project was realized in a continuous trilateral collaboration between all three partner universities. The established nanotechnology platform will strengthen the regional leadership position of Baku State University in the field, and simultaneously, it will improve the networking potential of the EU member state partners. Of particular importance are the personal contacts established during the project by partner scientists to key decision makers and industrial end users in all three countries. Last but not least, the cross-platform training offered to the young researchers of all three partners will undoubtely have a beneficial effect on the careers of these colleagues.
It is expected that the established trilater cooperation will continue by finding alternative financing sources after the conclusion of the NAPEP project. The following collaborational actions were already taken:
- Memorandum of Understanding of research partnership between BSU-Szeged and BSU-Oulu. These documents are ready and are in the process of official signature.
- ERASMUS partnerships established between BSU-Szeged and BSU-Oulu.
- One BSU researcher to pursue a PhD student career at Oulu.
- One BSU researcher to participate in a joint PhD training program at Szeged
- All three partners to participate in at least one joint proposal submitted to H2020 calls in 2014.
It is evident from the rich scientific output and live trilateral collaboration that the NAPEP project was able to accomplish its goals successfully. All three partners are highly satisfied with the project results and are 100% motivated to continue the joint research even by using their own alternative resources for this purpose.
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