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Trans-National Access to Unique European Actinide and Radiological Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facilities

Final Report Summary - EURACT-NMR (Trans-National Access to Unique European Actinide and Radiological Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facilities)

Executive Summary:
The Euract-NMR project is a Coordination and Support Action to provide support to scientists from member states and associated states to carry out state-of-the–art experiments at the Karlsruhe Centre of Excellence for Actinide Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). This is a unique facility that has installed a liquid state NMR spectrometer at the KIT-INE and a solid-state NMR spectrometer at the JRC ITU where both sites are nuclear licensed and capable of handling transuranic materials. The aim was to maximise the use and impact of such an advanced analytical technique for actinide and radioactive materials in general. A further aim of this project is to not only to make available nuclear magnetic resonance facilities for nuclear research for the period of the Trans-National Access Programme, but also to nucleate the spread of the technique through European research institutes and organisations and especially amongst PhD and early career researchers.

The objective of delivering 50 days of access to each facility has been achieved. Indeed, the host institutions have provided additional visit days to assist in the preparation of materials for spectroscopic analysis totalling in 82 access days at KIT-INE. In all there were 20 proposals submitted with a total request of 378 days of access to the experimental facilities. The expert review team and scientific advisory committee have worked hard to review proposals and allocate the 100 days experimental time across three scientific domains (D1 Low temperature actinide physics, D2 High-resolution solid state NMR, D3 Speciation and separations chemistry). Fourteen projects were eventually awarded time in allocations of 3-10 days, 17 researchers were supported by the programme, of which eight were PhD or early career researchers.
The high point of the programme was the Final Workshop in which there were presentations from all participants in the programme and from invited speakers in the area of theory. All of the allocated projects have publications in progress and all presented results at the workshop. There have been 23 external presentations of pre-publication EURACT-NMR results at external meetings or seminars.
Significant progress has been made in each domain, for example, in domain 1; observing the low temperature anti-ferromagnetic transition in oxygen-17 doped samples of uranium neptunium oxides; in domain 2, the observation of changes borosilicate glasses containing curium as a function of radiation damage via high resolution boron-11 and aluminium 27 NMR detection of boron and aluminium speciation, including the observation of 2D NMR data; in domain 3, the observation of an unexpected lack of paramagnetism in the NMR shifts of americium DOTA complexes used in selective separations.
At the conclusion of the project it is clear that the availability of actinide NMR is becoming better known and exploited in the actinide science community. This programme relied on the additional support of the two host institutes to cope with time-sensitive experiments and it also had a significant number of young researchers. Thus, future efforts in this field could be devoted to longer experimental periods for young researchers.

Project Context and Objectives:

Before this Coordination and Support Action, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) had been only rarely applied to nuclear materials. However, NMR is an analytical technique that has been used in the 68 years since its invention to produce significant scientific advances. These advances have resulted directly in three Nobel Prizes (Purcell & Bloch, Ernst, Mansfield). Milestones include, in physics, the experimental confirmation of the Bardeen-Cooper-Schreiffer theory of conventional superconductors (also Nobel Laureates); in biochemistry/biology the functional structure and dynamics of biological molecules made tractable through Fourier Transform multi-dimensional NMR spectroscopy (Ernst, Chemistry 1991) and the influence of rapid methods of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Mansfield, Medicine 2003) have revolutionized cancer detection and treatment. One of the reasons that NMR applies across so many diverse fields is that is can be equally applied to liquid and solid, crystalline or amorphous materials. It delivers an element specific response that greatly simplifies the investigation of compositionally or structurally complex materials (see milestones above). These are precisely the characteristics of materials that present in nuclear research.
Both the sustainable nuclear energy technology platform (SNE-TP) Strategic Research Agenda (2009) and the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (2008) report of the United States department of Energy highlighted the application and implementation of advanced analytical technologies and computational simulation techniques as an essential part in the future development of nuclear power around the world. Advances in analytical techniques, computation and modelling often occur in the non-nuclear realm. However, while advances in computation and modelling of nuclear materials are readily adapted to advances in techniques, implementing advanced experiments under radiological constraints is significantly more difficult and yet essential to validate increasingly sophisticated (and critical) models of material behaviour under normal and extreme conditions. The aim of this project was to make nuclear magnetic resonance facilities available for nuclear research in Europe and nucleate the spread of the technique through European research institutes and organisations.
For an investment of €1M, two advanced nuclear magnetic resonance systems, supplied by a European company (Bruker-Spectrospin), were commissioned at the EC Joint Research Centre, Institute for Transuranium Elements (JRC-ITU) for solid-state NMR and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal (KIT-INE) for liquid state NMR to create the Karlsruhe Actinide NMR Centre of Excellence. These state-of-the-art instruments and NMR probes were adapted to operate under radiological conditions in nuclear licensed facilities to allow advanced nuclear magnetic resonance experiments on radioactive solid and liquid materials to be carried out. This Coordination and Support Action then provided support to scientists from member states, associated states and third countries to have access to this unique facility to maximise the use and impact of such an advanced analytical technique for research on actinide and radioactive materials in general.

The primary objective of the EURACT-NMR trans-national access programme was to open up unique and newly available actinide nuclear magnetic resonance facilities to nuclear researchers across Europe and in third countries. The secondary objective was to grow nuclear magnetic resonance expertise and awareness amongst the European nuclear research community in order to develop new experimental validation methods for complex models that describe the behaviour of nuclear materials and processes. Three domains of activity were identified where this specific progress could be made: Low temperature actinide physics (D1); high-resolution (magic-angle spinning) NMR of actinide containing solids (D2); Actinide speciation and separations chemistry (D3). In each of these domains more specific objectives were identified.

D1 Low temperature physics
NMR has made some recent significant contributions to novel actinide containing superconductors. Members of the JRC-ITU team were previously involved in the preparation and characterisation of the Pu containing superconductor PuCoGa5 resulting in a high profile publication (Sarroa et al Nature 2002) . Subsequent NMR experiments that proved that the superconductor was truly unconventional with the presence of an asymmetric gap were carried out in the USA (Curro et al Nature 2005) where access to an NMR spectrometer in a nuclear licensed facility (Los Alamos) that allowed NMR spin-lattice relaxation measurements on static samples at low temperature was crucial. The wide-bore cryogenic static NMR probe installed at JRC-ITU Karlsruhe had the objective of providing very low temperature observation of Knight shifts, spin-lattice relaxation times and direct observation of actinides in anti-ferromagnetic states. The scientific objective being to greatly enhance European capability in the fundamental science of actinide containing materials and ability to correctly describe 5f electron systems.

D2 High-resolution solid-state NMR (Magic-Angle-Spinning)
The ability to identify local atomic sites in an element specific way is highly important when materials may be complex or contain a mixture of crystalline and amorphous states. Direct observation of actinide elements by NMR is difficult because of the presence of a large on-site hyperfine coupling between 5f electrons and the actinide nucleus. However, a transferred hyperfine coupling from 5f electrons to other elements causes significant (paramagnetic) shifts that allow direct bonds with actinide elements and through space coupling to be determined. In addition, using magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR of Pu containing samples, Farnan et al (Nature 2007) showed that local spectroscopic probes, are very sensitive to radiation damage. High resolution NMR allowed the spin-counting of the number of atoms displaced per damage event and measured five times more damage than expected from the predictions of conventional radiation damage codes. A range of magic-angle spinning NMR probes from 7mm to 1.3 mm is available at JRC-ITU to accommodate multinuclear approaches to nuclear magnetic resonance and to allow rapid sample spinning to remove effects of paramagnetic broadening expected to arise from the 5f electrons of actinide elements. A principal objective of the application of these techniques would be examination of the speciation in amorphous or amorphised regions of nuclear materials to provide detailed structural information and quantitative evaluation of radiation damage. High-speed spinning should also produce sufficiently increased resolution to reveal details of chemical ordering in mixed actinide oxides.

D3 Actinide speciation and separation chemistry (Liquid state NMR)
The long-term strategy of nuclear power in Europe depends upon the continued development of actinide separation technologies, particularly, the selectivity of lanthanide and actinide separations. While empirically derived methods are making progress, a fundamental understanding of ligand selectivity is important. This requires information on intermediate states and rates of reaction in solution that can be provided by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The determination of chemical shifts in actinide complexes carries powerful information on the chemical bonding and the nature of the complex. This approach is exemplified by the work of Clark et al (Los Alamos) on U,Np, Pu carbonate and other organic complexes in solution. In this work, oxygen atoms in uranyl species (observed by O-17 NMR) were shown to be very sensitive to coordinating cations, carbon atoms bonded to different actinide ions could be readily identified and the nature of the complexes identified. The objective here is the improvement of understanding of actinide speciation in re-processing chemistry through information uniquely provided by NMR spectroscopy.

Training objectives
Throughout each of the three experimental domains there is a parallel objective to provide training in Actinide NMR techniques for young researchers who will actively use these in their future research careers. This will be achieved by providing EURACT-NMR access to PhD students and post-doctoral researchers for NMR studies to be included in their thesis or post-doctoral publications.

Project Results:
The EURACT-NMR project arose from the successful scoping project EUNMR-An (FP7, 232294), which preceded and prepared the ground for the present project by convening a roundtable of experts in NMR and actinide science and the use of NMR in actinide science. The final act of Eu-NMRAn was a workshop held in January 2010 to coordinate a group of researchers across Europe to advance the project. It was at this meeting that it was agreed to move forward with the EURACT-NMR Transnational Access Programme to satisfy the demand for the atomic scale structural and dynamical information on nuclear materials that NMR could provide. EURACT-NMR was to provide 24 months access to the Actinide NMR Centre of Excellence facilities located in Karlsruhe at the EC JRC-ITU and the KIT-INE. To achieve this a 30 month programme was granted, which was extended to 32 months to accommodate an advantageous association of the final workshop with the quadrennial Actinides Conference series (Actinides 2013) held in Karlsruhe in July 2013. The work programme would begin on February 1st 2011, with a four month pre-experimental period for the setting up of a small infra-structure: the hiring of an administrator, website set-up and the convening of the Expert ReviewTeam (ERT) and an Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) to review proposals and allocate experimental time, respectively.

Delivery of project - operations
The project began in February 2011 with the recruitment process for an Administrator to manage the day-to day operation of the programme.
This recruitment was completed in April 2011 when Marion Reusch was hired. The establishment and construction of a website to enable the operation of the proposal submission and review proceeded in parallel with the recruitment. The first call for proposals was published on the website and distributed to the EURACT-NMR community, sister Euratom FP7 programmes and wider NMR and actinide science newsgroups on 8th April 2011. The call for proposals was issued directly to the EURACT-NMR community by email and through emails kindly sent by sister Euratom Framework 7 programmes F-Bridge, ACSEPT, ACTINET and prominent notices on their websites. Email newsgroups such as the ‘NMRlistes’ NMR email newsgroup and the email list for ‘Journées des Actinides’ were also circulated. The expert review team confirmed their willingness to participate and the membership is listed in table 1 in the attachment. The deadline for the first call for proposals was originally 8th May 2011. However, because of the short time between project set-up and the call deadline, it was decided to extend the deadline for the first call to the 31st May 2011. The first management and scientific advisory committee meeting (SAC) was held on 19th and 20th May. Two major issues arose at this meeting. These were the mismatch between the proposed time allocation per applicant and the actual time requests and the fact that the project had received applications from third countries. Following consultation with the project officer to see if this could be varied to allow some longer allocations of 10 days, but fewer total projects on a pro rata basis. This change was confirmed by the project officer on the basis of scientific justification. The project officer also confirmed that it was permissible for the SAC to consider an application from the USA (or other third countries) even though it was not a member or associated state of the EU again on a scientific justification basis. The proposal deadline was extended to 31st May and the reviewing and SAC discussion of the proposals was carried out on the SAC forum of the project website to include these two new factors. Eleven proposals were received and a total of 267 days of experimental time requested. The breakdown per domain was 10 days domain 1, 69 days domain 2 and 188 days domain 3.
A second call for proposals was made on 9th November 2011 with a deadline of 8th February 2012. This was intentionally early (proposed date in Annex 1 was 31/01/2012) to allow extra time for applicants to consult with instrument scientists and prepare better proposals. This deadline allowed ample time for proposal reviewing before the second SAC meeting on the 22nd and 23rd March 2012. Six proposals were received requesting 82 days of access. At this meeting it was noted that the quality of proposals was improved and 6 awards were made. Two researchers awarded time in round 1 withdrew from the programme. This necessitated a third (unscheduled) time allocation round and reviewing and SAC meeting (held Oct 7-9 2012 in Avignon). Three further awards in domain 3 were made at that meeting. Table 2 in the attachment contains a list of the 14 projects that were funded for experimental time by the programme. The allocation of experimental time was made in the three SAC meetings held during the programme. In all there were 20 proposals submitted with a total request of 378 days of access to the experimental facilities (100 days available). The make up of the SAC for each allocation round is listed in table 3 in the attachment. Dr Kambe and Dr Cho are international experts, Drs Farnan, Denecke, Somers and Meyer are the lead scientists of the project partners, Drs Kaden, Pauvert and Martel were co-opted onto thecommittee as the scientists responsible for the day-to-day running of the NMR instruments. In all, there were 14 projects delivered, eight at KITINE and 6 at JRC-ITU. There were 16 reviewers in the nominated Expert Review Team and 15 of these were utilised in the reviewing process.

Delivery of project - user experience & results.
All participants in EURACT-NMR were required to fill in a questionnaire about the quality of their visit as well as a short report about the success of their experiments. The average satisfaction mark was 14.5/16 (very satisfied) as a result of a close interaction between the instrument scientists and the visiting scientists. The vast majority of the experiments produced publishable results and progress is being made towards publications from all projects. Presentations of work have been made at a number of conferences and seminars during the project period. The majority of these were by young or early career researchers (see table 4 in the attachment) of which many were oral because of the novelty of the actinide NMR work.

Final workshop
The final workshop of the EURACT-NMR programme was the primary showcase for the experimental work carried out in the project. The date and location of the final workshop were chosen to have a maximum impact on actinide science. This was achieved by associating it, as an official satellite meeting, with the quadrennial Actinides meeting (Actinides 2013, 22nd-26th July 2013) in Karlsruhe. The workshop was held at the Akademie hotel, Karlsruhe, which is a specialised conference hotel, from 17th-19th July 2013. In the SAC meeting in October 2012 it was decided to include a fourth domain (beyond the three experimental domains) into the workshop to engage with theorists working on the calculation of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) parameters. Eight internationally recognised speakers were invited to the workshop, see Table 5, in addition to the speakers who were presenting their EURACT-NMR supported work. Six of these were in Domain 4 (theory) and two were in Domain 1 (Low temperature physics of actinides) of the latter, these were Professor Russell Walsted who was the originator of the JAERI Actinide NMR group in Japan and Professor Hiroshi Yasouka who was responsible for the first observation of the NMR resonance of 239Pu, which was published in Science in March 2012. The first lecture of the workshop was given by Advisory Committee member, Pierre Guillermier (Areva NP), on the history of reprocessing nuclear fuel in France and the importance of a fundamental understanding of the chemical mechanisms involved. Copies of the talks presented at the meeting are available as an annex to this report. The highlights of the meeting were the interactions between the theorists and the experimentalists. As the results were novel the possibility of collaboration and the development of a further programme that would closely integrate experiment and theory, now that experimental results were rapidly becoming available to critically test the electronic structures of actinide containing compounds in both the liquid and solid state.

Projects delivered at KIT-INER:

P02/02: In search of covalency in actinide coordination bonds J-F. Desreux (Université de Liège, Belgium)
In preliminary studies the applicants group found that the 1H paramagnetic shifts induced by the tetra- and trivalent actinides stem from three magnetic interactions i.e. a through space dipolar interaction between the unpaired electronic spins of the metal and a nucleus, a through bond "contact" delocalization of unpaired spin densities and a Curie-type interaction at high magnetic fields. These three contributions must be separated in order to quantitatively estimate the contact shifts that directly depend on the covalency of the coordination bonds.
Preliminary tests based on the shifts dependence upon temperature were not successful because of the small temperature range accessible for the NMR measurements. In another approach, new chelating agents should be used featuring rigid aliphatic substituents for which contact shifts should be negligible. Contact shifts for nuclei close to a paramagnetic centre are then easily computed. In this application, multinuclear NMR spectra of new actinide complexes should be recorded and analysed quantitatively in collaboration with the KIT group. To achieve the envisioned goals of the proposal, the applicant should visit the KIT on a regular basis but most often, he is not recording NMR spectra himself. NMR spectra are collected by INE scientists and interpretations and suggestions are constantly exchanged by email. According to initial studies, small paramagnetic shifts with all tri- and tetravalent ions are expected except for U(VI) and Cm(III). The latter is particularly nteresting because of its extremely large NMR shifts and it will be at the centre of the studies. The results will be combined with nuclear magnetic elaxation dispersion measurements carried out at the University of Liège. The research program is directly connected to the project accepted after the first call for proposals focusing on solvent nuclei directly coordinated to metal ions while delocalization over large, rigid and kinetically table molecular structures will be considered in the new proposal. Central to the research are nuclei remote to the paramagnetic centre to ensure that contact contributions are minimized but still close enough to be influenced significantly by dipolar interactions. A class of olecules has been developed by the applicant and has been produced by a collaborator at CIEMAT, Spain. Thus a collaboration was initiated between CIEMAT, University Liège and KIT-INE to synthesize and characterize a number of complexes. During a funded visit the applicant got in contact with Louise Natrajan (during her placement of the 2nd call) and a triangle collaboration between University of Liège (Prof. J.-F. Desreux), University of Manchester (L. Natrajan) and the KIT-INE was set up on the synthesis and characterisation of similar but advanced actinide-ligand systems. Natrajan’s group is responsible for the synthesis of new adamantyl group featuring ligands. The characterisation of some actinide complexes was scheduled and conducted during the extension of Natrajan’s 3rd call placement. The initiation of these two new collaborations and the involvement of young researchers at University of Manchester, CIEMAT and KIT-INE combined with the decades of expertise of Prof. Desreux in the field of actinide science directly adds to the success of the EURACT-NMR programme. The initiated collaborations are long-term projects focusing on understanding of paramagnetic effects of the actinides on nuclei in surrounding molecules. Obtained and future results will be disseminated in contributions to conferences and seminars and will become part of peer-reviewed publications indicating that these collaborations were initiated by the help of EURACT-NMR funding.

RP02/03: Elucidating Structure and Speciation of Paramagnetic Actinide Asymmetric DOTA Derivatives.
L. Natrajan, University of Manchester, UK
The proposed working programme was set out as the second step in a programme of research that aims on providing a working protocol to interpret paramagnetic NMR (pNMR) spectra of the f-elements in tandem with luminescence spectroscopy and computational quantum chemistry techniques. The work is an extension of the first call activities to less symmetric systems dedicated to provide an tool to predict spectra of more geometrically complicated systems and systems involving more radioactive actinides in different oxidation states. Structural properties of paramagnetic lanthanide compounds of DOTA and their derivatives, for example, are readily accessible provided the origin of the chemical shift is purely dipolar in nature. However, changing the donor set anisotropy or deviating the symmetry from an axial point group renders interpretation and prediction of NMR spectra much more difficult. In the actinide series, a higher contact contribution to the bonding model is expected making reliable assignment of the NMR spectra especially of compounds with low overall symmetry a greater challenge. The applicants propose to record the NMR spectra of various actinide complexes with actinides in different oxidation states (Np(IV), Np(V), Np(VI), Am(III), Am(V), Am(VI)) with symmetries ranging from C4 to C1 to determine their pNMR parameters,like line broadening, offset, T1 and 2 relaxation values. Investigation ofthe solution and redox speciation as well as the solution populations of geometric isomers is intended to build a comprehensive picture of solution state speciation of paramagnetic actinide complexes. The work was conducted in a four weeks stay at KIT-INE (27.09.-22.10.2012). The seven working days extending the granted 10 days of access by the EURACT-NMR programme were necessary due to extensive preparation efforts, because of the applicants being not allowed to handle higher radioactive nuclides at their home facility. In addition to coordination efforts to meet all security prerequisites for sample preparation and entrance allowance, two additional KIT-INE researcher were involved in preparation of initial actinide solutions and resulting complexes, as well as in characterization using UV/VIS, TRLFS and radiation based methods. User support at the NMR instrument as well as conducting measurements following the EURACT-NMR placement were provided by the KIT-INE NMR team. The applicants (L. Natrajan and her PhD student Sean Woodall) extended their first EURACT funding round studies of DOTA systems to derivatives of less symmetric DO3A and DOTA-amide systems of Am(III). The obtained results together with luminescence studies of Cm(III) derivatives proved to be consistent with studies of complexes in the lanthanide series, rendering these complexes again ideal candidates for the theoretical aspect of the project. As a second ligand systems the tetra-pyrazinyl tetrapod TPZEN (tetrapyrazinylethylenediamine) was chosen to extend previously reported studies involving U(III) and Ln(III)
complexes as well as Am/Eu extraction studies showing separation factors of 70 of Am(III) over Eu(III). The hypothesis to explain this finding was that there are distinct conformational changes in solution leading to significantly shorter metal-ligand bond distances in the Am(III) complex. Through 1H NMR studies conducted in this funding period, the applicants were able to show that the Am(III) complex does indeed adopt a C2-symmetric conformation in both D2O and d3-MeCN which is the ligand conformation that was previously shown lo lead to shorter metal-ligand interactions. Additionally, diffusion ordered (DOSY) NMR was employed to investigate the solution nuclearity of a series of NpO2(V) complexes and the existence of ‘cation-cation interactions’ in solution following applicants’ recent results of uranyl(VI) C2 symmetric complexes exhibiting ‘cation-cation’ interactions in solution detectable by NMR and luminescence spectroscopy. The solution speciation of these complexes with the actinide ions NpO2(V) and Cm(III) was achieved by NMR and luminescence spectroscopy, respectively, during the and round of EURACT funding at INE. Some striking differences in the coordination chemistry of these ligands (bis-silylated bipyridines and tetraimidodiphosophinates) were observed; notably the functionalised bipyridines neither bind to lanthanide(III) ions nor uranyl(VI) ions, but bind strongly to NpO2(V), Am(III) and Cm(III). This is particularly important when considering new separation strategies bases on liquid extraction.
The obtained results were disseminated in a number of contributions to conferences and seminars. The results will be a major contribution to Sean Woodall's PhD thesis and will become part of future publications with results of the first stay and results following an application for the 3rd call of EURACT-NMR.

RP02/04: Understanding molecular speciation in SANEX and GANEX separations of actinides from lanthanides” D. Whittaker,
University of Manchester, UK

The proposed work programme aims to assess the solution speciation of extraction ligand systems of the SANEX (Selective ActiNide EXtraction) and GANEX (Group ActiNide EXtraction) process to separate trivalent actinides from lanthanides out of typical PUREX (Plutonium and URanium EXtraction) raffinates. This is a prerequisite for a subsequent process to reduce the heat load of spent nuclear fuel by dealing differently with transuranic elements that are known to be mainly responsible for the long-term heat load of nuclear waste. Selectivity in this separation of actinides over lanthanides is achieved by application of N-donor ligand class chelators, which contain bis(triazinyl)pyridine structures, like CyMe4-BTBP and CyMe4-BTPhen. In the GANEX process TBP (tri-nbutylphosphate) is additionally used in combination with those N-donor ligands showing some promise for the group separation of all actinides from lanthanides. The ability for all these extracting systems to separate actinides from lanthanides is reasonably well established and quantified. However, the underpinning reasons for this ability are not well understood mainly because the molecular species that form during the separations procedure are not definitively known. The proposal therefore aims to study actinide speciation with SANEX and GANEX extractants in organic solvents, by additionally probing the possibility of ternary complex formation, particularly in GANEX processes. To gain a fundamental understanding of the molecular speciation of actinides under processing conditions, formed complexes in extracted phases as well as in directly monophasic synthesized systems should be characterized and results will be compared to previously obtained data of equivalent UO2 2+, Th4+and Ln3+ studies. The work was conducted in a two weeks stay at KIT-INE (09.07.-18.07.2012). In addition to coordination efforts to meet all security prerequisites for sample preparation and entrance allowance, two additional KIT-INE researcher were involved in preparation and in characterization of initial actinide solutions using UV/VIS and radiation based methods and in preparing the desired samples for the planned NMR investigations. User support at the NMR instrument as well as conducting measurements following the EURACT-NMR placement were provided by the KIT-INE NMR team. The placement was the basis of an extended 2.5 months stay following a complementary proposal to the EU FP7 funded project ACTINET-i3 where found and characterised complexes in solution were confirmed and studied by a variety of different speciation methods at
KIT-INE involving TRLFS (time resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy) and XAS measurements (X-ray absorption spectroscopy). Experiments were conducted to prove that BTBP and BTPhen form 1:2 complexes with trivalent americium in high concentrations. No interaction is found between the chelat ligands and TBP which is used as a co-solvent in process relevant conditions. Even in complexes of both CyMe4-BTX and Am(III) TBP is not able to substitute a ligand or interact with the whole complex. This was shown by 31P NMR and diffusion ordered spectroscopy (DOSY). This is important in view of potential GANEX style processes where both N-donor ligands and TBP would be used concomitantly. Surprisingly complexes of Pu4+ and the N-donor ligands, as studied in this work by homo- and heteronuclear 1D and 2D NMR methods, form directly in a monophasic preparation and ligands are not displaced by TBP in competition studies. Previous work has shown that the extraction of Pu4+ in bi-phasic extraction proceeds through formation of a Pu(NO3)4·3.3TBP complex and not a Pu(CyMe4-BTX)2]4+ complex. This finding maybe due to the different preparation strategies and offers the opportunity to study CyMe4-BTX complexes with Pu4+ without possibly disturbing solvent mixtures from extraction experiments. The obtained results were disseminated in a number of contributions to conferences and seminars and will become part of future publications and Daniel Whittaker’s PhD thesis.

RP03/01 Understanding molecular speciation of actinides in PUREX and SANEX type systems
T. Griffiths University of Manchester, UK

Knowledge of all occurring species in an industrial process is a prerequisite for improvement. Solvent ligand interactions and ternary systems composed of several metal-ligand-solvent species can be characterized, if every component carries an characteristic sensor. To investigate PUREX (Plutonium URanium EXtraction) type solutions NMR offers not only 1H and 13C as sensors for the TBP alkyl chain. Utilising 15N NMR for the nitrate species as well as 31P NMR for the TBP opens a wide field of investigation in concert with paramagnetic influences of the metal ion. The proposed working programme aimed on elucidating solution speciation of extraction complexes in PUREX type systems with variations of the used acids. Solution speciation of Pu4+ and TBP in nitric or chloric acid systems as well as in several mixed nitric/chloric acid systems should be investigated following an extraction of the metal ion species from acidic solution into organic systems (30 % BP/octanol (v/v)) under process relevant conditions. The resulting complexes should be investigated using 31P NMR to monitor the speciation of TBP and 15N NMR to investigate nitrate extraction into and speciation in the organic phase. The work was conducted in a three weeks stay at KIT-INE (15.02.-05.03.2013). In addition to coordination efforts to meet all security prerequisites for sample preparation and entrance allowance, two additional KIT-INE researcher were involved in preparation and in characterization of initial actinide solutions using UV/VIS and radiation based methods and in performing subsequent extraction procedures to prepare the desired samples for the planned NMR investigations. User support at the NMR instrument as well as conducting measurements following the EURACT-NMR placement were provided by the KIT-INE NMR team. The applicants were able to characterize a number of solution species synthesized by extraction of Pu4+ containing solutions in presence of different acids into an organic phase (30 % TBP/octanol (v/v)). Using 31P {1H} and 15N NMR spectroscopy they intended to probe Pu speciation in PUREX extraction systems, in order to provide an insight into Pu-TBP-NO3 complexes present in the organic phase. Specifically, 31P {1H} NMR spectroscopy was used to allow us to probe different TBP coordination environments, and likewise 15N NMR spectroscopy provided a method for monitoring the NO3- ion coordination environments. By addition of 15N labelled nitric acid they were able to show that nitrates are co-extracted and different chemical environments are found depending on the respective concentration of nitrate in the aqueous solution. Variable temperature 31P {1H}, and 15N NMR spectroscopy was also employed to enhance resolution of the signals within the corresponding spectra. The obtained results were disseminated in a number of contributions to conferences and seminars and will become part of future publications and the PhD thesis of Kate Tucker.

RP03/02 Elucidating Structure and Speciation of Paramagnetic Actinide Complexes of Asymmetric DOTA and DTPA Derivatives
L. Natrajan, University of Manchester, UK

The proposed working programme is the third step in a programme of research that aims on providing a working protocol to interpret paramagnetic NMR (pNMR) spectra of the f-elements. In combination with luminescence spectroscopy and computational quantum chemistry techniques effects of the f-elements on NMR parameter should be elucidated. Special emphasis is put on changes in symmetry in the complexes under investigation. The work is an extension of the first and second call activities to less symmetric systems (C1 and Cs) involving actinides in different oxidation states. Structural properties of paramagnetic f-element complexes of DOTA and their derivatives, for example, are readily accessible provided all contributions to the NMR chemical shift are purely dipolar in nature. However, deviation from an axial point group symmetry renders interpretation and prediction of NMR spectra much more difficult. Contact contribution to the bonding mode in compounds of the actinide series is expected to be significantly higher than in the lanthanide series making reliable assignment of the NMR spectra especially of compounds with low overall symmetry a greater challenge. The applicants propose to record the NMR spectra of various actinide complexes with actinides in different oxidation states (Np(IV), Np(V), Np(VI), Am(III), Am(V), Am(VI)) with symmetries ranging from C1 to Cs to determine their pNMR parameters, like line broadening, offset, T1 and T2 relaxation values. Investigation of the solution and redox speciation as well as the solution populations of geometric isomers is intended to build a comprehensive picture of solution state speciation of paramagnetic actinide complexes. The work was conducted in a four weeks stay at KIT-INE (31.01.- 28.02.2013). The fifteen working days extending the granted 5 days of access by the EURACT-NMR programme were necessary due to extensive preparation efforts, because of the applicants being not allowed to handle higher radioactive nuclides at their home facility. In addition to coordination efforts to meet all security prerequisites for sample preparation and entrance allowance, three additional KIT-INE researcher were involved in preparation of initial actinide solutions and resulting complexes, as well as in characterization using UV/VIS, TRLFS and radiation based methods. As a continuation to their work in the first and second EURACT visits, the applicants were able to use diffusion ordered (DOSY) NMR to investigate the solution nuclearity of a series of NpO2(V) complexes and the existence of ‘cation-cation interactions’ in solution.Interestingly they were able to determine that the tetraphenylimidodiphosphinate ligand (TPIP) resulted in the formation of neptunyl(VI) from neptunyl(V) even in the presence of reducing solvents (MeOH in this case) and that these complexes are stable in the +VI oxidation state for over 6 months. Moreover, the silylated bipyridyl ligands did not complex to Np(VI) but showed preferential complexation to Np(V).These results are important in the development of oxidation state selective ligands. As an additional source of information, growing of crystals from NMR solutions was applied to complexes of Np(TPIP)2(Ph3PO) from a Np(V) solution and were structurally characterised in Manchester. Following the established procedure, the applicants were able to grow a number single crystals from similar complexes in solution.

RP03/03: Magnetic susceptibility measurement of 243Am Claude Berthon, CEA Marcoule, France

Actinide ions are expected to have paramagnetic behaviour in solutions, except for The(IV) and U(VI). Unlike their lanthanide counterparts little data describing paramagnetic properties of these ions are available. Some disparate studies have been carried out in the 1950's through magnetic susceptibility measurements with a Gouy balance. The applicants started comprehensive studies of all readily available actinide ions in perchlorate media, collecting data of every accessible oxidation states in solution and were able to show a similar trend of magnetic moments between 4f and 5f elements. However, the acquired magnetic moment of Am(III) was higher than the expected value from Hund's rule or Van Vleck's formula. A possible explanation could arise from the Am isotope used: The high activity of 241Am might produce radicals, existing as unpaired electron density in solution with similar paramagnetic behaviour as the nuclide under investigation, thereby leading to errors in the magnetic susceptibility measurements. The objective of the proposal was to measure the magnetic susceptibility in perchloric media of 243Am, a less active isotope of Am, after removing the highly active daughter 239Np, in order to check this assumption.
The planned experiments were conducted in a one week stay at KIT-INE (13.05.-17.05.2013) followed by one months of consecutive measurements to follow the ingrowth of 239Np into the solution over one halftime of the nuclide. The applicants were able to collect the magnetic susceptibility of a second americium isotope (243Am extending the studies on 241Am) and could show the influence of α and β- radioactive decay on measurements achieved by the Evans method. Studying samples of these two isotopes with variable temperature reveals a different behaviour that is attributed to the radioactive decay difference between these solutions. However, additional experiments at different temperatures are required with both americium isotopes in order to quantify to what extend the 1/T dependence of the magnetic susceptibilities arises from radicals and/or β-particles. Experiments extending the performed EURACT-NMR studies are planned in cooperation of CEA Marcoule with KIT-INE. Studying the impact of the 239Np production by 243Am radioactive decay showed a correlation between β- activity and increasing magnetic susceptibility of the sample. Two phenomena with the first identified as the β- emissions influence from the 239Np decay and the second being related to the degradation products formation by radiolysis could be shown. The weak paramagnetic behaviour of Am(III) allowed to prove that the radioactivity of the actinide cations can disturb magnetic susceptibility measurements performed by the Evans’ method. Quantification of α and β- effects in activity units allows for assessing whether radioactivity decays can disturb magnetic susceptibility measurements significantly. Interestingly, the applicants were able to show that the effect of β- particles distorting the magnetic susceptibility measurements is one order of magnitude higher than the effect produced by radicals arising from α radioactive decays. The obtained results will become part of a future publication in PCCP, a manuscript is in preparation to date. The results were disseminated in a number of contributions to conferences and seminars and will be part of the PhD thesis of Matthieu Autillo.

Projects delivered by JRC-ITU

RP 01/04 Solid-state NMR of Pu-doped xenotimeK. Gunderson (University of Cambridge)

Katie Gunderson had previously synthesised xenotimes samples doped with 239 and 238Pu as part of the ACTINET programme. For the EURACT NMR project, these samples were located and the corresponding 31P NMR experiments were performed. This was the first self-irradiation damage experiment to be performed at the JRC-ITU MAS NMR facility. Both damaged and annealed samples were investigated
The results of this work are included in the PhD thesis of Katie Gunderson, and were presented soon after at the Plutonium Futures Conference in 2012. A publication on this work is now at an advanced stage of preparation.

RP 01/10 Study of the relaxation times of uranium in uraniumcopper and uranium-ruthenium complexes vs temperature
J. Maynadie (CEA Marcoule)
A series of metalloorganic compounds denoted Ru-tptz-U and Ru-dpp-U were prepared at the CEA laboratories in Marcoule and shipped to the
JRC-ITU for measurement. The EURACT NMR project also was extended to magnetic susceptibility measurements using JTC-ITU's SQUID instrument (with J.C. Griveau and E. Colineau). Unfortunately, no magnetic transition was observed in these compounds. Nevertheless, an in depth 13C NMR investigation was performed at three temperatures using the cryoprobe for the NMR spectrometer. As expected from the SQUID data, no changes were observed in the spectra, except an increase of the relaxation time.

RP 02/05 Radiation damage in nuclear glass
T. Charpentier and S. Peuget (CEA Saclay & Marcoule)
The CEA has an intensive programme on the characterisation of glasses, stemming from the industrial applications at the AREVA plant at La Hague.A series of glasses were prepared by the CEA and were irradiated in the OSIRIS reactor, where radiation damage occurred due to the neutron capture and decay of B, which emits an alpha particle. Further the CEA also prepared curium doped glasses, which also produce alpha particles on decay, but in addition generate recoil nuclei as an additional important source of irradiation damage. All of these samples were shipped to JRCITU for measurement. The MAS NMR investigations focussed on 23Na, 29Si, 11B nuclei, and covered 1-D and 2-D studies to elucidate the effect of irradiation on the glass subunits. The results were presented at EMRS in 2013 and a publication has ensued. Further measurements were made on the annealed samples and have been monitored as a function of time (i.e. damage accumulation since then.
RP 01/07 19F MAS NMR in thorium and uranium fluorides C. Bessada, L. Maksoud (CNRS Orléans). Though originally planned that the CNRS would supply a series of samples, the study had to be reduced in scope, due to the lack of synthesis facilities in CNRS and their associated laboratories. Eventually, one sample, ThF4, was prepared by the JRC-ITU (Ondrej Benes) actually saving this particular project. A series of 1-D and 2-D 19F MAS NMR measurements were performed. With 7 different F atoms in the structure,this compound has proven a severe test in the assignment of the NMR lines. As Th is in in the IV valence state there is no 5f-electron occupancy, and it is believed that the analysis of spectra for this compound will be a test bed in the establishment of NMR computational methods for the actinides and their compounds. Calculations have been performed in gas phase (M. Klipfel, A. Kovacs) and solid-state phase (F. Fayon, T. Charpentier). At least one publication is pending.

RP 02/01 Solid-state NMR study on trans-uranium compounds. Y. Tokunaga, S. Kambe (JAEA)
The group in JAEA is one of the foremost in the area of low temperature NMR studies on actinide compounds, and their participation in this programme has been of outstanding benefit in establishing expertise in Europe. Transportation of samples from Japan to Europe would have been excessively difficult, so two samples of U1-xNpxO2 (x=0.05 and 0.85) were prepared at JRC-ITU using sol gel methods, renowned for their high quality solid solution products. These samples were analysed by XRD, SQUID (J.C. Griveau, E. Colineau), Np Mössbauer (A. Hen, E. Colineau) and 17O NMR. Within this NMR project, only the sample U0.15Np0.85O2 has been studied. The results were inspiring and showed a distinct change in spectral form on cooling below 30 K. Data evaluation is ongoing RP 02/06 Electronic Stucture Determination of Technetium Oxide Solids by 99Tc and 17O NMR H. Cho (PNNL) 99Tc is particularly important fission product when assessing the long term stability of radioactive materials in repositories. The application of Herman Cho's team was greatly welcomed due to the complete absence of 99Tc solid-state NMR expertise in Europe. The samples were prepared with 17O doping at PNNL and were shipped to JRC-ITU for measurement. The data are now being assessed and punctual further measurements have been performed to assess the effect of self-irradiation damage (99Tc is a beta emitter). A publication is planned for the near future.

Potential Impact:
The impact of this trans-national access programme will be in the advancement of European actinide science and recognition of NMR as an important tool in the characterisation of nuclear materials and the validation of models that predict their behaviour. It has already had an impact in the education and training of the young researchers (post-docs and graduate students) who have been involved in the performing of the experiments and reporting and integrating the results with other experimental techniques and modelling. Six PhD theses (Gunderson, Tucker, Whittaker, Autillo, Woodall, Maksoud) have been supported in part by EURACT-NMR experimental access.

EURACT-NMR also supported the FP7 F-Bridge Summer School in 2011 (Synergy between modelling and experiments for the investigation of nuclear fuels and materials under irradiation) in kind and presented radiological NMR to an audience of ~50 PhD students working in the nuclear field from across Europe.

There are three key groups of users who will be interested in the research carried out in this project: industrial, academic and government. We have a member of the scientific advisory committee from AREVA to facilitate interactions with industrialists. As well as a project website, we have already made a presence at European meetings such as E-MRS where actinide materials science is a strong theme and at the Plutonium Futures conference 2012, Actinides 2013 Karlsruhe, 8th International Conference on f-elements Udine, Italy 2012, more internationally Euract-NMR work has been presented at Experimental NMR Conference (ENC) 2012 Miami, FL, Global 2013 Salt Lake City UT, and will be presented at the Japanese Physical Society meeting in Tokai in March 2014.

Our main approach to dissemination is the documentation of the key outputs of the research conducted as part of the access programme. We are expecting significant publications arising from the funded experimental time. Partly because of the delays in the access programme and subsequently the completion of other non-NMR aspects of the research these have not come fully to fruition yet. However, progress towards publication is being made in all research domains. In domain 2, one publication has just appeared online and will be in print shortly in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. In domains 1 and 3, one manuscript has been submitted to Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics and a number are in preparation (see list appended below).

The second approach is through meetings and attendance at conferences where work has been presented and due acknowledgement of the Trans-national access programme has been given. A third route is through informal network of contacts in industry and government agencies by informing them of the potential of this newly available technique. There are now radiologically capable NMR systems being installed in at least two locations in Europe following the EURACT-NMR programme. These are in the Netherlands at The Reactor Institute/Radiation Science Technology Department of the Technical University of Delft and in the Czech Republic at the Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Czech Technical University, Prague.

We did not expect that any new IP would be generated by this access programme.

Publications in progress (EURACT-NMR participants in bold)

Domain 1
NMR study of magnetic phase transition and self-radiation effect on AmO2 and U0.15Np0.85O2 Y.Tokunaga T. Nishii, M. Nakada, H. Sakai, S. Kambe, Y. Homma , F. Honda, D. Aoki Physical Review B 2014 (in prep.)

Domain 2
Effect of 10B(n, ) 7Li irradiation on the structure of a sodium borosilicate glass
S. Peuget, T. Fares, E.A. Maugeri, R. Caraballo, T. Charpentier, L. Martel, J. Somers, A. Janssen, T. Wiss, F. Rozenblum, M. Magnin, X. Deschanels, C. Jégou. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B available online/in press
Towards MAS-NMR investigations of self-irradiation damages in radioactive nuclear waste glasses
T. Charpentier, L. Martel, S Peuget, J. Somers, C. Selfslag Applied Physics A (in prep.)
Technetium-99 NMR and Relativistic Density Functional Theory Study of Electronic Structure of trans-Dioxotechnetium(V) Complexes Herman Cho*, Wibe A. de Jong, Sayandev Chatterjee, Samuel A. Bryan, Andrew S. del Negro, Sean E. Hightower, Chuck Z. Soderquist, Laura Martel, Chris Selfslag Journal of Physical Chemistry A (in prep.)
Radiation Damage in YPO4 Xenotime by Pu-doping, Swift Heavy Ions and 10B(n,α) Reactions K. M. Gunderson, E. R. Vance, T. Walter, L. Martel, C. Selfslag, R. Eliordi, J. Somers, I. Farnan Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 2014 (in prep.)
Cerium and Plutonium Solid-Solution in YPO4 Xenotime K. M. Gunderson, T. Walter, L. Martel, C. Selfslag, J. Somers, I. Farnan Journal of Nuclear Materials 2014 (in prep.)

Domain 3
Influence of radioactive decay on actinide magnetic susceptibility measurements by the Evans method M. Autillo, P. Kaden, A Geist, P. Moisy, C. Berthon Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2014, submitted manuscript ID CP-ART-02-2014-000724)
A nuclear magnetic resonance and relaxation dispersion study of the neptunium and plutonium ions in various oxidation states with a special emphasis on NpO2+
Jean F. Desreux, Damien Braekers, Guillaume Vaast, Geoffrey Vidick and Nouri Bouslimani, P. Kaden Journal of the American Chemical Society (in prep.)

Curium(III) vs. gadolinium(III) as seen by nuclear magnetic resonance and relaxation dispersion Jean F. Desreux, Nouri Bouslimani, Geoffrey Vidick and Bernard Lambert, P. Kaden Journal of the American Chemical Society (in prep.)

Understanding molecular speciation of actinides in solvent extraction processes
Griffiths T.L. Tucker K. L., Sharrad C. A., Martin L. R., Kaden P., Abstr Pap Am Chem S, 2013, 245.

List of Websites:

Coordinator: Dr Ian Farnan ( +44 1223 333431