CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-27

Next Generation of 2D-Nanomaterials: Enabling Supercapacitor Development

Final Report Summary - 2DNANOCAPS (Next Generation of 2D-Nanomaterials: Enabling Supercapacitor Development)

Climate change and the decreasing availability of fossil fuels require society to move towards sustainable and renewable resources. 2DNanoCaps will focus on electrochemical energy storage, specifically supercapacitors. In terms of performance supercapacitors fill up the gap between batteries and the classical capacitors. Whereas batteries possess a high energy density but low power density, supercapacitors possess high power density but low energy density. Efforts are currently dedicated to move supercapacitors towards high energy density and high power density performance. Improvements have been achieved in the last few years due to the use of new electrode nanomaterials and the design of new hybrid faradic/capacitive systems. However we now are reaching a newer limit beyond which we will only see small incremental improvements. The main reason for this being the intrinsic difficulty in handling and processing materials at the nano-scale and the lack of communication across different scientific disciplines.

2DNanoCaps used a multidisciplinary approach, where novel nanomaterials, existing knowledge on nano-scale processing and established expertise in device fabrication and testing have been brought together to focus on creating more efficient supercapacitor technologies. 2DNanoCaps exploited the use of liquid phase exfoliated two-dimensional nanomaterials such as transition metal oxides, layered metal chalcogenides and graphene as electrode materials.
The research developed was initially based on fundamental laboratory studies, recognising that this holds the key to achieving step-change in supercapacitors, but also included scaling-up and hybridisation as final objectives.
Towards the end a strong commercialisation aspect indeed took shape (PI licenced, patents filed and collaborations with major industrial partners been established).

2DNanoCaps focussed on the development of thin-electrode energy storage devices (supercapacitors) based on 2D Nanomaterials.