Final Report Summary - INNODYN (Integrated Analysis & Design in Nonlinear Dynamics)
Everywhere in society we see an increased quest for the use of ultra lightweight materials as well as their use in superlight constructions. The result may be more fuel-efficient cars and airplanes, aestetically pleasing building constructions with less use of material, ultra slim and light cellular phones as well as non-stigmatizing minituarized hearing aids. However, such lightweight constructions put a challenging demand on clever engineering, for instance to reduce unwanted vibrations and noise which become much more difficult to control. In this respect is the use of advanced numerical optimization tools are often essential for the ability to combine both challenging objectives and performance limiting constraints.
Advanced optimization tools such as shape and topology optimization have been extremely successful within the last decades for the design of materials and structures, herein also taking the dynamic performance into account. However, the INNODYN project has addressed the major challenge that when the materials and structures reach their current level of refinement and minituarization and the ultimate level of weight saving, nonlinear effects become much more dominant and must necessarily be taken into account already in the design phase. Until now assessment of the nonlinear behavior is often postponed to the final post design phase, but only by including the nonlinear effects, such as essential nonlinear geometrical features, can the full potential for design optimization be obtained, without the need for eg. a costly redesign procedure or the creation of designs that are not at all optimal in realistic operating conditions.
The research group consisting of the PI, a postdoc and two PhD students have been working intensively for four years on developing novel methods for integrating the advanced analysis tools and the design optimization phase of materials and mechanical structures for their nonlinear dynamic performance. The outcome of the efforts has been a set of computational tools and design methodologies that have created significant impact in the scientific community and can potentially find their way into commercial optimization codes within a few years. Additionally, significant efforts have been invested into applying the novel tools and methodologies for specific applications within the design of optimized nonlinear MEMS resonators and the development of a novel concept for wave and vibration control.