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Study of Strongly Interacting Matter

Final Report Summary - HADRONPHYSICS3 (Study of Strongly Interacting Matter)

Executive Summary:
The HadronPhysics3 project, building on two previous HadronPhysics projects, is strongly anchored within the community of virtually all the European researchers working on hadron physics and strong interactions. More than 50 European institutions and over 2500 European scientists, active in Universities and Research Organizations, have joined forces to provide transnational access to five European hadron facilities. Nine structured networking opportunities, plus the management of the project, and fourteen joint research activities (JRAs), further support the integration of experimental and theoretical research. The collaboration among theorists and experimentalists is a typical feature of the hadron physics community. Previously working in disconnected groups, these scientists, together with many groups outside of Europe that are involved in the networks and JRAs, are now cooperating to the growth of the field. Their activities will have impact on the state of current and future research facilities, on advanced theoretical and experimental methods and on basic understanding geared to the needs of the scientific community in all fields of science and technology.
The description of the 29 activities can be found in the HadronPhysics3 website:

Project Context and Objectives:
The HadronPhysics3 project, building on two previous HadronPhysics projects, is strongly anchored within the community of virtually all the European researchers working on hadron physics and strong interactions. More than 50 European institutions and over 2500 European scientists, active in Universities and Research Organizations, have joined forces to provide transnational access to five European hadron facilities. Nine structured networking opportunities, plus the management of the project, and fourteen joint research activities (JRAs), further support the integration of experimental and theoretical research. The collaboration among theorists and experimentalists is a typical feature of the hadron physics community. Previously working in disconnected groups, these scientists, together with many groups outside of Europe that are involved in the networks and JRAs, are now cooperating to the growth of the field. Their activities will have impact on the state of current and future research facilities, on advanced theoretical and experimental methods and on basic understanding geared to the needs of the scientific community in all fields of science and technology.
The description of the 29 activities can be found in the HadronPhysics3 website:

The five Research Infrastructures offering transnational access within HadronPhysics3 represent the state-of-the-art in the field. They are:
• Mainz Microtron MAMI, unique in Europe, for studies of electromagnetically induced reactions, paralleled in the world only by the JLAB facility in USA.
• GSI, an accelerator complex for ion beams and secondary pion beams, complemented by some 20 experimental areas, equipped with modern spectrometers and detector systems.
• COSY, a cooler synchrotron and storage ring, the only cooler ring worldwide, to study hadron induced reactions in the medium energy regime.
• Frascati National Laboratories (LNF) with the collider DAFNE provide high purity antikaon beams, unique worldwide for antikaon stopped experiments, paralleled by the J-PARC facility in Japan for antikaon in-flight reaction studies.
• the European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and related Areas (ECT*) is the unique and the only Center of this kind in Europe offering to the international community a combination of high-level projects and advanced training programs to young researchers.


The nine Networking Activities link the research programs of the facilities through the coordination of work and resources:

• WP2: Theory of Ultra Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions (TURHIC)
The TURHIC network is concentrated on the study of:
• the properties of the plasma before hadronisation and how the phase transition toward the hadronic world takes place
• the modification of hard probes due to the quark gluon plasma through which they pass and the information the hard probes carry about this interaction
• the initial thermalisation.

• WP3: Feasibility study for an electron-nucleon collider in Europe (ENCstudy)
Objective of WP3 is the study of the feasibility of an electron-nucleon collider (ENC) as a future extension of the High Energy Storage Ring (HESR) at the FAIR facility.

The ENC study is concentrated on the following two objectives:
• physics simulations of benchmark channels
• electron ring design study.

• WP4: Exciting Physics Of Strong Interactions (EPOS)
Objective of EPOS is the study of the structure and dynamics of hadrons aiming at understanding its properties and interactions in terms of the underlying fundamental theory, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). The physics issues can be grouped in four major tasks:
• precision calculations in strong interaction physics
• multi-quark and multi-hadron states
• lattice methods and applications
• nuclear matter and phases of QCD (Nuclear matter and phases of QCD).

• WP5: Meson Physics in Low-Energy QCD (MesonNet)
The main objective of the MesonNet network is the coordination of light meson studies at different European accelerator research facilities: COSY (Jülich), DAFNE (Frascati), ELSA (Bonn), GSI (Darmstadt) and MAMI (Mainz). The network includes EU researchers carrying out experiments at VEPP-2000 (BINP), CEBAF (JLAB) and B-factories (Babar, Belle, Belle II experiments): these facilities are also included in the network.

The work concerns three main objectives:
• studies of light meson decays
• studies of meson production reactions
• common activities.

• WP6: Strange Particles in Hadronic Environment Research in Europe (SPHERE)
This work package will coordinate studies on hypernuclei at KAOS@MAMI, HYPHI@GSI, PANDA@FAIR with a program which consists of four activities:
• Physics: weak decays of hypernuclei and production of exotic hypernuclei are major topics
• Experiments: hypernuclear experiments planning and analysis and interpretation of experimental results
• Detectors: exchange of know-how to design, to build, to integrate and to operate the new experimental equipments and develop analysis tools
• Theory: this activity will serve to join efforts of the various theory groups with the common goal to develop theoretical models appropriate for the analysis of hypernuclear production and structure data, including large-scale numerical simulations.

• WP7: A worldwide research networking activity for experiments on QCD at FAIR (FAIRnet)
The experiments PANDA (Antiproton Annihilation at Darmstadt) and CBM (Compressed Baryonic Matter) at FAIR will be devoted to studies on the nature of QCD pursuing complementary approaches: PANDA will investigate the properties of the strong force at the quark level, whereas CBM will explore the properties of strongly interacting matter under extreme conditions.

The activity is focused on five objectives:
• software development
• detector layout optimization
• R&D on detectors, FEE and DAQ
• construction and tests of prototypes
• construction of components for detectors, FEE and DAQ.

• WP8: Heavy flavoured probes of deconfined QCD matter (SaporeGravis)
The network studying heavy flavored probes of deconfined QCD matter formed in heavy ions collisions at relativistic energies has the following objectives:
• to improve the interaction between theorists and experimentalist for the interpretation of the new LHC results
• to ensure an effective scientific transition from LHC to FAIR
• to support the soft diffractive community in nucleus-nucleus collisions.

• WP9: Low-energy antikaon-nucleon and -nuclei interaction studies (LEANNIS)
The central objectives of the proposed networking activity LEANNIS are the definition and coordination of studies on low-energy antikaon nucleon (nucleus) interaction in theory and experiments centered in Europe, but with strong impact on the worldwide strategy in the field.

The following main topics have been identified:
• theoretical investigations in strangeness nuclear physics
• new precision studies of the strong interaction in kaonic atoms
• the nature of (1405) by experimental investigations
• search for kaonic nuclear clusters in dedicated experiments
• towards in-medium modification studies of charmed hadronic systems with PANDA at FAIR
• expert meetings, workshops, dissemination.

• WP10: Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (LatticeQCD)
Lattice QCD currently provides the only ab initio method for performing QCD calculations in the low-energy regime giving a quantitative description of the physics of hadrons and nuclear forces with controlled systematic errors.

The activity has multiple tasks:
• Machine issues
• Stochastic noise techniques
• Constraining effective field theory
• Spectrum and unstable particles
• Flavour singlet mesons
• Renormalisation and improvement
• Sea quark and gluon contributions to nucleon structure
• Higher moments of structure functions
• Operator product expansion and higher twist
• Heavy quark physics
• Fundamental symmetries
• Physics beyond the standard model?
• QCD phase diagram
• Equation of state
• Universality aspects
• Screening phenomena
• Spectral properties
• Quantum number fluctuations
• QCD vacuum
• Chiral aspects of QCD thermodynamics .


The fourteen Joint Research Activities (JRA) deal with technologically innovative aspects of experimental activities that will advance the understanding of hadron properties or test QCD predictions. The related experiments are performed at the participating, or future, Research Infrastructures, as well as at other leading facilities in the world.

• WP16: Advanced Diamond Assemblies (ADAMAS)
The prime novelty of large-area Diamond-on-Iridium (DOI) detectors is the combination of hitherto unobserved timing properties with an almost homogeneous crystal structure. The main applications foreseen are the tracking and the ToF (Time of Flight) of relativistic heavy ions and protons in FAIR experiments as well as similar applications at LHC.

The work package ADAMAS focuses its activity on the following objectives:
• the continuous improvement of quality and post-processing of Dia-on-Ir materials
• the design and development of new detectors with appropriate electronics for advanced diamond assemblies.

• WP17: Internal Magnets for DNP (DNPMag)
The final goal of WP17 is a polarized solid target, which is polarized by continuous Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) and operates in a 4π-detection system.

The JRA DNPMag focuses its activity on the following objectives:
• development of a “4π-DNP continuous mode” polarized target system by means of low mass polarizing solenoids for small size targets
• development of a “4π-DNP continuous mode” polarized target system by means of low mass polarizing coils for large size targets.

• WP18 : Frontier Photon Detectors (FPD)
This JRA aims to advance in the R&D studies of novel photon detectors based on Multi-Wall Carbon Nano Tubes (MWCNT) photocathodes coupled to Micro Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGD) devices by entirely new approaches for MWCNT fabrication and surface treatment, likely leading to a modulable photodetection bandwidth, and innovative solutions in the MPGD design.

The activity is focused on the following objectives:
• development of a spray technique for CNT film deposition
• development, as fall out of the spray technique, of a new-material as potential photo converter: the diamond, in powder form
• design, construction, readout and characterization of a large size thick GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier)-based photon detector prototype (THGEM)

• WP19: Future Particle Identification Techniques (FuturePID)
Objectives of WP19 are:
• optimization of Transition Radiation Detectors (TRDs) and Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) using novel materials and techniques
• search for the limits of free-running, un-triggered readout electronics architecture for interactions rates of the order of several MHz.

• WP20: Cryogenic jets of nano- to micrometer-sized particles for hadron physics (FutureJet)
The aim of this JRA is to perform significant further developments on the science and technology of cryogenically cooled beam sources with applications in various research fields.
The objectives are:
• cluster-jet beam studies
• laser induced break up in liquid hydrogen
• pellet beam studies
• pellet tracking.

• WP21: Development of high rate compact Cherenkov imaging technology (CherenkovImaging)
This JRA concentrates on the development of particle identification solutions using the Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov Light (DIRC) principle. The JRA is concerned with two major tasks, the development of a new type of photon detection system suitable for high rates and long lifetimes, with excellent timing properties and compatible with moderate to strong magnetic fields, and as well the development of a cost-effective disc DIRC to be integrated into the WASA detector at COSY.

• WP22: Frontier scintillation detectors based on inorganic fibers (LYSOFiber)
Scintillation detectors based on inorganic materials provide significantly higher light yield, an efficient interaction with electromagnetic probes due to the content of high-Z elements, a wider range of emission wavelength to adapt to the appropriate photo sensors and remain more resistant to radiation damage for long term operation.

This JRA concentrates on the technology for the production of thin LYSO:Ce fibers.
The final goal has to be the industrial production of large quantities and, therefore, the development and test of more efficient growth capabilities. Moreover, the aim is as well the production of a fiber bundle made of LYSO:Ce fibers.

• WP23: Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDex)
The first aim of this JRA is to contribute to the R&D of a series of new detectors to be installed at: 1/the COMPASS and 2/the CLAS12 facilities. Specifically, the objectives of this JRA are:
• study of a Recoil detector (CAMERA) for COMPASS
• study of a new Cylindrical tracker (CT), a Central neutron detector (CND) and a Forward tagger for CLAS12 (FT).
The second aim of this JRA consists of:
• development of new methods and techniques for the analysis and interpretation of all data on hard exclusive reaction.

• WP24: Ultra-light and ultra-large tracking systems based on GEM technology (JointGEM)
The objectives of the JRA WP24 are:
• “active target” TPC (Time Projection Chamber)
• large area GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) foils and support structures
• large-size readout structures, ASIC and FEE (Front-end electronics) optimization.

• WP25: Polarized Antiprotons (PolAntiP)
This JRA aims at studying the feasibility for the production of polarized antiprotons.
This means to pursue the following objectives:
• investigating the possibility of polarizing a stored beam by spin-flip as an alternative method to spin filtering
• performing polarization buildup studies of protons with transverse polarization
• performing longitudinal polarization studies with protons at COSY.
The complete program should in addition entail the following objectives, which are not covered in the framework of the HadronPhysics3 project:
• transverse spin-filtering measurements with antiprotons at the Antiproton-decelerator (AD) of CERN for Tp<70 MeV
• longitudinal spin-filtering measurements with antiprotons at the AD
• upgrade of the AD cooler and extension of spin-filtering studies to Tp=500 MeV.

• WP26: Integration of ultra-light silicon tracking and vertex detection systems (ULISINT)
The JRA ULISINT covers three fields of large-area tracking and vertex detectors, each of them backbones of the upcoming CBM and PANDA detectors at FAIR:
• a thin fast micro-strip tracking detector system for large area coverage
• a thin fast pixel hybrid detector system for tracking in very high particle densities
• an ultra-thin monolithic pixel detector system with very high spatial resolution for decay vertex identification.

• WP27: A Di-Jet Electromagnetic Calorimeter for Jet Quencing Study (Di-JETCAL)
In the ALICE spectrometer, in order to expand the physics capabilities of the electromagnetic calorimeter EMCal by enabling back-to-back correlation measurements, a large acceptance electromagnetic calorimeter DCal, positioned opposite to and down EMCal, has been designed and built.
The aim of the proposed JRA is to perform an extensive study of jet quenching in heavy ion collisions.

Objectives of WP27 are:
• construction and installation of DCal supermodules
• Di-jet and γ-jet reconstruction in heavy ion collisions
• implementation of the High Level Trigger (HLT) for jet trigger
• theoretical model developments and modelization in Monte Carlo.

• WP28: Matrix Geiger-Mode Avalanche Micro-Pixel Photo Diodes (SiliconMultiplier)
The aim of this JRA is to perform R&D for prototypes of advanced particle detectors for hadron physics exploiting the strengths of the new photon sensor SiPM and pushing against the present deficiencies.

The objectives are:
• Cherenkov light detection with single photon readout
• SiPM-coupled advanced fiber detectors
• ultra-fast timing with plastic scintillators for ToF (Time of Flight)-applications.

• WP29: Three-dimensional momentum structure of hadrons (3D-Mom)
The JRA 3D-Mom joins the proposed R&D for innovative instrumentation of key experiments at the future JLab12 facility with the expertise and highly collaborative work of European scientists working in the field of Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD) distributions.

Objectives of this JRA:
• design studies, test measurements and prototype construction for the CLAS12 RICH detector
• basic studies of fundamental field theoretical properties of TMD distributions
• global analysis of all available data of TMD distributions.

The objectives of the management are:
1. To grant an efficient and accountable way of managing the project through effective managerial and decision-making structures, while retaining a high level of representation and transparency, both with regard to the scientific and the financial aspects.
2. To carry out, on behalf of the beneficiaries, the specific coordination tasks laid down in the Grant Agreement with the Commission, covering all scientific, technical organizational and financial aspects.

Time Scale of the Grant Agreement:
• Signature of the Grant Agreement n. 283286, project title “Study of strongly Interacting Matter (HadronPhysics3)”, by the Coordinator: 15 December 2011
• Signature of the Grant Agreement by the European Commission: 16 December 2011
• Starting date of the project: 1 January 2012
• Duration of the project: 36 months from the starting date
• Pre-financing from the European Commission: 9 February 2012
• Request for amendment n. 1 to Grant Agreement n. 283286: 20 May 2013
• Acceptance of the Amendment n. 1 to Grant Agreement: 10 July 2013
• Mid Term Review: 16 October 2013
• Interim payment from the European Commission: 16 September 2014

Tasks of the management:
• Implementation of the managerial bodies
• Creation of the project website
• Contacts with the community
• Presentation of the HadronPhysics3 project to the Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee (NuPECC)
• Contacts with the Commission
• Organization of meetings of the managerial bodies
• Sponsorship of conferences and workshops
• Request for amendment n.1 to Grant Agreement
• Preparation of the Periodic Reports and Final Report

Project Results:
Transnational Access Activities
• ECT*
52 User-Projects 570 Users 2.324 days spent at the infrastructure

21 User-Projects 101 Users 2.631 days

6 User-Projects 85 Users 1.529 days

17 User-Projects 196 Users 3.685 days

53 User-Projects 189 Users 3.529 days


WP2: TURHIC - Theory of Ultra Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
Significant results have been:
a) Description of proton-proton, proton-heavy ion and heavy ion-heavy ion collisions in the same transport approach
b) Solution of the dilepton and photon puzzle at RHIC
c) Discovery of the importance of initial state fluctuations.

WP3: ENCstudy - Feasibility study for an electron-nucleon collider in Europe
Based on the improved detector geometry of the PANDA-detector for usage at the ENC, a benchmark simulation for the determination of Generalized Parton Distributions (GPD) via the process of Deeply-Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) has been performed and data have been produced including the studies of background channels. The accelerator activities concentrated on developments of the 8 MV electron cooler at the High Energy Storage Ring (HESR), which is at present not foreseen in the start versions of FAIR and which is vital for the operation of the collider because without the successful realization of such a cooler, the necessary luminosity in the ENC can not be achieved due to the large emittance of the proton beam.

WP4: EPOS - Exciting Physics Of Strong Interactions
• CNRS/IN2P3/IPNO: A general study was made of the many hadronic physics opportunities offered by a multi-purpose fixed-target experiment using the LHC proton and Pb beams extracted by a bent crystal.
S. J. Brodsky, F. Fleuret, C. Hadjidakis and J. P. Lansberg, “Physics Opportunities of a Fixed-Target Experiment using the LHC Beams,” Phys. Rept. 522 (2013) 239.
• UNIGRAZ: First-time treatment of scattering states in Lattice QCD with dynamical fermions.
• FZJ: We have made important progress in the theory of hadronic molecules. In particular, we have analysed the recent data on the (3900) and the Y(4260) and made various predictions to test the nature of these states. We have developed a chiral EFT approach for hyperon-nucleon interactions at next-to-leading order that are as precise as existing meson-exchange approaches but also provide theoretical uncertainties.
• UBO: We have developed an EFT formalism to analyze the production of hadronic molecules at colliders, especially for the LHC. We have provided cross-section estimates for a large class of potential molecular state and demonstrated the important discovery potential for exotics at hadron colliders.
We have made significant progress in developing finite volume methods to extract resonance signals in lattice QCD. Especially, we have provided an explicit formalism for Delta transition form factors and scalar mesons.
− The Roy-Steiner equations for pion-nucleon scattering have been developed and as a first step, a novel calculation of the scalar form factor of the nucleon was presented. These studies pave the way for a novel and precise extraction of the pion-nucleon sigma term.
− A dispersive analysis of the Mainz electron-proton scattering data was performed, leading to a proton charge radius in agreement with the value deduced from muonic hydrogen.
• RUB: We have developed a new generation of the chiral nucleon-nucleon potentials up to N3LO, which should provide an excellent starting point for applications to few-nucleon systems, and introduced a new procedure for estimating the theoretical uncertainty from the truncation of the chiral expansion. E. Epelbaum, H. Krebs, U.-G. Meißner, [arXiv:1412.0142[nucl-th]].
• UMU: Stable calculations of the nucleon sigma-term from SU(2) covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory in the extended on mass-shell scheme including the (1232) in agreement with dispersion calculations using the same input set of phase shift data. Study of NN interaction in chiral perturbation theory employing dispersion relations (N/D method) offering an accurate reproduction of Nijmegen phase shifts at NNLO without regulator dependence respecting analyticity and elastic unitarity. Better understanding of the relation between the nucleon sigma-term and the strangeness content of the nucleon.
− On the basis of heavy quark symmetries the molecular meson-anti-meson structure and decays of resonances such as X(3872) and (10610) as well as the -nucleon structure of states have been investigated theoretically. Finite volume calculations have been performed to explore the prospective to extract the optimal information from QCD lattice gauge simulations. Neutral-current photon emission was studied to analyse single photon background events in the MiniBooNE experiment. The pion-mass dependence of the nucleon mass has been investigated within covariant SU(2) baryon chiral perturbation theory both without and with explicit Δ(1232) degrees of freedom. By fitting to a comprehensive set of lattice QCD data we obtain low energy constants of natural size and compatible with pion nucleon scattering data. As a result of our analysis we report a value of = 52(3)(8) MeV for 2+1 flavors.
− Another highlight of the group has been the determination of the DNN state as bound and narrow, in contrast to the unsuccessful Kbar NN state, suggesting the state to be searched experimentally.
• U. Tübingen: From the matching of soft-wall AdS/QCD and light-front QCD for electromagnetic form factors of hadrons with arbitrary twist, we derive an effective light-front wave function (LFWF). Together with the LFWF, we also obtain expressions for parton distribution functions (PDFs) and generalized parton distributions (GPDs) at an initial scale. Using a scale evolution of PDFs and GPDs, we show that these quantities obey model-independent constraints imposed, e.g. by the Drell-Yan-West duality at large x and large scales, while the hadronic form factors at large momenta are in full agreement with quark counting rules. We finally propose a phenomenological light-front wave function for hadrons with arbitrary twist dimension (mesons, baryons, and multiquark states) and which explicitly depends on the scale.
T.Gutsche V.E. Lyubovitskij, I. Schmidt, A.Vega Phys. Rev. D 89 (2014) 054033.
• U. Salamanca: We have identified the new (3250), resonance as a D*Δ molecule.

WP5: MesonNet - Meson Physics in Low-Energy QCD
• The workshop on Meson transition form factors in Krakow, May 29-30, 2012 (52 participants) did constitute a startup of an extensive program to provide consistent data sets on form factors and model-independent parameterizations.
• The g-2 muon preferred parameter region of the dark photon has been excluded as a result of the searches at KLOE, HADES, MAMI and WASA experiments.
• New approach for the calculation of hadronic light-by-light (HLbL) contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment (g-2)µ was proposed by Bern and Mainz theory groups.
• A mounting evidence for dibaryon resonance candidate was collected as the result of systematic studies of two pion production and polarization cross sections with WASA-at-COSY by Tübingen group.
• Four pion decays of were observed for the first time at BESIII in agreement with predictions which were motivated by discussions in MesonNet.

WP6: SPHERE - Strange Particles in Hadronic Environment Research in Europe
• The INFN Torino Group and the INFN Trieste Group found clear evidence for the neutron-rich 6ΛH nucleus und for the two-nucleon induced weak decay of -hypernuclei by analyzing the data sample collected by the FINUDA experiment.
• The first observation of 3ΛH (and its antinucleus) at ALICE by the Trieste and Torino Groups and the publication of the first HypHI (including the GSI and Mainz Group) results on 3ΛH and 4ΛH demonstrate the important role of heavy ion reactions in this field.
• The Torino Group takes part in the ULYSSES (UnraveLing hYpernuclear Structure and Spectroscopy ExperimentS) activity which consists in few, selected hadronic physics experiments approved at the K1.8 beamline of the J-PARC Hadron Hall.
• The Mainz group successfully measured for the first time pions coming from weak two-body decays of 4ΛH with high resolution spectrometers. The observed width translates into a statistical error of the mass which is about an order of magnitude smaller than earlier mass measurements in emulsions.
• The HypHI collaboration has determined the lifetime of 3,4ΛH by including the existing world data. The lifetime found is significantly smaller than the lifetime of the free hyperon.
• The HypHI collaboration found an indication for the formation of a bound neutral A=3 nucleus nnΛ (PRC 88, 041001(R) (2013).

WP7: FAIRnet - A worldwide research networking activity for experiments on QCD at FAIR
Important results are:
• The completion of four TDRs for PANDA (Micro Vertex Detector (MVD), Straw Tube Tracker (STT), Internal Target (IT), Muon Detection System (MTD)), and of three TDRs for CBM (Silicon Tracking System (STS), Magnet, Project Spectator Detector (SPD)).
• The CBM collaboration submitted three other TDRs which have been evaluated and await approval. The remaining three TDRs are almost completed.
• A Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) among the PANDA and the SPARC collaborations with the HESR machine group has been signed for the usage and the sharing of the High Energy Storage Ring beam time.
• The PANDA target group has put in operation a cluster jet target prototype of full size that has reached a thickness at the interaction region > 2 ×10**15 atoms/cm2. This is a world record for a target system where the interaction point is at a distance of more than two meters behind the nozzle.

WP8: SaporeGravis - Heavy flavoured probes of deconfined QCD matter
• The physicists working in the SaporeGravis work package have been deeply involved in the physics analysis and interpretation of the new results from LHC of the heavy ion run Pb-Pb at 2.76 TeV in November 2011 and in the first p-Pb run in February 2013.
• Exciting results have been obtained in the open heavy flavour sector at the LHC. For the first time the nuclear modification factor (RAA) of D mesons and J/ψ B-decays have been measured at the LHC. A strong suppression of D mesons in Pb-Pb at 2.76 TeV is observed and the RAA is compatible with that of light hadrons.
• New exciting results on nuclear modification factor of quarkonia have been obtained. The recombination of charm quarks to form charmonia in latest stage of the deconfinement phase is the most favoured process. The ϒ resonances 2S and 3S are strongly suppressed and the color-screening mechanism is expected to be the mechanics at the origin.
• ALICE collaboration presented the measurement of the nuclear modification factor of inclusive ϒ(1S) production at forward rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions. The observed suppression of inclusive ϒ(1S) seems stronger in central than in semi-peripheral collisions. The relative production of the three ϒ states has been investigated in p-Pb and p-p collisions collected in 2013 by the CMS experiment. The excited-to-ground-states cross section ratios, ϒ(nS)/ϒ(1S), are found to decrease with increasing charged-particle multiplicity.

WP9: LEANNIS - Low-energy antikaon-nucleon and –nuclei interaction studies
Kaonic atoms
• Kaonic hydrogen (SIDDHARTA)
Within the SIDDHARTA experiment at LNF the most important result was the measurement of the kaonic hydrogen X-rays emitted in the transition from the 2p state to the ground state. The up-to-now most accurate results on the observables (energy shift and broadening of the 1s state) were determined.
High impact on the theory of antikaon-nucleon interactions had the kaonic hydrogen result of SIDDHARTA, representing an “anchor” at threshold.
The antikaon-nucleon interactions were studied with a chiral SU(3) theoretical approach taking into account the constraints at threshold from the SIDDHARTA result of the 1s state energy shift and width of kaonic hydrogen. The complex KbarN scattering length could be determined together with an uncertainty analysis. Predictions for the antikaon-neutron interactions and the spectrum of Λ(1405) were obtained and published.
• Kaonic deuterium
The analysis of the data taken with the deuterium gas was performed as the first ever study of kaonic deuterium X-rays.
The presence of the signals has a significance of about 1.7 .
The yields of the K-series X-rays were evaluated using estimated shift and width values in the Monte Carlo simulations of the kaon stops and the X-ray detection efficiencies.
The upper limits of the yields are calculated as Y(Ktot) < 0.0143 and Y(Kα) < 0.0039 (C.L. 90%). The values are consistent with the expected yields, about 10 times smaller than the yield of the kaonic hydrogen Kα (~1-2 %).
• Kaonic helium data (2p state width)
The open question about the strong interaction width of the 2p state of kaonic helium isotopes (helium-3 and helium-4) was solved. It was found that the value of the 2p state width in kaonic helium-4 is much smaller than the results of experiments performed in the 1970’s and 1980’s.
• The nature of Λ(1405)
The CLAS data on kπΣ photoproduction have been analysed together with scattering and SIDDHARTA data. This confirms the two-pole nature of the Λ(1405) and gives stronger constraints on the two poles. A direct method to study the Λ(1405) sub-threshold resonance was proposed, which is a key issue for the understanding the low-energy dynamics of the antikaon nuclear interaction. The radiative process Λ(1405) could be used for this study. This idea was presented in the paper: S. Wycech, Hyp. Int. 209 (2012) 133.
• Antikaon-nucleus interaction
With HADES at GSI Λ(1405) was produced via p+p collisions at 3.5 GeV. The charged decay channels of Λ(1405) → Σ+π-, Σ-π+ have been reconstructed for the first time in proton-proton collisions. A total cross section of σ=9.2±0.9±0.7 μb was found.
The proposed AMADEUS programme at LNF-INFN (Frascati, Italy) plans to perform a complete study of the low-energy interactions of the negatively charged kaons with light nuclei.
The first part of the AMADEUS programme was started in the middle of 2012.
At SMI a pure carbon target was designed, built, and installed within the KLOE detector in August 2012. This target allows to investigate the 0 0 channel generated by K- absorptions on 12C. The 0 0 channel is privileged to explore the yet unsolved structure of the (1405) resonance, since it is free from the dominant (1385) background. Data were taken in November and December 2012.
The following workshops were organized:
Strangeness in the Universe? Theoretical and experimental progress and challenges, ECT* October 21-25, 2013.
Achievements and Perspectives in Low-Energy QCD with Strangeness, ECT* October 27-31, 2014.

WP10: LatticeQCD - Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics
• The structure of hadrons is largely determined by properties of the QCD vacuum, mediated by flavor singlet matrix elements. This is reflected, for example, in the strangeness contribution to the nucleon spin, Δs, which has been in the focus of interest for many years. It is possible now to compute flavor singlet matrix elements of the nucleon with confidence, either by a direct calculation using stochastic techniques or by performing additional simulations in the presence of background fields. Either way, Δs turns out to be compatible with zero.
Strangeness contribution to the proton spin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 222001
• Techniques to compute singlet matrix elements with precision. That includes form factors, parton distributions and hadron spin. Most of the particles are unstable. Techniques have been developed to compute mass and width of resonances. The simulations of QCD have now been extended to include QED. Lattice calculations are hitting a precision where electromagnetic corrections become important. For understanding the pattern of flavor symmetry breaking and the dynamics behind it combined simulations of QCD + QED are indispensable.
The electric dipole moment of the neutron dn and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (g-2)µ probe the physics beyond the Standard Model. We are now in the position to compute both with precision.
• A central goal of experiments at heavy ion colliders is the exploration of the QCD phase diagram at nonzero temperature and baryon chemical potential. It has long been speculated that strange degrees of freedom become liberated at temperatures above the chiral crossover temperature Tc. It has been found that strangeness is not carried by hadrons anymore above Tc, while below Tc the plasma is very well described by the resonant hadron gas model.
Freeze-out conditions in heavy ion collisions from QCD thermodynamics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 (2012) 192302.
• CP violation is a necessary ingredient for the generation of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe, and understanding its origin is one of the primary goals of hadron physics. This was first discovered in the decay of kaons into pions. It has taken several decades for a relativistic calculation of K→ππ1=2 to become possible because very significant theoretical developments and technical progress were required.
• The K→ππ1=2 decay amplitude has been calculated from lattice QCD, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 141601.

WP16: ADAMAS - Advanced Diamond Assemblies
• Important progress in the field of single-crystal diamond synthesis was achieved by growing DOI samples with lateral dimensions of (3x3) cm**2 and dislocation densities in the lower 10**7cm**(-2) ranges.
• The defect band structures, known to control the electronic properties of DOI sensors, have been visualized by means of ion detection.
• For the first time, the expected higher radiation hardness of 3D diamond sensors has been confirmed by irradiating pcCVDD detectors up to neutron fluencies of Fn,1MeV 1.2 x 10**16 n/cm².
• Design of a new diamond dedicated BB ASIC PADI-8 with eight channels (instead of four of the PADI 4 version). First PADI 8 chips expected in January 2014. (ISS / GSI)

WP17: DNPMag - Internal Magnets for DNP
2,3T and 1,8T low mass solenoids have been manufactured in Mainz and Bonn. These field values with field homogeneities of ~10-3 are sufficient to reach high proton polarization values, so that permanent microwave irradiation can be done. Consequently higher beam intensities can be accepted by the polarized targets.
DNPMag for small size targets successfully obtained.
DNPMag for large size targets: first performance studies have been made.

WP18: FPD - Frontier Photon Detectors
The carbon nanotubes spray technique has been setup, including its computer control and the definition of the deposition parameters, including the preparatory procedures for the carbon powder dispersion and the solution preparation.
During the first period, the complete characterization of small-size thick Gas Electron Multiplier (THGEM)-based photon detectors has been completed by the construction, read-out, test and validation of small-size detectors. The main goal of the second period was the design, construction and validation of a large-size detector prototype and of the related electronics read-out system. The detector has been designed on the base of the optimized recipes obtained by the studies with the small-size prototypes.
A large size prototype formed by a three-layer configuration of THGEMs has been validated first by laboratory measurements detecting X-rays from 55Fe sources and UV-light from UV-LED sources and at a test beam exercise detecting minimum ionizing particles and UV Cherenkov photons.

WP19: FuturePID - Future Particle Identification Techniques
Systematic studies of a very large variety of regular and irregular radiator materials have led to a much better understanding of their performance in Transition Radiation Detectors (TRD). Using the information delivered by triangular pads of the new pad plane architecture of the TRD prototypes, a position resolution of 900 µm along the pads (i.e. in the direction perpendicular to the anode wires) is achieved. Across the pads, i.e. along the direction of the wires, this is typically better by a factor of three. Data analysis of the high counting rate test performed with the four Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) basic architecture of a module for the inner zone of the CBM-ToF (Time of Flight) wall showed a time resolution better than 70 ps up to 10 kHz/cm2. Detailed studies of the current drawn by the RPC under the exposure to the high particle fluxes showed that the high voltage drop estimated based on the measured current and glass resistivity (1010 Ωcm) does not affect the detector performance. Preliminary results show a time resolution of the order of 60 ps.
In summary, this demonstrated that the appropriate technology for accurate timing in fixed target high-rate applications has been found and shown to work.

WP20: FutureJet - Cryogenic jets of nano- to micrometer-sized particles for hadron physics
• New cluster beam nozzles with small diameters, i.e. below 50 µm, can now be produced. This opens the possibility for further systematic studies on the optimum nozzle design parameters, such as on the minimum nozzle diameter or the opening angle of the exit trumpet.
• Cluster target
Hydrogen cluster mass measurements have been performed successfully by using an electrostatic mass analyzer equipped and read-out by a phosphor screen and a CCD camera. At gas temperatures between 50 K and 80 K the mean cluster masses were observed to be in the order of 10**5 atoms/cluster.
A new cluster beam monitoring technique for the size, position, and intensity monitoring of cluster beams at larger distances from the nozzle, i.e. >30 cm, has been developed. It is based on laser illumination in combination with a CCD camera read-out.
The thickness structure of intense cluster-jet beams has been investigated for different hydrogen pressures and temperatures before entering the Laval nozzle. It could be shown that these structures are constant in time but strongly depend on the gas expansion conditions.
A powerful computer program code has been developed for simulations of the gas expansion in nozzles. The implemented model assumes as main clusterization process the attachment-detachment of monomers to clusters and solves a master equation coupled directly to the solution of the Boltzmann equation.
• Pellet target
Nozzle production in a wide range of diameters, i.e. 5-50 µm, has been developed at ITEP. The procedure of testing the cleanness of the nozzles by measurement of the resistance for gas has been developed.
• Pellet tracking
For the pellet tracking system optimization, studies on illumination conditions, detection points, camera operation and camera hardware have been done at Uppsala in order to reach close to 100% pellet detection efficiency. A resolution in the pellet position measurements has been obtained that satisfies the requirement for the PANDA experiment.

WP21: CherenkovImaging - Development of high rate compact Cherenkov imaging technology
• The development of novel photon detection devices fulfilling the needs of upcoming hadron physics experiments is the first task of this JRA. Few technologies provide the insensitivity to magnetic fields combined with single photon detection capability, high detection rates and excellent timing properties. This JRA identified Multi Channel Plate (MCP)-PMTs as a promising candidate. This technology was hitherto prone to rate insufficiencies as well as short cathode lifetimes. Within the work of this JRA extensive tests of various commercially available solutions based on this technology were performed and feedback given to the manufacturers. In collaboration with the manufacturers, atomic layer deposition on the MCP surface was identified as the most promising technology, nearly matching all design requirements for future PID detectors in hadron physics.
• The second step necessary to both improve the time resolution as well as the lifetime and rate capabilities is developing alternative electron amplification structures based on Si rather then glass used for MCPs. The team at the University of Glasgow developed a new way of etching Si on the nanoscale to the accuracy and geometry required for the production of new dynode structures based on a simple Venetian blind geometry.

• The disc DIRC for the WASA experiment at COSY will be the first to demonstrate particle identification in this novel concept while at the same time prove crucial technology and analysis techniques for future applications of this detector concept, e.g. at PANDA or at an Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). In the test beam campaigns so far, the particle identification concept could be proven for the first time.Two discs have been built and tested after a series of prototypes.

WP22: LYSOFiber - Frontier scintillation detectors based on inorganic fibers
There have been made significant steps towards the aim of high-quality LYSO:Ce fibers:
• Optimization of LYSO:Ce fibers
LYSO:Ce is the most promising of the investigated scintillator materials, because it combines a high light yield with excellent characteristics for high energy physics experiments. However, a significant optimization of these fibers relies on a new specially optimized crucible to grow fibers with a diameter of 1 mm or 2 mm. Up to the end of the funding period no fibers of the next generation could be delivered due to delays and problems of the manufacturer of the crucible. Therefore, alternative manufacturing processes have been followed. First attempts have been successfully started using LuAG:Ce and YAG:Ce scintillators as test materials.
− Breakthrough in the efficient production of doped and un-doped LuAG:Ce fibers up to 200 mm overall usable length with significantly reduced intrinsic absorption coefficient.
− For the first time, investigation of the radiation hardness of inorganic fibers imposed by 150 MeV protons up to high fluence rates. Important quality factor for future applications in hadron calorimetry.
− For the first time, comparative study of quadratic inorganic fibers manufactured by wire cutting using a large crystal ingot. Samples of LuAG:Ce and YAG:Ce are tested and first prototype detector modules for a sampling calorimeter (scintillator/Tungsten) are prepared and will be tested with photon beam.
• The use of optimized Silicon Photon Multipliers (SiPMs) as photo sensors for quality characterization as well as a natural concept for a final readout due to their compactness and operating stability even in magnetic field has improved the testing procedure.

WP23: GPDex - Generalized Parton Distributions
• For COMPASS, the CAMERA recoil detector has been built and used to take data in autumn 2012.
• For the new cylindrical tracker (CT), a full size prototype using Micromegas resistive technology and its associated DREAM ASIC front-end electronics has been fully characterised using cosmic rays.
• For the recoil neutron detector (CND), a prototype has been built and tested on cosmics.
• For the forward tagger (FT), 370 Chinese (SICCAS) crystals have been procured and mounted on the FT-Calorimeter.
• For the development of new methods and techniques for the analysis of data on hard exclusive reactions, reports and publications have been produced.

WP24: JointGEM - Ultra-light and ultra-large tracking systems based on GEM technology
• Active target TPC (Time Projection Chamber)
- Simulation studies performed with GARFIELD and GEANT-4 programs have been performed in order to investigate the use of an active target TPC-GEM for example as an inner tracker device for the AMADEUS experiment at DAFNE or for studying strangeness production in antiproton annihilation with PANDA. This new detection technique applied to the Nuclear Physics need the use of low-mass material and very pure gases such as Hydrogen, Deuterium, Helium-3, Helium-4. For the test measurements with hydrogen a prototype has been designed and built. The chamber is made of aluminum with he-leak tight feed-troughs. The triple (Gas Electron Multiplier) GEM-foil stack has an active area of 100 mm x 100 mm, the drift length is 150 mm.
- First successfully tests of the helium GEM-TPC at M1 beam facility at Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) with a standard gas mixture and pure helium gas.
• Large area foils and light-weight support structures
- R&D for the production of large area GEM foils has started. The manufacturing process, of the up to now available GEM foils, using the standard double-mask photo lithographic technology for the first generation of GEM detectors (COMPASS, LHCb, TOTEM) was limited in size to 400 mm x 400 mm. In order to overcome the size limitation due to the alignment of the two masks, and thus fulfilling the demand of large area foils from a consistent part of the GEM community, a single-mask procedure was developed by the TS-DEM laboratory of CERN.
- Design of large-area GEM foils for C-GEMs at LNF-INFN and for the ALICE IROC prototype, size 500 x 470 mm**2.
• Large area readout structures: ASIC and FEE (Front-end electronics) adaption and optimization
Tracking-detector systems or GEM-TPCs currently under construction usually realize large channel numbers in the order of several 10000. In order to cope with these demands, the GEMEX (Exploder for Gas-Electron-Multiplier applications) readout system has been developed.
- A large area GEM-TPC prototype, with full readout has been designed and constructed and was installed at the FOPI spectrometer at GSI, where it was used during a 3-week physics campaign to study pion-induced reactions on different nuclear targets. The results achieved with FOPI are very promising, concerning energy resolution, specific energy loss and spatial resolution allowing a full characterization.
- A first prototype for the Inner Readout Chamber of the ALICE experiment was equipped with three large-area GEM foils. The prototype was characterized in the laboratory and then used in a test beam campaign at CERN’s Proton Synchrotron (PS) and in a first stability test in the cavern of the ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

WP25: PolAntiP - Polarized Antiprotons
The transverse spin-filtering test performed at COSY constitutes a milestone for the field. It con-firms that spin-filtering is a viable method to polarize a stored beam in situ. It also confirms the theoretical understanding of the mechanism and the control of the experimental setup and related systematics. The complete experimental setup, to be used at AD with antiprotons, consisting of low-beta section, polarized hydrogen atomic beam source, Breit-Rabi target polarimeter, target chamber, including holding field coils, and storage cell has been installed and commissioned at COSY.
A first measurement of transverse spin filtering at COSY yielded the spin-dependent cross section σ1 in pp scattering.
The Siberian snake to perform longitudinal polarisation studies with protons, has been designed and ordered, but due to the problems in the production it could not yet be installed and commissioned at COSY.

WP26: ULISINT - Integration of ultra-light silicon tracking and vertex detection systems
The three fields, concering large area tracking and vertex detectors, covered by ULISINT, have obtained significant results:
• Micro-strip tracking detector system:
Assembly technology and procedures for the integration of sensor and read-out components into a low-mass silicon microstrip tracking detector module have been developed. The Technical Design Report of the CBM Silicon Tracking System has been approved by FAIR in August 2013.
• Hybrid pixel detector system:
Cap-less power regulators have been designed and produced. Their required performance has been confirmed in simulations and lab measurements.
• Monolithic pixel detector system:
The successful in-beam validation of the prototype of the CBM-Micro Vertex Detector (MVD), which meets the requirements of CBM, allows to identify materials and integration techniques.

WP27: Di-JETCAL - A Di-Jet Electromagnetic Calorimeter for Jet Quencing Study
• The construction of the six DCal supermodules and of the two mini-supermodules has been completed. The procedure of cosmic rays testing is completed. The insertion of DCal supermodules has been completed on 28/10/2014 and the commissioning with the beam is starting.
• Significant improvements has been done in understanding background subtraction. From our studies it seems unavoidable to conclude that the naive expectation that background subtraction methods are enough for phenomenological jet studies to extract medium characteristics without considering the background, becomes strongly weakened.
• Studies on γ-jet correlations as well on h-jet correlations have been performed.
• A new description of the jet quenching phenomenon observed in nuclear collisions at high energies in which coherent parton branching plays a central role has been proposed. This new picture provides a consistent understanding of the present data on reconstructed jet observables and constitutes the basis for future developments.
• The High Level Trigger implementation for jet trigger has been completed. This implementation in the case of heavy ion collisions allowed to enable a centrality-dependent trigger threshold to maintain an approximately uniform jet trigger efficiency across event-centralities.
• Theoretical models and modelization in Monte Carlo have been performed.

WP28: SiliconMultiplier - Matrix Geiger-Mode Avalanche Micro-Pixel Photo Diodes
• Using fast plastic scintillators from Eljen (EJ-228 or EJ-232) in combination with Silicon Photon Multipliers (SiPMs) from KETEK, Hamamatsu and Philips, a time resolution well below 100 ps (sigma) has been reached in a high-energy particle beam (2.7 GeV/c protons).
• The trigger-tracker development based on scintillating fibres for AMADEUS and SIDDHARTA-2 experiments was very successful. The coupling of these fibres to SiPM is very efficient and solves the problem of high magnetic field optical readout.
• A new type of light catcher principle was developed and tested. It can be used for position sensitive photon detectors working in very high magnetic fields.
• The Shashlyk calorimeter modules equipped with a temperature stabilized optical head based on SiPM readout were developed. 60 units have been constructed for use in COMPASSII.

WP29: 3D-Mom - Three-dimensional momentum structure of hadrons
Highlights of WP29:
• The CLAS12 RICH detector:
a milestone was reached with the release of the Technical Design Report (TDR) for the CLAS12 RICH detector.
• Fundamental properties of Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD) distributions and model calculations: QCD studies and model calculations provided new insights into fundamental properties of TMD distributions.
• Global analyses of TMD distributions:
the strength of WP29 is the fruitful and very close collaboration between experiments and phenomenology. New experimental data are nearly immediately analyzed in global fits for the extraction of TMD observables, and more than once, such global fits revealed problems in some of the data sets which, subsequently, have been corrected in a very efficient way.

• Implementation of the managerial bodies
• Creation of the project website
• Contacts with the community
• Presentation of the project in NuPECC meetings
• Development of a new section of the website dedicated to the general public.
• Sponsorship of international conferences and workshops.
• Organization of periodical meetings of the managerial bodies.
• Preparation of Periodic Reports and Final Report.

• Contacts with the community

In the following table the contacts with the community are reported.

23-24 March 2012 || CERN Management || Role of CERN in HadronPhysics3 || CERN, Switzerland
12-14 April 2012 || Organizing Committee MESON 2012 || Definition of the HadronPhysics3 sponsorship || Cracow, Poland
23 April 2012 || INFN Sezione di Milano || Discussion about European programs of INFN Sezione di Milano || Milano, Italy
20 May 2012 || LEANNIS meeting || Presentation of HadronPhysics3 and European programs || Prague, Czech Republic
30 May 2012 || Jagiellonian University Management || Discussion about Jagiellonian
University participation in HadronPhysics3 || Cracow, Poland
17-20 June 2012 || INFN Management || The role of HadronPhysics3 in INFN programs || Torino, Italy
2 July 2012 || SMI Management || Discussion about the participation of SMI in HadronPhysics3 || Vienna, Austria
2 September 2012 || INFN Sezione di Catania || Discussion about the participation
of Sezione di Catania in HadronPhysics3 || Catania, Italy
13 September 2012 || CERN Management Partecipation of CERN in HadronPhysics3
|| CERN, Switzerland
14 October 2012 || ECT* Management || Role of ECT* in HadronPhysics3 || Trento, Italy
9-11 May 2013 || Organizing Committee MESON 2014 || Definition of the role of the
HadronPhysics3 thematics in the MESON 2014 program || Cracow, Poland
21-22 June 2013 || ECT* Joint Finance Review Committee || ECT* within the HadronPhysics projects || Trento, Italy
3 February, 2014 || Meeting with European coordinators || Discussion with coordinators of EU projects about the management of the projects and future perspectives in Horizon 2020 || Roma, Italy
6-8 April, 2014 || Organizing Committee MESON 2014 || Discussion about the hadron physics thematics in the program of the conference || Jülich, Germany
23 April, 2014 || Meeting with European coordinators || Discussion about perspectives of an EC support in Horizon 2020 || Rome, Italy
29 May-3 June, 2014 || MESON 2014 || International Conference “MESON 2014” including in the scientific program the main topics of the HP3 project || Cracow, Poland
9-10 July, 2014 || Meeting with ECT* management || Discussion about the role of ECT* in HP3 and in the future Horizon 2020 || Trento, Italy
7-10 September, 2014 || INFN, Sezione di Catania || Discussion about the role of Sezione di Catania in the HP3 project || Catania, Italy
28 July, 2014 || Meeting with European coordinators || Discussion about the ongoing proposals for Horizon 2020 || Roma, Italy
14-17 September, 2014 || EXA 2014 || International Conference “EXA 2104” including in the scientific program the main topics of HP3 || Vienna, Austria
26-30 October, 2014 || Meeting with the hadron physics community || Discussion with the hadron physics researchers working in the strangeness sector and participating to the workshop: “Achievements and perspectives in low-energy QCD with strangeness” || Trento, Italy
6 November, 2014 || INFN, Sezione di Milano || Discussion about the role of Sezione di Milano in HP3 || Milano, Italy
11-12 December, 2014 || Meeting with CERN management || Discussion about the role of CERN in HP3 and in Horizon 2020 || Geneva, Switzerland

• Reports to NuPECC
In the following table the presentations of the HadronPhysics3 project to NuPECC are reported.
March 9-10, 2012 || 73rd NuPECC Meeting || HadronPhysics3 Project || Milano, Italy
October 5-6, 2012 || 75th NuPECC Meeting || HadronPhysics3 Project || Sevilla, Spain
March 15-16, 2013 || 76th NuPECC Meeting || HadronPhysics3 Project || Jülich, Germany
March 14-15, 2014 || 79th NuPECC Meeting || HadronPhysics3 Project || Strasbourg, France
June 13-14, 2014 || 80th NuPECC Meeting || HadronPhysics3 Project || Jyväskylä, Finland
October 10-11, 2014 || 81thNuPECC Meeting || HadronPhysics3 Project || Edinburgh, UK

• Contacts with the Commission
29-30 April 2013 || Meeting with the management of the Unit “Research Infrastructures” || Discussion on present and future role of the hadron physics community within the EC funding schemes || Brussels, Belgium
11 June 2013 || Meeting with the Project Officer || Definition of the Mid Term Review (MTR) of the project || Brussels, Belgium
12 June 2013 || Meeting with the management of the Unit “Research Infrastructures” || Discussion on the role of the hadron physics community within the EC funding schemes || Brussels, Belgium
12 June 2013 || Meeting with the management of the Unit “Administration and Finance” || Discussion concerning the request of amendment n.1 to the Grant Agreement || Brussels, Belgium
5-6 February, 2014 || Meeting on Research Infrastructures || Discussion on Research Infrastructures in a CNR workshop with the participation of a member of the Commission || Pisa, Italy
11-12 February, 2014 || Meeting with the Project Officer || Discussion on specific items of the First Periodic Report || Brussels, Belgium

• Organization of meetings of the managerial bodies
29 March 2012 || Management Board Preparation of the Governing Board || LNF, Italy
29 March 2012 || Governing Board || In agenda: election of the GB Chair, appointment of the MB; voting on proposed amendment of Consortium Agreement; ratification of the distribution of pre-financing || LNF, Italy
29 September 2012 || Management Board || Discussion on the progress of the project, its role in the hadron physics community, also with reference to an eventual HadronPhysics proposal in Horizon 2020 || LNF, Italy
18 January 2013 || Management Board || Discussion on the future of the hadron physics community, also with reference to an eventual HadronPhysics proposal in Horizon 2020 || LNF, Italy
20 March 2013 || Management Board || Meeting with members of the MB on the progress of specific activities || Torino, Italy
18-19 April 2013 || Management Board || Discussion on an eventual HadronPhysics proposal in Horizon 2020 || LNF, Italy
19 April 2013 || Governing Board || Ratification of managerial decision and strategical indications || LNF, Italy
27-28 May 2013 || Spokespersons of activities || Status report on the progress of the activities || LNF, Italy
6 June 2013 || Management Board || Meeting with members of the MB on the progress of specific activities || Torino, Italy
18 June 2013 || Management Board || Discussion on the role of the hadron physics community, within the funding schemes of Horizon 2020 || LNF, Italy
24-28 March, 2014 || Management Board || Discussion on the progress of the HP3 project and on an eventual participation to Horizon 2020 || Bochum, Germany
21-23 May, 2014 || Management Board || Discussion on the preparation of a proposal from the hadron physics community to Horizon 2020 || Torino, Italy

Potential Impact:
1.1 Structuring the field
Hadron physics (HP) is an emerging research field adjoining the more traditional fields of nuclear physics (NP) and high energy physics (HEP). It addresses questions of fundamental importance such as the structure and interactions of relativistic bound states (protons, pions, ...) and new phases of matter (quark-gluon plasma) created in relativistic heavy ion collisions. All these phenomena are thought to be governed by the theory of Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD), which is a part of the Standard Model of particle physics and has novel and poorly understood properties.
Significant resources are devoted, in Europe as well as internationally, on experimental facilities relevant for hadron physics. From a purely scientific point of view, the boundaries between research fields are often irrelevant. Thus the LHC facility will serve both the HEP and HP communities, while the FAIR facility is of interest for NP and HP. The community of hadron physicists comprises both nuclear and particle physicists. In the US they have formed the American Physical Society (APS) “Topical Group on Hadron Physics”, which strives to enhance the communication with the Divisions of Particle and Nuclear Physics of the APS. There is no analogous grouping of all European hadron physicists. However, the first HadronPhysics project in FP6 and the HadronPhysics2 project in FP7 have had an important role in structuring the field. The HadronPhysics3 project has further increased the cohesion and the synergy between NP and HEP.
The three HadronPhysics projects have brought together European hadron physicists using different tools (lepton, hadron and ion beams), who previously tended to work separately. This is bringing both scientific and financial benefits. HadronPhysics3 builds on these achievements in joining practically all European hadron physicists. Many of the Networks and JRAs also involve groups from outside Europe, in particular from China, Japan and USA.
Moreover, HadronPhysics3 intends to raise the profile of hadron physics by a number of high-visibility events, which cover all its subprojects.
The European Centre ECT* in Trento plays an important and unique role in hadron physics through workshops, training programs, research projects and by promoting the cooperation between theoreticians and experimentalists. HadronPhysics projects and ECT* identified common fields of cooperation, which were considered as beneficial and in the interest of both the goals of HadronPhysics and the mission of ECT*:
• Joint HadronPhysics-ECT* Workshops;
• Joint assistant professor level positions in hadron physics.
Since HadronPhysics2, ECT* participates directly in HadronPhysics projects as a provider of transnational access, and thus as beneficiary of the Grant Agreement.

1.2 Expected impact on existing Research Infrastructures
The HadronPhysics3 project improves the performance of the European Research Infrastructures, and helps to maintain their leading role in hadron physics worldwide. The Joint Research and Networking activities provide advanced instrumentation, concentrate high-level expertise at the Research Infrastructures involved in the project, and strengthen their scientific cooperation with the European Universities. Scientists from Europe and outside participate in fore-front research performed at the accelerator facilities MAMI in Mainz (Germany), DAΦNE in Frascati (Italy), COSY in Jülich (Germany), GSI in Darmstadt (Germany). The European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas ECT* in Trento (Italy) hosts numerous workshops and lectureweeks, and became a central place for scientific discussions and for training and supervision of students and post-docs.

1.3 Expected impact on future Research Infrastructures
The HadronPhysics3 project puts a special emphasis on the implementation of the international Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt (Germany). Several Joint Research and Networking activities are devoted to the development of this experimental and theoretical infrastructure for hadron physics research. This future European Research Infrastructure will be the major facility for hadron and nuclear physics worldwide, and will guarantee the European leadership in these fields of fundamental research for the next generation of scientists.

1.4 Expected impact on the development of advanced theoretical methods
Another important field of research within the HadronPhysics3 project is the development of advanced theoretical methods aiming at the fundamental understanding of the strong force, and of its phenomenological consequences for the hadronic world we live in. The challenge is to describe complex strongly interacting many-body systems, starting from the structure of hadrons up to the dynamics of heavy ion collisions. The theoretical investigations are crucial for the interpretation of measured data, and set the stage for key experiments at the research infrastructures. The development of modern theoretical tools for hadron physics requires large scale collaborations, and high performance computing competence. As a consequence, these activities will provide new insight in the nature of the strong force, and a highly innovative computing technology for the European research infrastructures.
1.5 Expected impact on new opportunities for synergies
The Joint Research, Networking, and Transnational Access Activities within the HadronPhysics3 project foster the worldwide cooperation between leading scientists which is a basic prerequisite for the successful realization of the technical developments and the theoretical studies. In many cases the European funding via the Hadronphysics3 project initiates the collaborative efforts, and, hence, opens new opportunities for synergies due to a combined and efficient use of intellectual and technical resources. The HadronPhysics3 project in particular strengthens the mutual interaction of experimentalists and theorists in Europe. Their collaboration within the Joint Activities and Networks leads to a direct exchange of information. Theoretical models are being developed and used as input for feasibility studies of planned experiments, and the joint discussion on the quantitative interpretation of new experimental observations triggers new ideas needed for a deeper understanding of the underlying physics.

1.6 Necessary steps for extreme challenges: specific areas of technological development
The scientific progress in hadron physics requires novel experimental approaches based on innovative technologies. Future experiments pose extreme challenges to the performance of the involved instrumentation which has to be operated, for example, at huge data rates in harsh radiation environments. Consequently, the technical developments within the HadronPhysics3 project concentrate on radiation hard, highly granulated and fast detectors with very low material budget, on fast and robust readout electronics, and on high speed data processing and acquisition systems. This includes the development of fast algorithms and software solutions for complex simulations, real-time pattern recognition and event reconstruction, and offline data analysis.

1.7 Genuine influence and fall-out on applications
The results of the R&D activities will provide a huge potential for application in medical diagnostics and treatment, information technology, safety technology, space research, biology, and material science. The involvement of European industrial partners facilitates the direct transfer of know-how from basic research to society.

1.8 Expected impact on national activities
The HadronPhysics3 project has been proven to be extremely supportive to national research activities. The fact that institutions receive European funding is highly appreciated by their national funding agencies, and serves as proof for excellence and competitiveness on an international level. Consequently, in many cases the corresponding research activities have been and will be additionally supported by national funds.

1.9 Expected impact on international activities
The HadronPhysics3 project substantially increases both the European impact on and the European benefit from international research infrastructures. The developments and achievements of European groups performed within the Joint Research and Networking activities and contributed to experiments at accelerator facilities outside Europe, significantly enhance the influence and the relevance of the European research groups for example at JLab and RHIC in USA, at J-PARC and SPRING8 in Japan, and at BESIII in China.

1.10 Societal impact: education of young researchers
A very elementary aspect of the HadronPhysics3 project is to pave the road for a scientific career of young researchers in Europe. A substantial part of the requested funds is spent on postdoc positions for young scientists who have the primary responsibility for running and exploiting the future facilities. In this sense this initiative also helps to stop the brain drain from Europe to overseas.

1.11 Societal impact: partnership between non-European and European institutes on a large scale
The Joint Research and Networking activities within the HadronPhysics3 project comprise more than 2500 scientists from about 170 institutions. Overall 36 countries participate in the project: Member and Associated States of the EU and, moreover, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, China, India, South Africa.
The project involves as well institutions from Japan, Korea and United States. In conclusion, the HadronPhysics projects have become the major instrument for structuring the European hadron physics community, and helps to initiate the partnership between non-European institutes and European Research Infrastructures on a larger scale.

The main objectives of the HadronPhysics3 project for the use and dissemination of the knowledge derived from the project are:
• to raise the profile of hadron physics;
• to achieve visibility for the project and its findings across Europe and worldwide, both within and outside the scientific community;
• to promote the awareness of science as “part of the fabric of society”;
• to recruit and encourage the next generation of scientists.

2.1. Actions undertaken to disseminate, promote and exploit the knowledge connected to and derived from the project:
• Publications in international scientific journals
• Presentations in international conferences and workshops
• Presentations of the project in restricted and public seminars.
• Co-sponsorship of international conferences and workshops covering subjects related to the scientific objectives of the project. The posters of these conferences contain the project logo.
Organizing committees, coordination of sessions, invited speakers include persons working in the activities of the project.

In the following table, the co-sponsored by HadronPhysics3 international conferences and workshops, are reported.

16-20 April 2012 || ALICE-week @LNF || JRA WP27 DI-JETCAL || LNF, Italy
31 May-5 June 2012 || Meson 2012 || International Workshop on “Meson Production, Properties and Interactions” || Cracow, Poland
15 June 2012 || WP2-TURHIC || Workshop on the Network activity “Theory of Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ions Collisions” || Nantes, France
20-22 June 2012 || QF2012 || Workshop on “Open Problems in Quantum Mechanics” || LNF, Italy
6-10 August 2012 || GGSWBS 2012 || “Fifth Georgian-German School and Workshop in Basic Science” || Tbilisi, Georgia
10-14 September 2012 || WP7-FAIRnet || Workshop on the Network activity “A worldwide research networking activity on QCD at FAIR” || Paris, France
23-28 September 2012 || Channeling 2012 || Workshop on “Charged and neutral particles channeling phenomena” || Alghero, Italy
15 October 2012 || Incontri di Fisica 2012 || Dissemination of HadronPhysics3 contents to high school teachers || LNF, Italy
16-19 October 2012 || Dark forces at accelerators || Workshop on “Experimental searches on new gauge bosons and their connections with dark matter” || LNF, Italy
10-15 June 2013 || LEAP 2013 || International conference on “Low Energy Antiproton Physics” || Uppsala, Sweden
29 July-3 August, 2013 || WP10-LatticeQCD || International Conference “Lattice 2013” || Mainz, Germany
9-12 September, 2013 || PHIPSI 2013 || Internation Workshop on “e+e- collisions from ϕ to Ψ” || Roma, Italy
20 April, 2014 || WP23-GPDex || Workshop on the JRA activity “Generalized Parton Distribution || Orsay, France
29 May-3 June, 2014 || MESON 2014 || International Workshop on “Meson Production, Properties and Interactions” || Cracow, Poland
9-13 June, 2014 || Transversity 2014 || International Conference “Transversity 2014” || Chia (Cagliari), Italy
9-14 June, 2014 || WP2-TURHIC || Workshop on the Network activity “Theory of Ultra Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions” || Hersonissos (Crete), Greece
7-12 July, 2014 || GGSWHP || “Sixth Georgian German School and Workshop in Basic Science” || Tbilisi, Georgia
15-19 September, 2014 || EXA 2014 || International Conference “EXA 2014” || Vienna, Austria
5-10 October, 2014 || Channeling 2014 || International Conference “Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena” || Capri, (Naples), Italy
9-12 December, 2014 || WP8-SaporeGravis || “Second SaporeGravis Workshop” || Padova, Italy

• Topics popularized in scientific magazines for the public-at-large.
Examples of magazines: La Scienza in Italy, Pour la Science in France, Spektrum der Wissenschaft in Germany.
• Actions performed within the individual organizations to publicize research activities and its recent achievements and the knowledge derived from the project.
We give, as an example, some of the activities organized for public by INFN.
- Advertisement in INFN web-site of the HP3 project and related news.
- Week of scientific and technological culture, sponsored by the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research, with the aim to foster a capillary diffusion of a solid scientific and technological culture.
- Open day: May 17, 2014.
- "Notte dei Ricercatori”: last Friday of September (September 26, 2014).
- Meetings of physics, with high school-teachers to upgrade their knowledge level through
information on the newest achievements in modern physics. The meetings also provide a chance to discuss with television and newspaper journalists:
October 9-11, 2013
October 8-10, 2014.
- Periodical guided visits of LNF for schools (not only Italian) and wider public, in which
thousands of participants get in contact with researchers and their activities. In 2013, these are the figures of the participation: 4000 visitors, of which 2700 students, 270 teachers, 1000 general public, 13 institutes from abroad. In 2014, these are the figures of the participation: 5200 visitors, of which 2000 students, 200 teachers, 3000 general public, 15 institutes from abroad.
- All over the year, particulary from January to June:
promotional activities to attract students into research, including summer and winter internships for selected students.
- Winter Stages: from January to May - 9 days.
- International Masterclass in English: February/March - 5 days (February 4-8, 2013)
(February 10-14, 2014).
- IPPOG Masterclass: March - 5 days (March 10-14, 2014).
- Summer Stages: June - 10 days (June 10-21, 2013) (June 16-28, 2014).
- Mini stage on Modern Physics (August 4-5, 2014).
- Public seminars, held in libraries, schools, theatres, etc., by LNF researchers, in which various themes related to science and its role in modern society are discussed: all over the year on request by Italian schools and Libraries.
- Seminars are also organized inside LNF.

2.2 The HadronPhysics3 website
The initial homepage explains the nature of the project, then, using a side menu, it is possible to navigate the General Information, extracted from the Description of Work: list of participants, work package description, interconnections between work packages, managerial structure. Each topic becomes a single menu item and contains information, provided in structured language, to explain the contents and activities of the participants.
These fixed menu items are supplemented, when needed, by others, regarding programmed meetings, providing in a reserved area, a personal access to registration forms, agenda, logistic information, and so on.
The top menu contains, instead, the up-to-date documentation: the official project documents, the Grant Agreement with all the Annexes, - among which the Description of Work (Annex I) - the Grant Preparations Forms (GPF) and the Guide for beneficiaries. There is also a section dedicated to past meetings, which includes the list of attendees and the downloadable documents (agenda, slides, etc.), and a section dedicated to the preparation of the periodic reports.

Finally, the top menu contains the Public website, addressed mainly to a non-scientists public. The Public website is made of three blocks.
The first block - Hadron Physics in Europe - aims to introduce the reader to the concept of
"hadron". This is done using a simple language, avoiding details. It is explained, in the meantime, the success of this growing research field in between the traditional fields of Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics, a field which is attracting in the HadronPhysics projects more than 2500 scientists.
The second block of the Public website - Activities - aims to describe each activity participating to the project. This is done through a series of interviews made to the activity spokespersons on the basis of a set of simple questions.
The scheme of the interviews is the following. The interviewer asks:
• Who are you? Can you tell us something about yourself?
• You are leading an activity within the HP3 project – which are the scientifically exciting aspects of your research project?
• Who is participating to your project?
• What do you want to achieve with this activity?
• In which way your activity could be of benefit for the society?
• Why do you think should a young person choose to study science and is there any reason for which should they do so in Europe?
• Would you like to add anything? (this could be both in your native language and in English).

Finally, in order to know not only the Institutions involved in the work packages but as well which is their structure, composition, management, a third block - Links - has been implemented in the Public website. This block allows, through a simple interface, to turn over the sites of the beneficiaries and of the other involved Institutions as if they were pages of a journal, giving, for each of them, a short description of the scientific field in which they operate. In addition to this, a direct link with the Institutions is implemented.

List of Websites: