Final Report Summary - ROLEMAK (Reinforce Organic Electronics Research Potential in Kentriki Makedonia)
Organic Electronics (OEs) currently unfold as a rapidly expanding scientific and technological revolution and is expected to have even larger impact in our life than Microelectronics. Organic electronic devices (OEDs) have the potential to become a low-cost alternative to the conventional inorganic counterparts, due to low material consumption and simple processing methods. OEDs will radically advance existing applications and will lead to novel applications for energy generation (organic photovoltaics-OPVs), visualization of information and lighting (organic light emitting diodes-OLEDs), electronics & communications (e.g. organic thin film transistor-OTFTs), smart information systems (RFIDs, e-paper, etc.), identification of biological systems (biosensors, environmental monitoring systems), etc.
The concept of ROleMak is to advance the research potential of Labs from the Physics Department (PD) of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Greece to conduct high level R&D in OEs.
In more detail The Objectives of ROleMak are to:
• Reinforce the S&T potential – knowledge & competences of AUTh to OEs by transferring & exchanging know-how from scientists & technology managers of excellent European Universities, Research Centers and Companies,
• Recruit experienced scientists with established expertise in OEs to work with the AUTh team,
• Upgrade the research infrastructure and peripheral equipment of AUTh to become competitive in the field of OEs. This infrastructure will be used by the ROleMak collaborators even after the end of the project reassuring, that way, the establishment of a research entity with excellence in OEs,
• Disseminate & Exploit the acquired results in OEs by organizing Conferences, Exhibitions, Round Tables and other promotional events and networking through EC projects.
In addition, ROleMak will facilitate the development of Research Clusters & Innovation Poles in KM, and will enable connection to European networks through a number of twinning partnerships.
The extension of the excellence of AUTh team in OEs in combination with its existed competences and R&D experience in thin film technology, barrier films and microelectronics will ultimately lead to the fabrication of OEDs, onto flexible substrates, initially in lab-scale and later in pilot scale by roll-to-roll (r2r) production processes,
Project Context and Objectives:
The concept of ROleMak is to advance the research potential of Labs from the Physics Department (PD) of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Greece to conduct high level R&D in OEs, through:
• Strategic Partnership & Collaborations with European research groups with excellence in OEs for Know-how exchange with the AUTh team.
• Recruitment of Exceptional Scientists with internationally acknowledged expertise in OEs.
• Improvement of AUTh’s Research Infrastructure, in order to act as a research entity of excellence in OEs.
• Dissemination & Exploitation of the results through conferences, workshops, seminars, exhibitions, stakeholder meetings, round tables and other promotional and matchmaking activities.
In more detail, the Objectives that were achieved by ROleMak are:
1. Reinforce the S&T potential – knowledge & competence of AUTh by transfer & exchange of know-how
ROleMak reinforces the existing R&D competences of AUTh in OEs by collaborations and training with scientists and Labs with excellence in the field. The collaborators have been strategically selected for their international recognition and transfer their expertise in complementary areas (Fig. 1.2 and Table 1.1). This leads to: a) rapid growth in the quality of AUTh’s human resources, b) the development of strategic partnerships, c) the increase of its competitiveness and d) the strong involvement of other Departments and Labs of AUTh (Depts of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Biology, etc).
Each of the proposed Collaborators has an established excellence in OEs at different but complementary aspects. The subjects of the collaboration and training with the research entities are summarized in Table 1.1.
2. Recruit experienced scientists
ROleMak motivates experienced researchers to have a sabbatical, short or long period of time and work at AUTh and possibly to remain in Greece later and transfer their experience and knowledge in OEs to the Greek research community. The experts to be recruited in ROleMak are well-known at international level for their work in OEs. Their main field of knowledge is described below:
• Prof. G. Hadziioannou, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Bordeaux 1 since 01-02-2009 (Visit duration: 4 months).
• Prof. George Malliaras, Head of Department of Bioelectronics created in 2009 at the Microelectronics Center of Provence, one of six research and education Centers of the EMSE (Visit duration: 9 Months)
• Prof. Thomas Anthopoulos, Professor of Experimental Physics in the Department of Physics and The Centre for Plastic Electronics, Imperial College London (Visit duration: 4 Months)
• Dr. Konstantinos Fostiropoulos, Researcher at HZB, Germany (Visit duration: 12 Months)
• Ass. Prof. Róisín Owens, Ass. Professor at the Centre Microélectronique de Provence of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint Etienne, EMSE, France (Visit duration 7 months).
• Dr. Nikolaos Kehagias, Researcher, Head of Nanofabrication Division at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), Spain (Visits Duration 2 Months).
• Dr. Kostis Michelakis, Researcher, Cleanroom and Laboratories Manager in the Advanced Technology Institute of the University of Surrey, UK (Visits Duration: 1 Month).
• Prof. Yannis Missirlis, Professor (Emeritus) of Laboratory of Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics, University of Patras. (Visits Duration: 1 Month).
• Dr. Demosthenes Koutsogeorgis, Reader in Photonic Technologies in the School of Science & Technology of the Nottingham Trent University, (Visit duration: 1 Month)
3. Upgrade the R&D infrastructure of AUTh
The upgrade of AUTh’s research infrastructure is a prerequisite for fundamental and applied research in OEs. The transfer of know-how and expertise to AUTh by the exceptional collaborators requires the installation of OEs Lab facilities consisted of:
• A r2r system for complete manufacturing of Organic Large Area Electronic (OLAE) devices: This system will support several printing techniques to fabricate thin films for both active and passive layers, in inert environment and with the ability for lamination and fabricating the final fully functional OEDs.
• A Glove Box which will be adequate enough to host a Spin Coater and a Dip Coater with their peripherals, an Inkjet Printer and a slot-die placed inside the glove box for the development of various organic materials (small molecules & polymer) and different metallic electrodes..
• An important aspect of organic thin films is their microstructure and morphology which affects their charge transport properties and can be achieved through TEM studies. Thus, it is important to upgrade the existing TEM infrastructure with an Ultra Microtome, for precisely thinning organic thin films and mounting them to the TEM.
• A Low Frequency Capacitance Meter, Electrometers for electrical measuring of OEDs and Device Simulation Software, will integrate the electrical measurements equipment.
• The Upgrade of existing r2r gravure printing system with two edge guide systems and an extra hot air drying station for improvement of gravure printing process
• The upgrade of the Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscope with an Atomic Force Microscopy head and a RAMAN/Fluorescence spectrophotometer for simultaneous nanoscale imaging and chemical of organic semiconductors & bioelectronics.
The above additional equipment has been combined with the existing infrastructure, bridging the existence knowledge and experience of AUTh team with the one that have been gained within ROleMak for the synthesis and development of novel materials (organic semiconductors, electrodes, etc.), processes and ultimately devices (e.g. OPVs, OLEDs, batteries, biosensors) with tailored properties and performance. As a consequence, AUTh has been strengthen its visibility among the other research entities in Europe, becoming a research center of excellence in the Southern Europe region.
4. Dissemination – Exploitation and Use of results
ROleMak’s workplan includes a complete dissemination and exploitation Roadmap for its results that ensure the increased visibility of AUTh and its Collaborators and their activities within the area of KM, Greece and EU in general. The dissemination activities have been facilitated communication and establish strategic partnerships and twinning with research entities, public, industry and regional authorities and include:
• Dynamic Internet site that hosts the published results and enhance the interrelations between the partners
• Publication of results in International Scientific Journals, Conferences & Workshop Proceedings, and Books.
• Translation in Greek of the Strategic Research Agenda of the OLAE issued by Opera FP7 Project
• Organization of International events (Conferences, Symposia, Workshops), like the NANOTEXNOLOGY that will bring together the ISFOE and the NN conferences.
• Interaction with other Conferences through the organization and participation to Sessions, Symposia, and exhibition booths.
• Public dissemination, by press releases in collaboration with AUTh’s Press Office for the rest of community
• Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Management in close collaboration with expert team by different disciplines including lawyers, experts in IPR issues, researchers.
• Collaboration with regional & national actors (e.g. GSRT, Ministries and ThIZ), for activities continuation after project termination
Project Results:
ROleMak results are based on the five specific tasks which took place during the period of project’s duration, which are pointed out below:
1.3.1 Training and Interactions
ROleMak reinforced the existing R&D competences of AUTh in OEs by the exchange of know-how and experience between AUTh team and the Collaborators on the development, growth and characterization of OE materials, components, devices fabrication and testing. The collaborators and a brief summary of the performed activities are listed below:
- CEA-LITEN on materials for Batteries & OPVs, processes & devices
- FhG-POLO on LBG polymers and barrier layer materials & processes
- HZB on fabrication and testing of small organic molecule OEDs
- EMSE on Biosensors based on OEs and OTFTs
- LCPO on synthesis of organic polymer and block copolymers
- LPICM on Organic device modeling
- UPAT on synthesis of polymeric materials with various architectures
- EXSS on OTFT Fabrication & Characterization
- HJU R&D team on SE instrumentation and modeling
- AIXTRON R&D teams on OVPD technique
- INTECS on know-how and experience transfer in business initiation and development, technology access and transfer, operations architecture and management excellence CEA-LITEN
During the interaction with CEA-LITEN, the AUTh team acquired know-how on TFB, OLED and OPV materials, their synthesis and fabrication. This was achieved through the training on surface treatment of polymeric substrates, patterning processes electrodes, device fabrication and testing, consideration of new materials and new architectures, perovskite-based PV, development of encapsulation processes and designs. FhG-POLO
During the interaction with FhG-POLO, the AUTh team was trained on printing and coating techniques, which included Ink-jet printing, which involved training on ink-jet printing in a pilot line, Slot-die and Knife coating, and Atomic Layer Deposition. Furthermore, the AUTh team acquired know-how on suitable active materials for thin film deposition, OLEDs and OPVs fabrication, testing and applications, as well as quality optimization and device improvement. In addition to the above, training on the barrier materials testing and evaluation, lamination and encapsulation of OPV and OLED devices and their performance evaluation (PL, EL, EQE), and the effect of the degradation. The above processes and fabrication of efficient OEs are towards the commercial exploitation and device production. HZB
During the interaction with HZB, the AUTh team was trained on the fabrication of organic cell based on small molecules through vapor thermal deposition and photovoltaic devices, their electrical characterization, encapsulation and the effect of the latter on the degradation of the devices. Training on the fabrication of OPVs and their characterization and testing was also performed. In addition to the above, the know-how of architecture of the devices (bilayer and bulk heterojunction) was also acquired. Furthermore, the AUTh team was trained on the OVPD system and its operation for the deposition of organic materials as active layers for OPVs. EMSE
During the interaction with EMSE, the AUTh team was in depth training on clean room facilities, equipment and safety instructions procedures concerning the samples preparation.
Additionally, the AUTh team was trained on the design of transistors and fabrication of organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs), their physical-chemical and biological characterization, optical microscopy and profilometry, electrical measurements, photolithography for the pattering of the electrical contacts, fluorescence and confocal microscopy. Furthermore, training on the applications of conductive polymers for tissue regeneration, such as biofunctionalization processes for sensing applications and fundamentals on organic electronics for tissue regeneration was also performed. LCPO
During the interaction with LCPO, the AUTh team acquired know-how on organic semiconductor materials synthesis and was trained on synthesis of polymer material, polymers thin films deposition, organic polymer, block copolymers for OPVs and functionalities for the fabrication of Organic Electronics. Moreover, the AUTh team was trained on the electro-optical characterization and evaluation-testing of the polymeric materials. In addition to the above, the above team was also trained on clean room facilities. LPICM
During the interaction with LPICM, the AUTh team gained knowledge on organic device compact model (OTFT, OLED, OPV) and their characterization by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry. In addition, the AUTh team was trained on measuring and modeling of polymeric materials through Spectroscopic Ellipsometry instrumentation, modeling and optical characterization of complex anisotropic materials to correlate optical response to electrical properties. UPAT
During the interaction with UPAT, the AUTh team extended its knowledge on the synthesis of polymer semiconducting and active materials for OLED applications, polymers for light harvesting and light emission and OPVs device fabrication by printing and wet methods and their characterization by Atomic Force Microscopy and electro-optical techniques and testing. Furthermore, the AUTh team was trained on the procedure for synthesis and functionalization of P3HT, mettalocomplexes and silver nanoparticles. EXSS
During the interaction with EXSS, the AUTh team acquired know-how on the fabrication and characterization of solution-processed organic transistors using nanomaterials. In addition, training on the fabrication of OFETs based on blends of soluble organic semiconducting molecules and polymeric materials was also performed. Moreover, advanced training on electrical measurements for the evaluation of the devices performance was also performed. HJY
During the interaction with HJY, the AUTh team was trained on SE equipment, including ex-situ and in-situ, modelling and analysis procedures to improve the data analysis efficiency. In addition, training on SE hardware, maintenance and calibration, was performed. Moreover, software upgrade on all the existing SE units in the AUTh infrastructure in order for AUTh to establish SE tools as reliable quality control systems for the characterization of advanced materials for OEs. AIXTRON
During the interaction with AIXTRON, the AUTh team was trained on the principles of Gas-Phase Technology, which included the development of OLEDs and organic single layers and multilayers structures by OVPD technique and graphene by CVD process. The AUTh team was in depth trained on the device design and manufacturing, on the OVPD and CVD technique, and the safety issue in CVD facilities. In addition, training on RAMAN and optical characterization was also performed. INTECS
During the interaction with INTECS, the AUTh team gained knowledge on IPRs management team activities.
1.3.2 Recruitment of Exceptional Scientist
In addition to the acquired know-how of the AUTh team from the interactions with the Collaborators descript in section 1.3.1 the AUTh team further increased its knowledge, experience and know-how through the recruitment of nine exceptional scientist, each expert on their filed of excellence. Moreover, their expertise contributed to the upgrade of AUTh’s infrastructure. The nine exceptional scientists are listed below:
- Prof. George Hadziioannou and As. Prof. Eleni Pavlopoulou, Professors of Chemistry at the University of Bordeaux. They collaborated with AUTh for 4months.
- Prof. George Malliaras, Head of Dept of Bioelectronics, Microelectronics Center of Provence, EMSE, France. Prof. Malliaras collaborated with AUTh for 9 months.
- Prof. Thomas Anthopoulos, Professor of Experimental Physics, Department of Physics & Centre for Plastic Electronics, Imperial College London He collaborated with AUTh for 4 months.
- Dr. Konstantinos Fostiropoulos is a Researcher and leader of Organic Solar Cells group of Heterogeneous Materials Systems (SE2) Department at HZB. He collaborated with AUTh for 12 months.
- Ass. Prof. Roisin Owens, Ass. Prof at the Centre Microélectronique de Provence of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint Etienne, EMSE, France. She collaborated with AUTh for 7 months.
- Dr. Nikolaos Kehagias, Researcher, Head of Nanofabrication Division at the Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology, ICN, Spain. He collaborated with AUTh for 2 months.
- Dr. Kostis Michelakis, Researcher, Cleanroom and Laboratories Manager in the Advanced Technology Institute of the University of Surrey, UK. He collaborated with AUTh for 1 month.
- Dr. Demosthenes Koutsogeorgis, Reader in Photonic Technologies in the School of Science & Technology of the Nottingham Trent University, He collaborated with AUTh for 1 month.
- Prof. Yannis Missirlis, Professor, Director of Laboratory of Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics, University of Patras. He collaborated with AUTh for 1 month. Recruitment of Prof. George Hadziioannou & Assistant Professor Eleni Pavlopoulou
Prof. G. Hadziioannou & Assistant Professor E. Pavlopoulou visited AUTh for 4 months during the project duration, and transferred their expertise and know-how on the synthesis, processing and characterization of semiconductive organic polymer and block copolymer materials, and on thin film of polymeric materials for OLED application and their characterization through Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Raman Spectroscopy. Moreover, the AUTh team gained knowledge for the improvement-optimization of the chemical synthesis of OE materials and on new materials and state-of-the-art technologies for OE production. Furthermore, they transfer their knowledge and experience on the safety rules in the lab and advised the AUTh team for the promotion of the core competences in the field of OEs. Recruitment of Prof. George Malliaras
Prof George Malliaras visited AUTh for 9 months during the project duration and transferred his know-how on fundamental aspects of OEs, including structure, morphology, processing and patterning of organic thin films, analysis and modeling of charge transport and injection mechanisms in organic semiconductors, device physics, and applications of organic devices as sensors and biosensors. The AUTh team acquired know-how on the development of conducting scaffolds for tissue regeneration, synthesis of gold nanoparticles for the functionalization of OECT and biofunctionalization of OECT devices for the attachment of active agents for biosensing applications, and their analysis by AFM, electrical measurements and Dynamic Light Scattering. Recruitment of Prof. Thomas Anthopoulos
Prof Thomas Anthopoulos visited AUTh for 4 months during the project duration and transferred his experience and know-how on charge carrier transport in organic semiconductors/devices and development of high performance organic based thin film transistor and integrated optoelectronics circuits. Moreover, the AUTh team gained experience and knowledge on the fabrication organic semiconducting blends and their application to OLED, OFET and integrated-logic circuits and transistor devices. In addition, the AUTh team acquired knowledge on the microstructural/morphological and electrical characterization of the above through various techniques, such as spectroscopic Ellipsometry, electrical measurements, atomic force/polarized optical microscopy (AFM/POM) and field-effect measurements. Recruitment of Dr. Konstantinos Fostiropoulos
Dr. Konstantinos Fostiropoulos visited AUTh for 12 months during the project duration and transferred his know-how on deposition of organic small molecules for organic solar cells with various architectures (Bilayer & Bulk Heterojunction) under vacuum techniques and more specifically thermal evaporation and their optimization and structural, morphological and electrical characterization. He, also, supported the design and specifications of the upgrade of AUTh’s infrastructure with the installation of a new thermal evaporation chamber. In addition to the above, AUTh team acquired know-how for the fabrication of OPV by thermal evaporation (bilayer, bulk and mixed planar architecture) and their optical and morphological characterization. Recruitment of Ass. Prof. Roisin Owens
Ass. Prof. Roisin Owens collaborated with AUTH for 7 months during the project duration and transferred her know-how on interactions between biological compounds with Organic Electronic Devices. Furthermore, team AUTh gain knowledge on the development of bioelectronics aspects, such as the development and characterization of biological active surfaces for the detection of active surfaces (metabolites, pathogenic organisms, enzymes etc). In addition, the AUTh team further enhanced its know-how on the biofunctionalization of gold nanoparticles for biosensing applications. Recruitment of Dr. Nikolaos Kehagias
Dr. Nikolaos Kehagias visited AUTh for 2 months during the project duration and transferred his know-how ink-jet printing technique, design and print of silver grids and fabrication of OPV and OLED devices on transferable imprinted grid metal substrates onto flexible substrates. Furthermore, he assisted to the enhancement of AUTh knowledge on the fabrication and study of transparent electrodes on quartz and flexible films and also on specific deposition and characterization techniques, such as UV-photolithography, metal evaporation, lift of process, reverse micro/nano lithography, optical and electron microscopy and EDX analysis. Recruitment of Dr. Kostis Michelakis
Dr. Kostis Michelakis collaborated with AUTh for 1 month during the project duration and transferred his know-how on clean room facilities, microfabrication and applications. Moreover, the AUTh team gain experience on the health and safety regulations during work in a lab and risk assessment and evaluation. Recruitment of Dr. Demosthenes Koutsogeorgis
Dr. Demosthenes Kotsogeorgis visited AUTh for 1 month during the project duration and transferred his know-how on methods for laser applications in OE materials. The AUTh team gain knowledge on the formation of plasmonics by laser annealing, laser pattering and scribing and safety in laser processing procedures. Moreover, he transferred his knowledge on the laser module pilot line which is part of AUTh infrastructure. Recruitment of Prof. Yannis Missirlis
Prof. Yannis Missirlis collaborated with AUTh for 1 month during the project duration and transferred his know-how on the interactions of biomaterials and cells with OEs. He, furthermore, enhanced the knowledge of AUTh’s team on the development of nanofibrous cellulose acetate and non-woven nanofibrous scaffolds, as well as the degradation of polymeric scaffolds.
1.3.3 Equipment Upgrade
During ROleMak project, AUTh upgraded its existing infrastructure and peripheral equipment in order to become competitive in the field of Organic Electronics (OEs). For the above reason, the following equipment and equipment upgrade have been installed:
- r2r system for complete manufacturing of Organic Large Area Electronic (OLAE) devices.
- Glove Box for synthesis and processes under controlled conditions of the sensitive organic materials for the fabrication of Organic Electronic Devices.
- Slot Die Coater placed inside the glove box for the development of various organic materials (small molecules & polymer) and different metallic electrodes.
- Spin & Dip Coater with their peripherals and Plasma Cleaning.
- Ink jet printer for fabrication of thin organic semiconducting and metallic films with special pattern.
- Ultra Microtome for Handling of the sensitive organic and polymeric materials for the investigation of the structural properties by the existing TEM infrastructure of the AUTh team.
- Capacitance meter, Electrometer & Device Simulation tool for electrical measurements.
- Upgrade of existing r2r gravure printing system for improvement of Gravure printing process.
- Upgrade SPM INTEGRA with RAMAN for chemical characterization and analysis of organic semiconductors and bioelectronics
By the addition of the above equipment AUTh has strengthen its existing knowledge and know-how together with the gained know-how from the trainings & interactions and the exceptional recruited scientists, and became a research center of excellence in the region of Southern Europe in the field of Organic Electronics. r2r system for complete manufacturing of Organic Large Area Electronic devices
The integrated Roll-to-Roll system for the manufacturing of flexible Organic Electronic devices has been successfully installed in the new facilities of LTFN and consists of several parts, namely the unwinding station, the printing station, the dryers, the laser station and the rewinding and lamination/delamination station.
The first station is the unwinding station, which is the beginning of the process where the substrate roll (web) unwinds. The unwinding station has the ability to move the web, in an automated way, in both directions (forward and backward), and to control and adjust the tension of the substrate. In the unwinding station, a web discharge system is placed for the removal of the static charge. Furthermore, the web passes through a cleaning system which uses contact cleaning rollers to remove particles with diameters down to 1 μm. In addition, a system for web surface activation with all necessary components is installed enabling the activation/modification of the surface of metallic and non-metallic substrates using plasma. The next station is the printing station where all the printing processes take place, consisting of a slot die coater installed in the printing station, enabling the printing of a web area of 300 mm width with accuracy of ±5 μm. Right after the printing station three dryers of one meter each are installed. The dyers have the ability to blow hot air and nitrogen in temperatures up to 200°C in order to evaporate the solvent of the printed layers. The dryers are equipped with micro-filters for cleaning the blowing air. The next station is the Laser station, which is mounted inside a 3 m long cabinet. The laser system is installed in the laser cabinet and is a unique configuration, beyond the state of the art, specially designed for OE applications. It is used for the patterning of the printed layers in order to achieve high efficiency, throughput and geometric fill factor. Next to the Laser station, the rewinding station is placed, where the web is rolled up, which is the end of the R2R process. Inside the cabinet of the rewinding station a lamination/delamination station is installed. The lamination/delamination station has the ability to move the lamination web in an automated way in both directions and to control and adjust the tension of the substrate. In addition, a web edge control system and a web discharge system are installed to ensure an efficient lamination/delamination process. Glove box
There was a decision for the extension of the existing Glove Box due to fact that all the processes involved in the Organic Electronic device fabrication must be take place under inert atmosphere.
The extension of the Glove Box is consisted of two double faced Glove-Boxes, the first for the wet processes and the second for the characterization and encapsulation processes. Slot Die Coater placed inside the glove box
The slot die coater is placed inside the glove box for the development of organic materials and different metallic electrodes. The slot-die coating is a 1-dimensional coating technique that allows the coating of stripes of material which is well suited for making a multilayer solar cell with stripes of different materials layered on top of each other. The alignment of the pattern is easy as the coating head is simply translated along the direction perpendicular to the direction of the web movement. The technique belongs to the premetered coating techniques where all the ink supplied to the coating head is coated with no loss. Spin & dip Coater & Peripherals (Plasma Cleaning) for the glove box
A combined spin-coater with a hot plate system is installed inside a nitrogen-filled glove box. The system is being used for the deposition of organic electronic materials for the fabrication of organic solar cells as well as for organic field-effect transistors and is a very useful tool for the reliable testing of organic materials.
A Dip-Coater apparatus is installed in the LTFN. The dip-coating equipment is capable to accept sample sizes of 150x150 mm2 and up to 150gr in weight. Additionally, it is possible to adjust the dipping speed either manually or automatically and in the range of 0.1 to 100 mm/min. The dip-coater is being used for depositing functional coatings for organic electronic devices and biomaterials.
A Plasma cleaner is installed at the LTFN. The system is suitable for the cleaning surfaces of any residues, oils, or contamination, for activation of various materials before coating, printing etc. and for process development. Ink-Jet printer for the glove box
The LP50 ink-jet printer is installed in the LTFN. This ink-jet printer is a high precision ink-jet platform suited for the development of printing processes, as well as for the pre- and post- processes. The system consists of three basic parts, namely the printing platform, the print head assembly and the software. Towards the fabrication of organic electronic devices by inkjet printing, three different inks have been used so far, PEDOT:PSS, P3HT:PCBM and silver. Ultra Microtome for Handling of the sensitive organic and polymeric materials
A cryo-ultra-microtome was installed in LTFN, in order to prepare specimens suitable for transmission electron microscopy observations. The main system characteristics of LEICA Cryo- ultramicrotome UC 7 FCS include that it is built-in anti-vibration system and scalability. Also it has a system with ultramicrotome cryo-sectioning at temperature up -185oC, automatic and manual operation with separate control console, mechanical supply of sample, , Cooling with liquid nitrogen. The instrument is accompanied by a LEICA EM TRIM2 Specimen Trimming Device and a Glass Knifemaker Leica EM KMR3. Capacitance meter, Electrometer & Device Simulation tool for electrical measurements
A Keithley 4200-SCS semiconductor characterization system in installed at the Electrical Characterization and Design of Micro-Nano Electronic Devices lab (MiNED lab). The specific instrumentation includes three medium power Source-Measure Units (SMUs) with three Remote Preamplifiers (4200-PA PreAmp), a low noise ground unit (GNDU) and one C-V measurement unit (4210-CVU card). The three SMUs operate as voltage or current sources depending on the source function. In addition, they can be configured as voltmeters or electrometers giving the capability to measure simultaneously three voltages or current intensities respectively at three different channels. The 4200-SCS system has the capability to measure the current-voltage characteristics with high-speed, which is very useful to measure hysteresis effects in all kinds of transistors and diodes in order to determine the “slow” bulk traps and the “fast” interface traps. Also, the system enables the reliability characterization of semiconductor devices after DC electrical stress. Upgrade of existing r2r gravure printing system
The upgrade of the existing r2r pilot system is carried out. The upgrade includes the two components. The first is the two edge guide system for the efficient guiding of the web and the control of the lateral displacements during rolling. And the second is an extra hot air drying station (60 cm) for the increase of the active drying length and the drying time, which is very crucial for the formation of the appropriate morphology, especially for the active layers. Upgrade SPM INTEGRA with RAMAN for chemical characterization and analysis of organic semiconductors and bioelectronics
The NTEGRA system was working prior the upgrade only as a Scanning Near Field Optical Microscope (SNOM), thus it was upgraded with an Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) head and a RAMAN/Fluorescence spectrophotometer. The upgrade consisted of an anti-vibration optical table special designed for the system, an AFM head, an inverted optical microscope, spectrometer’s parts (laser source, edge filters, gratings, laser beam alignment, mirrors alignment etc), a CCD camera for recording the fluorescence/RAMAN and a software for handling the data. New facilities for the equipment installation
During the ROleMak project and the installation and upgrade of the equipment, the LTFN activities were moved into new buildings in which the installation of the new equipment and the transfer of existing equipment took place. The new facilities have the capacity to host the R2R system, the S2S production line (Glove Boxes and peripherals), a brand new chemical lab equipped with high power exhausts and gas lines, one CVD system for Graphene production, offices for the researchers, meeting rooms and it is connected with AUTh internet service.
1.3.4 Dissemination & Use of the Results
The main dissemination activities of ROleMak project include the following:
• Peer reviewed publications generated during the project
• Dissemination activities, i.e.
o Conferences
o Workshops
o Websites
o Press releases
o Articles published in the popular press
o Videos
o Radio/TV interviews
o Exhibitions
o Lectures/presentations
o Posters Publications
During project running, a lot of publications were published in international scientific journals, conferences & workshop proceedings and books. In particular, AUTh team has been published some of the project results related to Organic & Printed Electronics (OEs) in international peer-reviewed scientific journals such as:
1. “Effects of buffer layer properties and annealing process on bulk heterojunction morphology and organic solar cell performance”
P. G. Karagiannidis, N. Kalfagiannis, D. Georgiou, A. Laskarakis, N. A. Hastas, C. Pitsalidis, S. Logothetidis
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22 (2012) 14624
2. “Effect of process parameters on the morphology and nanostructure of roll-to-roll printed P3HT:PCBM thin films for organic photovoltaics”
C. Koidis, S. Logothetidis S. Kassavetis, C. Kapnopoulos, P.G. Karagiannidis, D. Georgiou, A. Laskarakis
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 112 (2013) 36–46
3. “In-line spectroscopic ellipsometry for the monitoring of the optical properties and quality of roll-to-roll printed nanolayers for organic photovoltaics”
S. Logothetidis, D. Georgiou, A. Laskarakis, C. Koidis, N. Kalfagiannis
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 112 (2013) 144–156
4. “Bioelectronics meets nanomedicine for cardiovascular implants: PEDOT-based nanocoatings for tissue regeneration”
V. Karagkiozaki, P.G. Karagiannidis, M. Gioti, P. Kavatzikidou, D. Georgiou, E. Georgaraki, S. Logothetidis
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1830 (2013) 4294-4304
5. “Optical investigations of the effect of solvent and thermal annealing on the optoelectronic properties of Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) films”
A. Laskarakis, P.G. Karagiannidis, D. Georgiou, D.M. Nikolaidou, S. Logothetidis
Thin Solid Films 541 (2013) 102-106
6. “Key factors to improve the efficiency of roll-to-roll printed organic photovoltaics”
C. Koidis, S. Logothetidis, A. Ioakeimidis, A. Laskarakis, C. Kapnopoulos
Organic Electronics 14 (2013) 1744-1748
7. “Evaluation of the functionality of biodegradable polymeric platforms for drug delivery systems”
M. Gioti, V. Karagkiozaki, A. Basgiouraki, P.G. Karagiannidis, S. Logothetidis
Applied Surface Science 281 (2013) 54–59
8. “High performance transistors based on the controlled growth of triisopropylsilylethynyl-pentacene crystals via non-isotropic solvent evaporation”
C. Pitsalidis, N. Kalfagiannis, N.A. Hastas, P.G. Karagiannidis, C. Kapnopoulos, A. Ioakeimidis, S. Logothetidis
RSC Advances 4 (2014) 20804-20813
Moreover, AUTh team has been published some of the project results in Books. In more detail, some of the project results have been published in the following Chapters of the Handbook of Flexible Organic Electronics, Materials, Manufacturing and Applications:
• Chapter 5 “High barrier films for flexible organic electronic devices”, by D. Georgiou and S. Logothetidis
• Chapter 10 “In-line monitoring and quality control of flexible organic electronic materials” by A. Laskarakis and S. Logothetidis
• Chapter 11 “Optimization of active nanomaterials and transparent electrodes using printing and vacuum processes” by C. Koidis and S. Logothetidis Participation in Conferences
During ROleMak, AUTh team participated in 42 Conferences with 15 Invited presentations, 30 oral presentations, 18 poster presentations and 10 booths as exhibitor. Table 1.2 shows an overview of the conferences and workshops that the AUTh Team participated during the project. Moreover, Figures 1.53 - 1.55 show photos during the participation in the exhibition events. Organization of International Scientific Events
In the framework of ROleMak, AUTh team organized International Scientific Events. During the project period the following events were organized:
- In 2012, the 5th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE12) and the 9th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (NN12) under NANOTEXNOLOGY 2012
- In 2013, the 6th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE13) and the 10th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (NN13) under NANOTEXNOLOGY 2013
- In 2014, the 7th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE14) and the 1th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (NN14) under NANOTEXNOLOGY 2014.
In Fig. 1.56 the brochures of the multievents for the years 2012, 2013 and 2014 are shown. Publicity Actions
The Project is also promoted thought Internet Sites and Newspapers in order to communicate with Public.
Some of the internet sites (Fig. 1.57) that disseminate and promote project information and results are the following:
ROleMak is also promoted through articles in national newspapers such as Aggeliofos, Efimerida ton sintakton, Eleutherotipia, EnergyPress, Newsnow, To vima, United Reporters Zo sti Thessaloniki, elliniki gnomi, Kathimerini, Makedonia, To pontiki, Ethnos, and Thess Today. Some of published articles are shown in Fig. 1.58. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Management & Activities after project termination
During ROleMak a team was formed to manage innovation, legal and IPR issues. The IPR team was consisted by:
- Dr M. Chachamidou, Physicist, MSc in Management of Technology
- Dr P. Giannoules, Business Development Executive at INTECS
- Dr E. Panagiotidou, Lawyer, Expert in IPRs.
The main activities of the IPR team during the project include the following:
• Preparation of the guidelines for the IPRs protection by Filling Patent Application.
• The members of the IPR team provided presentations during the Workshops organized in the framework of the ROleMak Project. In more detail:
- During the Workshop “Commercializing Organic Electronics in Greece” that took place in Thessaloniki, Greece on 26 April 2012 Dr. P. Giannoules gave a talk entitled “The ways of starting and creating spin‐offs & entrepreneurial activities in the field of OEs”
- During the Workshop “Commercializing Organic Electronics in Greece” that took place in Thessaloniki, Greece on 26 April 2012 Dr. E. Panagiotidou gave a talk entitled “IPRs οn OLAEs”
- During the Workshop “Commercializing Organic Electronics in Greece” that took place in Thessaloniki, Greece on 26 April 2012 Dr. M.Chachamidou gave a talk entitled “Commercializing OE through Entrepreneurial activities &
- the FP7 COLAE Project”
- During the 5th Workshop: "Commercializing Organic Electronics in Greece" Dr. P. Giannoules gave a talk entitled “The ways of starting and creating entrepreneurial activities in the field of Organic Electronics”
- During 6th Workshop: "Creating the Organic & Printed Electronics Industry in Greece” Dr. P. Giannoules gave a talk entitled “The ways of creating entrepreneurial activities in the field of Organic & Printed Electronics”
- During 7th Workshop: "Creating the Organic & Printed Electronics Industry in Greece” Dr. P. Giannoules gave a talk entitled “The ways of creating entrepreneurial activities in Organic & Printed Electronics”
- During 7th Workshop: "Creating the Organic & Printed Electronics Industry in Greece” Dr. E. Panagiotidou gave a talk entitled “Management of IPRs issues within EC projects”
• Preparation of non-disclosure agreement in the case of partnership of two organizations or in the case of B2B meeting
• Legal advice for the formation for the Hellenic Organic & Printed Electronics Association in Greece
• Legal advice & Procedure for NANOTEXNOLOGY Trademark
1.3.5 Exploitation & Commercialization Activities Database of National Industrial and Research Activities in Organic Electronics
During ROleMak AUTh created a database that records the industrial and research activities in OEs in Greece.
In more detail, the database included 27 organizations (universities, R&D institutes and companies) which are active in OEs in Greece. Organization of Workshops and Stakeholder Meetings
During ROleMak AUTh Team organized the following Workshops and Stakeholder Meetings (Fig. 1.59):
• The 1st Stakeholder Meeting & Workshop with title “Development of Organic Electronics Industry in Greece” that took place in Thessaloniki, Greece on 21 November 2011. The Stakeholder Meeting was attended by more than had 70 participants of which more than 20 from companies.
• 1st Workshop on Commercializing Organic Electronics with title: "Commercializing Organic Electronics in Greece that took place in Thessaloniki, Greece on 26 April 2012. The Workshop was attended by more than had 60 participants of which more than 25 from companies.
• The 2nd Stakeholder Meeting & Workshop with title “Development of Organic Electronics Industry in Greece” that took place in Thessaloniki, Greece on 19 November 2012. The Stakeholder Meeting was attended by more than had 160 participants of which more than 50 from companies.
• The 5th Workshop with title: "Commercializing Organic Electronics in Greece” that took place in Thessaloniki, Greece on 26 April 2013. The Workshop was attended by more than 90 participants.
• The 6th Workshop with title “Creating the Organic & Printed Electronics Industry in Greece” that took place in Thessaloniki, Greece on 30 October 2013. The 6th Workshop was attended by more than 145 participants.
• The 7th Workshop with title: “Creating the Organic & Printed Electronics Industry in Greece” that took place in Thessaloniki, Greece on 18-20 December 2014. The Workshop was attended by more than 150 participants. Other Exploitation and Commercialization Activities
• Innovation Cluster for the Development of the Hellenic Organic & Printed Electronics Industry
During ROleMak project LTFN-AUTh created the innovative cluster for the creation of the Hellenic Organic & Printed Electronics Industry (HOPE-I Cluster). The scope of HOPE-I Cluster is to organize the Greek industrial and academic entities that are activated to OEs towards the development and establishment of the Greek Organic Electronics Industry and to support its activities and targets.
The main objectives and scopes of HOPE-I Cluster are:
- Creation of a Joint Facility for the cluster members
- Development of Prototypes and Demonstrators
- Development of Novel High value Products
- Development of Human Resources
- Promotion and Commercial Exploitation of the applications
- Know-How Transfer and Development of Expertise
- Modernization of Cluster members to the Organic Electronics Industry requirements
- Commercialization of Organic Electronic results by Entrepreneurial Actions
- Attracting of Investment Funds
HOPE-I cluster brings together Enterprises (SMEs, Large Enterprises), Universities and Investment Company with complementary expertise. The cluster includes 13 members from Thessaloniki, 1 member from Patra, 1 member from Viotia and 1 member from Athens. Although the members have a wide geographical spread, the cluster activities will be focused mainly in Northern Greece and especially in Central Makedonia area.
• Hellenic Organic & Printed Electronics Association
During ROleMak LTFN-AUTh established the Hellenic Organic & Printed Electronics Assosiacion/HOPE-A (Fig. 1.60).
The scopes of the HOPE-A are to:
- Create a network of members working in the organic and printed electronics
- Develop a strong link between R&D, technology and manufacturing
- Generate applications and technologies roadmap
- Enhance the reputation of the sector
- Strength contacts with public authorities
- Distribute information from the markets
- Enhance the attraction of funding resources and investments
- Promote the entity and its member’s activities in technical, commercial Fairs & Exhibitions
- Organize & support educational & training activities
- Organize events such as Conferences, Workshops, Summer schools and seminars
HOPE-A has already Signed Collaboration Agreements with the following European Associations on OEs: OE Saxony (Germany), COPT.NRW (Germany) and AFELIM (France).
• Establishment of Start-up companies in OEs
ROleMak supported the establishment of the following start-up companies in OEs in the region of the Central Makedonia:
- Organic Electronic Technologies/OET
- BL Nanobiomed
- Nanotypos
Moreover, ROleMak collaborated with these companies in the framework of National and European research projects.
Potential Impact:
1.4.1. Project Impact
ROleMak supported the main targets of the “Capacities” strategic program towards regional policy and in particular, it will share the REGPOT objective, contributing to the impact for unlocking and developing the research potential of research entities in the EU´s convergence regions and outermost regions.
The region of Kentriki Makedonia is lagging behind in the development of its scientific & research status and its research competences, mainly because of its geographical distance from the Central Europe, of its inadequate road links and of its need for restructuring the primary and secondary sectors of its economy. Another disadvantage is the political and regional instability in the Balkan area, which has contributed to the decrease of exports of goods, and to its isolation from the rest of Europe.
However, the size of the secondary sector, which makes this region a second-class industrial centre of Greece, it’s extremely rich cultural heritage, its geopolitical position, as well as the city of Thessaloniki, combines to a strong potential from which a large benefit can be derived. In addition, the region of KM differs from other European regions in its capacity to absorb and develop knowledge and technology. ROleMak have further enhanced the region’s growth prospects and reinforced the considerable disparities in prosperity across the EU’s regions.
ROleMak contributed to the reinforcement of the region of KM in Greece and contributed towards the expected impacts listed in the work program in respect of the:
a. Upgrading the RTD Capacity & Capability and the Quality of research carried out
The training, know-how exchange and experience between AUTh team and its Collaborators, significantly improved the scientific, technical and managerial skills and expertise of young scientists, researchers and engineers, leading to a wide, but specialized generation of knowledge in OEs. Therefore, it strengthened the human resource base for R&D activities on OEs in the KM region.
These activities took place in two levels: for incoming members of the collaborators and for outgoing team members to the collaborators. Incoming expert scientists from LPICM, LCPO, POLO, CEA-LITEN, HZB, AIXTRON, EMSE, UPAT, EXSS and HJY and their research groups, as well as managers for technology transfer from INTECS visited the AUTh team to extend its skills and knowledge in subjects covering the synthesis and thin film preparation of organic semiconductors (polymers and small molecules), the electrical characterization and the fabrication of OEDs (OPVs, OLEDs, OTFTs, Biosensors, Batteries and) and their testing. Also, this collaboration supported the improvement of the research infrastructure of the AUTh team and the upgrade of its existing equipment for research in OEs.
The recruitment opportunities given by AUTh to incoming experienced researchers been a means of encouraging the return of nationals having left the country and thus integrating their experience and acquired know-how abroad into AUTh. Moreover, ROleMak motivated and attracted more young people to work in OEs, and significantly advanced the skills of the existing human resources.
ROleMak significantly improved the KM region’s competitiveness and research excellence and generate knowledge that enabled the development of research and industrial clusters and poles, and the networking between regional actors in research, research promotion and policy. This resulted in enabling technologies which will impact the Organic Electronics and Photonics industry and enhance National and further more Europe’s recognized leadership in the field thus meeting the challenge imposed by the new scientific and industrial revolution & competition at a global level.
Also, the exploitation of results by entrepreneurial activities enabled the generation of start-up companies focusing in the fields of manufacturing of OE materials and components, process for materials monitoring & properties tailoring and the production of innovative components and products for OEs. It significantly strengthened the role of SME’s in research & development through the strategic partnerships that resulted from ROleMak’s dissemination plan.
In addition, it significantly improved employment prospects in the region of KM in the sectors of equipment manufacturers, fabrication of novel organic semiconductive and passive material components and producers of organic electronic and photonic products their end-users. For example, local traditional industries that were specialized in food, food packaging and textiles that could collaborate with the above mentioned start-ups in order to transform their production processes, and products to new technological areas, as smart packaging and e-textiles.
b. Better integration of the selected research entities in the European Research Area as a whole
ROleMak advanced the research potential of AUTh team for cutting edge research and its scientific and research excellence through the exchange of know-how and expertise with the specialized partners of international standing and experience in the field of organic electronics, and through the dissemination of knowledge, expertise and technical skills that performed in parallel with its training activities.
Firstly, ROleMak created a competence cluster in OEs and the Hellenic Organic and Printed Electronics Association that can be used from other Departments of AUTh and such as Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Electrical Engineering Departments.
Secondly, the strong dissemination and exploitation plan of ROleMak raised the AUTh’s visibility in regional and European level and it strengthened its capacity to develop collaborative links (EU proposals, management of transnational European projects) with regional research entities and other European research groups.
The above strengthened the AUTh’s involvement in OEs worldwide and furthermore the role of KM region as one of Europe’s recognized leaderships in the field. ROleMak took into account complementary policy priorities of Community's Research, and Innovation & Cohesion Policies to integrate the region of KM in the ERA by contributing to increased R&D capacity in OEs and further promote National and European excellence in the global competitive environment. The project also made proposals for effective synergies for the strengthening and developing research and development capacity in OEs, for the building co-operation at European and International level, for collaboration with SMEs and for the strengthening the economic exploitation of R&D results.
c. Contribution to regional Capacity building
ROleMak contributed to the regional capacity building through the following:
Firstly, the upgrade of AUTh’s research infrastructure to meet the needs of research in OEs, unlocked and developed the research potential in regional level. The upgraded research infrastructure has been used to achieve progress in the field of synthesis, thin film preparation of OE materials, and for device fabrication and testing.
Secondly, ROleMak took into consideration of the National Strategic Development Framework (2007-2013) and Regional Policies and Organizations like ThIZ, utilizing them for future funding of AUTh activities. This has significantly enhanced the scientific activities in KM (and Greece in general) and strengthened the interaction and collaboration of Greek Universities & Research Institutes with Industry. Also, contributed to the advancement of the scientific and research activities to meet the level of other European countries. ROleMak dissemination activities provided input in the national and regional development strategies for the area of OEs by contacting the Regional and National authorities.
In addition, ROleMak created strategic partnerships with well-established European research entities as well as synergies among EU R&D projects under the FP7, the national and regional projects under the Operational Programme (of the Community Support Framework) and the projects under the territorial co-operation actions (former INTERREG) that were implemented by AUTh. In this way research and cohesion policies reinforce each other at the regional level of KM and improve research capacity for increased to regional economic and social development enabling the region to take part in European level research and innovation activities. ROleMak targeted on a regional level to use FP7 and HORIZON 2020 instruments as a preparatory activity to prepare a larger infrastructural investment for OEs e.g. through the Structural Funds.
d. Improvement of the potential of the selected research entities to participate in FP7 and HORIZON 2020 projects
The impact of ROleMak will continue after its finalization, through the submission of R&D Proposals on research subjects that resulted from the collaboration between the AUTh and its collaborators. Furthermore, AUTh has been extended its activities under ROleMak with the support of regional funding for research activities that have been also led to the continuation of the new Researchers recruitment in the organization.
Various successful National or International research activities have been taken into account (technological monitoring and mapping) for the successful implementation of the Project. ROleMak had a communication strategy that aimed to effectively interact with other European Projects of FP7 and National projects (funded from NSRF) such as:
• Smartonics “Development of smart machines, tools and processes for the precision synthesis of nanomaterials with tailored properties for Organic Electronics”FP7-NMP-IP Project
• GLADIATOR “Graphene Layers: Production, Characterization and Integration” FP7-NMP Project
• GR-Light “Greek & Green Sustainable Lighting – Energy Systems” NSRF-Cooperation Project
• Plasmon-Harvest "Plasmonic architectures for solar energy Harvesting " NSRF-ARISTEIA II Project
• GRElect "Development of graphene-based advanced hybrid electrodes to im-prove the performance of organic electronic devices", Bilateral R&D Cooperation between Greece and Germany - SINERGASIES Project
• COLAE “Commercialization Clusters of OLAE” FP7- ICT Project
• NanOrganic “evelopment of Nanostructured Organic & Inorganic Materials and Thin Films for the Production of Organic Electronic Devices” NSRF-Cooperation Project
• YFATRONIC “Development of Integrated Flexible Textile & Electronic Products” NSRF-Cooperation Project
Moreover, close and fruitful collaborations have been established with associations, such as OE-A Association, AFELIM, Organic Electronics Saxony, COPT.NRW: Center for Organic Production Technologies and Hellenic Organic and Printed Electronics Association/HOPE-A.
Successful implementation of ROleMak ensured the realization of the impact expected. The performance of high quality R&D and innovation activities in organic electronics : a) contributed to economic growth and job creation, by stimulating a healthy economic environment, b) facilitated access to risk capital, underpin the development of innovating clusters, c) enhanced human capital, support technology transfer activities especially from AUTh to other Universities and Research Centres to SMEs and d) helped public R&D to connect with the local business community through networking activities.
Finally, it is important to report that a critical mass in human resources has been generated in ROleMak (51 persons). A significant number of MSc. and PhD students, PhD scientists employed during the ROleMak. Finally, ROleMak shares the European Commission aim to increase the participation of women at all levels in implementing and managing research programs. More specifically, in ROleMak, several women involved in the project, 22 women participate (43%) out of 51 total persons.
In conclusion, the regional societal implications of ROleMak include the following:
• The modernisation and diversification of the regional economy, creation of long-term quality jobs, enhanced performance
• The gradual transformation of the main sectors of Kentriki Makedonia, modernizing their traditional focus on conventional products to new, high-tech OE products which open up new markets at a global level.
• Development of an innovation mentality particularly among young people, reinforcing the genesis of ideas in the regional educational organisations with support for the creation of a favourable environment for innovation among young scientists.
• Expected sustainability of the action upon continuation of funding through Horizon 2020 focusing on commercial exploitation of the results and strong contribution of innovative SMEs.
• On-going activities in collaboration with regional bodies to encourage and strategically direct innovation and information activities in OEs.
• The development of regional innovation and technology transfer strategies that lead to greater cooperation, transparency and a strengthening of the expertise available within the region.
1.4.2. Main Dissemination Activities
The main activities that took place in order to disseminate the project results include the following:
• Publication of project results in international peer-reviewed scientific journals (eight articles have been published during ROleMak)
• Publication of project results in books. Tthe project results have been published in three Chapters of the Handbook of Flexible Organic Electronics, Materials, Manufacturing and Applications
• Participation of AUTh team in 42 Conferences with 15 Invited presentations, 30 oral presentations, 18 poster presentations and 10 booths as exhibitor.
• Translation of Strategic Research Agenda of the OLAE in Greek
• Development and update of the official website of the Project (
• Development of a brochure that presents the objectives and the main results of the project
• AUTh team organized International Scientific Events. During the project period the following events was organized:
- In 2012, organized the 5th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE12) and the 9th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (NN12) under NANOTEXNOLOGY 2012
- In 2013 organized the 6th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE13) and the 10th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (NN13) under NANOTEXNOLOGY 2013
- In 2014, AUTh organized the 7th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE14) and the 1th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (NN14) under NANOTEXNOLOGY 2014.
• Promotion of the Project thought Internet Sites and articles in Newspapers.
• Activities of the IPR team related with the innovation management and legal and IPR issues.
• Interaction and meetings with regional and national authorities.
1.4.3. Main Exploitation Activities
The main exploitation activities of ROleMak include the following:
• The creation of a database that record the industrial and research activities in OEs in Greece. In the database included 27 organizations (universities, R&D institutes and companies) that are active in OEs in Greece.
• Organization of Workshops and Stakeholder Meetings. During ROleMak AUTh Team has been organized the following Workshops and Stakeholder Meetings:
- The 1st Stakeholder Meeting & Workshop with title “Development of Organic Electronics Industry in Greece” that took place in Thessaloniki, Greece on 21 November 2011. The Stakeholder Meeting was attended by more than had 70 participants of which more than 20 from companies.
- 1st Workshop on Commercializing Organic Electronics with title: "Commercializing Organic Electronics in Greece that took place in Thessaloniki, Greece on 26 April 2012. The Workshop was attended by more than had 60 participants of which more than 25 from companies.
- The 2nd Stakeholder Meeting & Workshop with title “Development of Organic Electronics Industry in Greece” that took place in Thessaloniki, Greece on 19 November 2012. The Stakeholder Meeting was attended by more than had 160 participants of which more than 50 from companies.
- The 5th Workshop with title: "Commercializing Organic Electronics in Greece” that took place in Thessaloniki, Greece on 26 April 2013. The Workshop was attended by more than 90 participants.
- The 6th Workshop with title “Creating the Organic & Printed Electronics Industry in Greece” that took place in Thessaloniki, Greece on 30 October 2013. The 6th Workshop was attended by more than 145 participants.
- The 7th Workshop with title: “Creating the Organic & Printed Electronics Industry in Greece” that took place in Thessaloniki, Greece on 18-20 December 2014. The Workshop was attended by more than 150 participants.
• The creation of an innovative cluster for the creation of the Hellenic Organic & Printed Electronics Industry (HOPE-I Cluster). The scope of HOPE-I Cluster is to organize the Greek industrial and academic entities that are activated to OEs towards the development and establishment of the Greek Organic Electronics Industry and to support its activities and targets.
• The establishment of the Hellenic Organic & Printed Electronics Association/HOPE-A. HOPE-A has already Signed Collaboration Agreements with the following European Associations on OEs: OE Saxony (Germany), COPT.NRW (Germany) and AFELIM (France).
• The support in the the establishment of the following start-up companies in OEs in the region of the Central Makedonia: Organic Electronic Technologies/OET, BL Nanobiomed, Nanotypos
List of Websites:
1.5.1. ROleMak Website
Coordinator has developed and is maintaining the official website of the Project (Fig. 1.61) in order to promote its Mission and Goals. The Website of the project is prepared and hosts the published results and the main activities of the project.
1.5.2. ROleMak Logo & Brochure
AUTh team has developed the project logo (Fig. 1.62) and a brochure that presents the objectives and the main results of the project (Fig. 1.63).
1.5.3. AUTh Team and Contact Details
The AUTh team consists of the following Research Labs:
• Lab for Thin Films, Nanosystems & Nanometrology (LTFN)
• Electron Microscopy Lab (ElmicLab)
• Electrical Characterization & Design of Micro- and Nano-Electronics Devices laboratory (MiNED)
• Electronics Lab