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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-18

Ocean Surface Layer Observations

Final Report Summary - OSLO (Ocean Surface Layer Observations)

Executive Summary:
The project has planned, designed, developed and manufactured a prototype sensor technology that (when fused with conventional observations) enables surveillance of the ocean surface layer.
It was installed on a commercial vessel, tested and demonstrated.

Project video follow link

Project Context and Objectives:
A prototype system had been developed over a period of several years prior to starting the project.
This prototype had been first of all developed for military applications and needed to be greatly modified in order to comply with the requirements for civil applications. After an initial workshop, comprised of final end-users/clients, scientist, researchers and engineers, it was concluded that the project would more cost-effectively start with a new design that would contain more cost-effective components and assembly compared to the original prototype.
Following the workshop, a number of end-user scenarios were developed with the help of the end-users.
These scenarios reflect the most likely user cases of the system, in prioritized order. These scenarios were thereafter converted to a detailed list of functional requirements, which finally ended with the chosen system architecture. A significant part of this process was the understanding of the relative merit and the actual technical feasibility of different possible adjunct sensors supporting a main LADAR system, which was done addressing the various user scenarios and functional requirements, in particular the more demanding requirements such as all-weather/all-day operation and very long reach operation (distance from shop). This led to the multi-sensor approach utilising raw radar data whilst deselecting other possible sensor components on a cost-benefit basis. A further critical aspect was the requirement to end up with an eye-safe LADAR solution, which limited usable power levels in the safe mode and which led to the adjustment of the functional requirement in terms of maximum operation range of the system.
By consulting previous and recent experts within the consortium it was established a system description containing both third party (COTS) components as well as a number of new innovations needed in order to both fulfil the majority of functional requirements and the anticipated production costs of the system. After a number of technical specification iterations, the components with the longest lead time (and crucial for the development progress) were ordered.

Following a period of new component innovations, a first mock-up of a basic system got assembled
(i.e. a demonstration system). This very first mock-up got tested in a tank facility nearby the developers. The major findings consists of a lower than expected signal-to-noise ratio but higher internal instrument noise than expected. Additional adjustments to the performance envelope were required to account for unforeseen differences between the detect-ability of targets illuminated by the prototype system, and those intended to be illuminated by the final demonstrator. A re-design followed where the initial test data were used to pinpoint upgrades and improvement. This design got implemented into a first demo prototype system. In parallel a communication with the end-user started to facilitate the installation onboard a commercial vessel. This proved challenging given the extremely harsh environment that the system would be exposed and all the regulations that the system would need to comply with.

The installation process was done step-wise. Firstly, during the vessel’s dry-dock the hot work and the cabling from the mast location to the IT room and ship-bridge were performed. Secondly, the main sensor unit and the main IT processor got installed during a day-stop in a port. Thirdly, the final acceptance testing was done during a final day stop. Following, a 2-day sailing with the vessel provided the opportunity to further tweak, tune and optimize the software part of the system.

Even though the functional requirements are very challenging, most of them got shown to be achievable during a ‘live’ demonstration towards the end of the project, though at a reduced level of performance relative to the optimistic parameters initially considered. Most of this reduction is due to the unforeseen need to dramatically reduce emitted light power levels, and to spread out the emitted laser beam relative to the prototype system, in order to meet eye-safety concerns.

Project Results:
The main activity S&T activity was to design a sensor system for ocean surface layer observations, implement the sensor system, install the system on a large commerical platform, validate the system and its installation/integration with other maritime sensors, and demonstrate the main applications of the system.

The overall preparation for the demonstration was successful and unique for this project. All functional units were installed on platofrm and in operational mode.The main sensor unit was also completely installed and fully operational, the system had all sub-systems working and system performance was in line with the chosen capability for the demonstration event. In order to emulated the large number of operational uses of the system (general navigation, detection of humans on and in the water including divers, detection of mammals, detection of ice-floes, sea waves detection and mapping, detection of various submerged targets, a generic target was made consisting of a zodiac/search and rescue boat from the platofrm with defined target characteristics, along with a submergible model object consisting of a passive calibrated reflector module.

The demonstration cases first included the use of test targets on land to demonstrate the high selectivity of the system and general mapping capabilities. The next set of demonstrations focused on ‘on-the-water’ targets to demonstrate the system´s capability for selective detection of very small targets at medium to long ranges, the zodiac small test target was run from distances close to the platofrm to the furthest away point in the harbor area while being tracked by the system. The final set of demonstrations were run having the test vessel positioned at an intermediate range and locating the underwater test objects at various depths below the surface.

A major part of the project has been the dissemination of results and the leveraging of project results for the benefit of the participating companies. Early in the project a project website was established to provide an information platform. This site was continuously maintained and improved during the project. The project also recorded and produced a video documentary of the demonstration event, this can be seen on

In the second reporting period a major activity was the securing of the Intellectual Property rights of the project. In the preparation for the formal patent application process, the project SMEs provided a screening of the project work to identify the unique aspects of the projects and the technical solutions, along with a broad search of existing patents and publications. In order to secure the broadest possible IPR, a search was made for professional patent agents with relevant experience and good track record. After a competitive process the patent lawyers got selected and authorized for the patent filing process.

It was further considered if other parties had explored the LADAR concept and published relevant papers. These findings proved the usefulness of the overall project and application also for other applications. However it forced a rethink of the patenting strategies resulting in a bigger than expected effort to scope and structure the patents to appropriately protect the project results. This was a useful exercise and the result was the generation of three substantial patents that were filed within the project final months. The three patents filed were the following:
- European patent application 13189868.6 "A system for monitoring a maritime environment"
- European patent application 13189865.2 "A laser detection and ranging device for detecting an object under a water surface"
- European patent application 13189856.1 "A detection system for detecting an object on a water surface"

In the final months of this process a related activity was identified that had bearing on the contents and scope of the patents from the project. One of the main ideas and concepts of the project was to use a water penetrating sensors along the water surface rather than directly into the water. This feature enables long range operation from a offshore platoform or ship with the sensor mounted quite close to the water.

The OSLO project developed new sensor technology with multiple application areas for maritime shipping and offshore energy applications. To facilitate the exploration of the already defined applications for new-to-the project maritime companies and also to investigate alternative and further applications a one-day workshop was arranged. The workshop provided a good basis for constructive exchange of ideas and suggestions.

A final and significant part of the project was the production of a promotion video. The intention of the video was to capture the final demonstration for the EU Commission and to provide a promotional tool for the system and solution for customer discussion and business development.

Potential Impact:
Considering the larger amount of work conducted compared to what was envisaged at the time of Description of Work (DoW) (due to the redesign of the system), the progress to the end of the project was talented (though at a larger cost than budgeted). The plan for component cost savings compared to DoW has been accomplished with a good margin, which has enabled inclusion of third party supporting sensors into the assembly. While the first functional model was outside the desired cost envelope, this excursion is due to the use of literal first of their kind transmittor and detector components, the cost of which will fall dramatically when produced in quantity. These additional sensors particularly help the signal processing part of the system to ‘understand’ what the main sensor is sensing. The total system production cost will therefore be as anticipated in the DoW (but having additional sensor components).

A first prototype got tested in a tank to gain the first experimental observations. Consequent modification resulted in a first mock-up. Following, the first OSLO prototype got assembled and installed for offshore testing against the initial functional requirements. Following these tests the project did a number of demonstrations that showed the potential of the system for sought for functional achievements.

Based on these functional achievements the project established a work specification outline for the future industrialisation of the system. Now, it is likely that a number of prototypes will be produced (and sold) for further testing and modifications for a period before the industrialisation process (including larger production orders) will start. Existing end-users/clients of the project partners have expressed their interest in the developments, also for additional (but similar) applications to those developed in the project.
Any user/client needing oceanographic real-time observations (wind, current, waves, object detection) of the surface layer (above and immediately below) with a dense sampling in space (meters) and time (milliseconds) is a wished for client. Thus the project target a larger socio-economic impact than what is foreseen in the project’s Description of Work.

An aggressive plan got adopted to preserve the intellectual property (IPR) generated as a result of the user /technical group interactions and focused design processes. A number of broad sweeping patent applications got filed before the end of the project.
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