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Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-18



Executive Summary:
СOMBIOM project of IMBG NASU is the only Ukrainian INCO ERA-WIDE project in the field of life sciences. It was devoted to the development of the operational network of EU and Ukrainian scientists based on the different approaches to solve the problem of deciphering the molecular mechanisms of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, with the special emphasis on possible links between these two pathologies. The project was based on the collaboration of 8 Ukrainian research teams of IMBG NASU as one of the leading research institutions in molecular biomedicine, oncogenomics and gene technologies in Ukraine, with two twinning partners, the leading European research centres in the field of biomedicine: Gustave Roussy Institute of Oncology (France) and International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (Poland). The following COMBIOM project results are the most important achievements of IMBG NASU and its partners:

1. Creation of the IMBG NASU International Advisory Board, which was designed to provide annual international expertise of the Institute activities and achievements, to share experience in doing world level science.
2. Creation of IMBG Biomed Research Strategy 2015-2020, adopted by the IMBG Advisory Board. It will serve IMBG as the Action Plan to intensify biomedical investigations in close cooperation with stakeholders both in Ukraine and Europe, with the goal of creating Ukrainian Biomedical Research area, involving scientists, business and healthcare professionals. In future the creation of the Ukrainian Technology Platform on Biotechnology and Biomedicine could be considered.

3. SWOT analysis of strong and weak points of the Institute, advice of the leading European scientists on how to implement the best research and management practice in current Ukrainian realities; rating of IMBG Departments in order to stimulate scientific competition, find out and share good research practice.

4. Twinning with the best European research centres in biomedicine area. Enhancement of the role of IMBG NASU in Ukraine in the development of fundamentals of biomedicine (increasing the number of applications for national and European funding, increasing the participation in international conferences, etc).

5. Increasing the visibility of the Institute in European Research Area (raising the number of invitations to participate in the European research project consortia and Horizon 2020 Calls).

6. Improving the international cooperation management infrastructure in the Institute to meet challenges of higher level of science. Creation of the Supporting International Cooperation Group (SICOG) and planning of its further work in accordance with the unmet needs of Ukrainian scientists.

7. Creation of the PR-management group in the Institute, introduction of IMBG NASU scientists to wider society, brighter elucidation of the social role of biomedical research results in Ukraine and worldwide, creation of the platform of common interests of business and society in biomedical research.

8. Encouraging scientists to publish their papers in the world-renowned scientific journals and to share their experience of working with foreign colleagues, holding scientific conferences, lectures, participating in exhibitions, inviting journalists to conferences, having round tables for mass-media to discuss the role of science in society, studying the needs of consumers regarding the results of biomedical research – both medical workers and patients.

9. Receiving very important experience of coordinating the European level projects in Ukraine. Proving the capability of IMBG NASU to be an active participant in EU calls for scientific and technical programs, to establish international consortia for biomedical research, to win grants and to run projects smoothly, and to achieve maximal adjustment of the research results to the level of actual needs of the society, thus enhancing the social relevance of biomedical science in Ukraine.

After the completion of the COMBIOM ERA-WIDE project the main goal of IMBG NASU is to sustain the achievements obtained under the project. A relevant task is to overcome current problems and to improve the weak sides, revealed while twinning with European partners. The IMBG Biomed Research Strategy, developed as the main project outcome, shows a clear perspective, is based on the project advantages and contains the plan of their realization, keeping move in the direction of improving international cooperation and further building the capacity of being an integrated part of the European Research Area and an active participant of the EU research programmes.

Project Context and Objectives:
The Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of NAS of Ukraine (IMBG NASU) has a long history (about 40 years) of cooperation with European colleagues being very active in international collaboration nowadays. For many years the IMBG scientists have had joint research projects with their foreign colleagues from Germany, France, Great Britain, Poland, Italy, Greece, etc. – about 80 countries in total all over the world. Recently IMBG has been involved in several FP7 projects: FP7-HEALTH project CHERISH #223692, FP7 East-NMR program “Transnational Access to NMR”, and 3 projects of FP7-PEOPLE-IRSES program. Among other international grants, IMBG NASU has received funding from CNRS, NATO, STCU, SCOPES, etc. The strongest long-time bilateral relations of IMBG have been with the institutions of CNRS, France and Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw.
Since 2011 IMBG NASU has implemented the FP7-INCO-2011-6, ERA-WIDE project COMBIOM #294932 – “Strengthening Cooperation in Molecular Biomedicine between EU and Ukraine”, and won strong competition among the FP7 INCO ERA-WIDE Call participants. This Call was aimed at expanding the European Research Area by discovering the most promising scientific centres in EU’s neighboring countries and providing them with possibilities for fast development and acquiring the role of a leader in their countries and the status of equal partners in European scientific research.
The СOMBIOM is the only FP7 INCO ERA-WIDE project in the field of life sciences in Ukraine. It envisages the integration of IMBG NASU into ERA as one of the top scientific centres in the field of molecular biomedicine in Ukraine with great potential for further development.
IMBG researchers carry out high level investigations aimed at searching for effective diagnostics and therapy of oncological and neurodegenerative diseases. They have potential to find causes underlying certain diseases and contribute to the wellbeing of the European citizens, if strengthened by a closer cooperation with the best research centres in the European Union (EU) and ambitious EU projects. That’s why it is extremely important to coordinate scientific directions, funded by the European Commission (EC), and the corresponding research of Ukrainian scientists in the field of molecular biomedicine. The ultimate goal of IMBG is to become a regional leader in this field: to participate in international consortia under Horizon 2020 and to promote participation in the EC funded projects in Ukraine.
In this context, the COMBIOM project pursued the following objectives:
- development of an operational network of the EU and Ukrainian scientists (twinning) based on the different approaches to solve the problem of deciphering the molecular mechanisms of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, with the special emphasis on possible links between these two pathologies (first objective);
- building IMBG international cooperation capacities for its successful participation in the European collaborative research and integration with ERA (second objective);
- development of IMBG Research Strategy under the supervision of the International Advisory Board consisting of the EU partners and internationally recognized experts (third objective);
- broader activities on popularization of science and raising social awareness of modern biotechnology and biomedicine benefits (fourth objective). The purpose was also to leverage the activities of the existing informational unit and to use the available electronic media to disseminate knowledge.

The project has achieved all its objectives successfully.

Project Results:
Within the COMBIOM project IMBG has two European partners, the leading European research centres in the fields of interest: Gustave Roussy Institute of Oncology (IGR), France, and International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IIMCB), Poland.
These outstanding institutions appeared excellent partners for IMBG in twinning between the researches teams, aimed at strengthening the IMBG biomedical research directions. They are also very experienced in running projects of EU Framework Programmes 5, 6 and 7. The EU partners developed special training programmes to help the IMBG NASU to build its competency in applying and running the European level projects.
1. Strengthening the scientific collaboration with the European partners
In the first part of the project, we have focused on the twinning activities, based on the intensive collaborations of IMBG research groups with their existing and potential partners from leading European research centres. The IMBG groups acquired the knowledge and expertise which allowed them to learn the best research standards, new methods and techniques and to develop the perspective of their implementation in everyday work. Mutual advantages for the twinning teams during these activities resulted from
- scientific information exchange to improve the research quality;
- formation of the basis for long term scientific partnership of mutual benefit;
- promotion of young research staff;
- raising awareness of IMBG as one of the top research centres in Ukraine in molecular biomedicine
There were 48 short-term visits of IMBG researchers to EU partner institutions for scientific trainings during the COMBIOM project. 14 scientists from European centres visited IMBG to give lectures and develop scientific collaboration, within which explore the possibilities of common grant applications. The IMBG researchers and managers attended 12 international conferences and events organized by the partner research centres and other European institutions and organizations. These activities provided IMBG staff with new fruitful contacts for networking, additional information about the funding possibilities and prospects for raised publication status. As a result, the sustainable cross-twinning and multilateral cooperation among IMBG and its European partners have been established.
The most significant result of intensive development of cooperation capacities of the twinning teams, achieved due to active staff exchanging visits in the framework of initial planning of this COMBIOM WP, was the elaboration of 8 perspective Joint Experimental Research Programmes for the purpose of coordinating further investigations of cooperating teams, as well as for joint fund raising.
During 42 project months scientists involved in the project published 41 papers in the international scientific journals, 92 papers in the Ukrainian scientific journals, received 30 international and 31 Ukrainian grants.
Thus, one of the most important COMBIOM achievements it is strengthening of collaboration which paving the way for more important, innovative and cross-disciplinary projects of EU research programmes.
Expanding IMBG research and collaboration capacities

This set of activities was implemented in order to achieve the second objective of the project. Training and coaching significantly helped to build competences and to strengthen IMBG skills to integrate European research programs. The target group was IMBG young scientists, who need to possess a number of skills not only related to science and research, but also those which will equip them with adequate tools and knowledge to plan and execute their professional career.
Firstly, analysis of the partner experience of participation in EU funded projects was performed. COMBIOM Polish partner IIMCB has profound experience in organizing this type of activities.
Second, the programme of the best training modules for the Ukrainian participants were designed in order to build their competency. The trainings were organized by IIMCB on its premises offered to the IMBG staff a number of professional issues:
1. Innovative Workshop on Scientific Communication, provided by the expert Prof. Edward Potworowski (Canada), including:
- Trainings of the IMBG staff on writing successful research project proposals,
- Scientific communication lectures for young scientists (research results presentation, CV and publication writing),
2. “Course on Research Integrity and Responsible Conduct of Research”, provided by the expert Prof. Nils Axelsen (Denmark), European expert in ethical issues, Ombudsman for Research Integrity at Statens Serum Institute in Copenhagen and the co-founder of the Danish Committee on Scientific Dishonesty.
3. “Practical Training on IPR, Project Management and Equipment”, the complex training including:
- Intellectual property rights importance and management, patenting and commercialization of scientific results. Technology transfer theory and practice (good practices, case studies, success stories), delivered by Magdalena Powierza, MSc, Head of the IIMCB Technology Transfer Unit, and Dr. Piotr Kamiński, European Patent Attorney;
- Funding opportunities under the current EU Framework Programme – Horizon 2020, and international projects management by Prof. Jacek Kuźnicki, IIMCB Director, Dorota Libiszowska and Marcin Ogonowski, IIMCB Project Managers and Polish NCP Experts for Research Programmes of the EU;
- Principles and on-site training of Advonced Mass Spectrometry and Fluorescence microscopy - Dr. Krzysztof Skowronek and Dr. Tomasz Węgierski;
- Good practices in popularization of science – BioCEN company.

During the visits to IMBG, EU partners also analyzed the effectiveness of IMBG international cooperation and project management. Following the partners recommendations, the Supporting International Cooperation Group was created in IMBG, having as an example IIMCB Scientific Cooperation Unit, experienced in and responsible for the international collaboration and grant writing.
For improving IMBG capabilities in international cooperation, three project management trainings were performed by IIMCB for the staff of the IMBG Supporting International Cooperation Group. As the result of these trainings, the Action Plan describing the Group activities in short-, medium and long-term perspective was created based on the knowledge obtained.
The creation in IMBG of Ukrainian NCP on H2020 ERC issues in 2015 was especially useful for international cooperation capacity building.
Additional IMBG in house training on English language for 38 scientific and management staff members was provided in 2012-2015. It was aimed at improving English language skills for different level groups for the more effective scientific communication and successful grant writing.

Development of the IMBG Research Strategy in molecular biomedicine

1. COMBIOM Initial Conference
The first event within this project was the Initial Scientific Meeting of the COMBIOM partner organizations “MOLECULAR EVENTS IN CANCER AND NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES”, May 16-17, 2012 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
During the meeting the following goals were achieved in accordance with the COMBIOM tasks planning:
- Launching start of the COMBIOM project, presentation of its goals and perspectives for Ukrainian biomedical research community.
- Scientific information exchange on the signalling pathways in cancerogenesis and neurodegeneration.
- Adoption of the presented research priorities as research directions of mutual interest of the project partner organizations in the molecular biomedicine area.
- Formation of the IMBG International Advisory Board, discussion of its goals and activities, the main of which – supporting the development of the IMBG Research Strategy in molecular biomedicine.
- Creation of the Joint working group on scientific collaboration of COMBIOM partners with representatives of each research centre. The main aim of the working group was the development of the IMBG Research Strategy.

154 participants attended the meeting, including the international collaboration experts from Ministry of Education and Science, NAS Ukraine, NIP Ukraine, Ukrainian NCPs for FP7 EU Programme. Besides, 42 representatives of 30 mass-media (radio, internet, newspapers) attended the meeting and elucidated its goals and achievements: 9 publications (in 3 newspapers and 1 magazine, and in 5 Internet sites), as well as 1 TV programme.
The abstracts of scientific reports together with informational materials about COMBIOM project were published as the Supplement of IMBG scientific journal “Biopolymers and Cell”, 2012, Volume 28, N1,

2. IMBG Advisory Board creation
During the Initial Scientific Meeting of the COMBIOM partner organizations, the IMBG International Advisory Board was created having the main aim to support the development of the IMBG Research Strategy in molecular biomedicine and adoption of its final version at the end of the project. Besides, the International Advisory Board was the important IMBG supervising structure, which was created by internationally well recognized scientists, who have extensive experience in the project management and implementation, and S&T policy experts.
Two meetings of the International Advisory Board were conducted within the first project reporting period, during which scientific and collaboration capacities of IMBG were inspected, and the last one was held at the end of the project, in April 2015.
During the First meeting of the International Advisory Board on May 16-17, 2012 in Kiev, Ukraine Prof.Yegor Vassetzky (IGR, France) was elected as the IMBG International Avisory Board Chairman. Besides, the International Avisory Board members got acquainted with IMBG organization, structure and scientific potential, and had conversations with the IMBG researchers. A special meeting of the IAB members with the IMBG young scientists was held in IMBG, during which the problems and perspectives of young Ukrainian researchers were discussed.
The valuable expert recommendations of the IMBG International Advisory Board are outlined in the Minutes and Resolutions of its meetings. For IMBG as the Ukrainian research centre, annual meetings of the International Advisory Board can be considered as the international expertise. The Advisory Board members confirmed the high level of research conducted in the Institute, provided advices how to improve IMBG management and what is useful for the IMBG young scientists and managers, made available information on the recent international competitions, supported publications and grant applications, etc.

3. Joint working group on scientific collaboration of COMBIOM partners

During Initial Scientific Meeting of the COMBIOM partner organizations creation of the Joint working group on scientific collaboration was approved. The working group was completed with 5 IMBG scientists and 2 representatives of EU partners. The main goal of the working group was to develop the IMBG Research Strategy in in molecular biomedicine according to the ERA priorities through:
- detailed analysis of strong, weak sides of the Institute,
- detailed analysis of external opportunities and threats for its research and international cooperation activities,
- search for best ways of solving the identified problems.
This was the way of performing the IMBG SWOT analysis and using its results for the strategy development.

4. IMBG SWOT analysis
IMBG SWOT analysis had been completed in order to prepare the basis for the future project activities, and in particularly for the IMBG Strategy development.
As the first step of the development of IMBG Research Strategy in molecular biomedicine, the Institute SWOT analysis was performed during 2012 - 2013, which highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of its activities, and found both favorable conditions and threats for its development.
As the first step, the SWOT Questionnaire was developed by Joint working group on scientific collaboration – it was the important of successful process of the IMBG analysis. The next step was formation of the list of experts, including IMBG scientists on the level of at least head of department or laboratory) and external Ukrainian experts in science and management. In February 2013 the results of the expert work were collected, and then in March 2013, the resulted document was edited. It clearly demonstrated that IMBG has enough research and management potential to become a key player in the Ukrainian biomedicine area.
During the Second meeting of the International Advisory Board of IMBG on April 25-26, 2013, in Kiev, Ukraine, the IMBG SWOT analysis was presented to the Advisory Board members. In the expert conclusion, the Advisory Board members appreciated the efforts of the Institute to maintain the high level of research and intense international cooperation. The IAB members were impressed by the number of young scientists and their active participation in the IMBG research activities. At the same time the IAB has identified several bottlenecks such as some discrepancies in the European and Ukrainian regulations that can hinder the further development of international scientific cooperation and the efficient integration of IMBG and other Ukrainian research institutions into ERA.
IMBG SWOT analysis results were approved by the IMBG International Advisory Board during its Second meeting in 2013. The Advisory Board members recognized “Threats” part of IMBG SWOT analysis as identification of the common obstacles for EU-Ukraine collaboration which need to be overcome on the national level. The list of common problems of research and international scientific collaboration in Ukraine from the “Threats” part of IMBG SWOT analysis was presented to national authorities responsible for research and international collaboration policy stakeholders.

5. Round table with medical Academy of Sciences
On September 23, 2013 the Joint working group on scientific collaboration initiated and conducted the Round table “The perspectives of the development of biomedicine in Ukraine. Discussion of possible Joint (Research and Innovation) Programme of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) and National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (NAMSU)”. The Round table was held in the framework of pre-congress events of the FIFTH NATIONAL CONGRESS OF BIOETHICS with international participation (23–25 September 2013, Kyiv, Ukraine), organized by NASU, together with the NAMSU and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. In the Round table resolution the following points was stressed as the nearest aims of the strengthening cooperation of Ukrainian biomedical science, practice and business:
1. The request for the establishment of the national programme – Joint Research and Innovation Programme of NASU and NAMSU should be addressed to both Academies and to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
2. The Joint committee of NASU and NAMSU should be established to ensure the efficient interaction of fundamental and applied biomedical science.
3. Development of new norms and regulations for the bringing of the Ukrainian innovative biomedical products to society.
4. Creation of the popular TV programme about the results of biomedical investigations and their application into practice.

6. IMBG Research Strategy development
One of the most important COMBIOM results, the IMBG Research Strategy in molecular biomedicine area has been developed during 2013-2014 on the basis of the analysis of the Institute strengths and weaknesses (SWOT analysis). The Strategy consists of the complex of measures for solving the identified problems in research and management activities, improving research and international cooperation capacities. It is aimed at further increasing the Institute scope, in particular, its regional leadership, and at improving its responses to the socio-economic needs of Ukraine and of the region. The IMBG Research Strategy presents the road map for IMBG showing how the achievements of the COMBIOM project will become sustainable and how they will serve further development. Strengthening IMBG competitiveness in the biomedical research area will be an example for the Ukrainian biomedical stakeholders of successful involvement into ERA improving the IMBG responses to the socio-economic needs of Ukraine.
The IMBG Research Strategy in molecular biomedicine was successfully approved by the IMBG International Advisory Board during its last Third meeting which took place on April 17, 2015, in Kyiv, Ukraine.

7. COMBIOM Final conference
During the conference the project results were summarized in numerous reports and the perspectives of further EU-Ukraine collaboration in biomedicine were established. Among 50 participants of the Conference there were IMBG Advisory Board members, Polish and French project partners, Ukrainian international cooperation authorities and scientific policy makers, leading Ukrainian and European experts in biomedicine, Ukrainian organizations supporting international cooperation.
The IMBG Research Strategy in molecular biomedicine, approved previously by IMBG International Advisory Board, was presented to the Final conference participants.
The event presented detailed examples of successful research approaches in the field of biomedicine in cooperation between Ukrainian scientists and project partners from Poland and France, in areas of joint research on cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. 8 Joint Research programmes of further scientific collaboration were described in the scientific reports showing the sustainability of the results of cooperation in the framework of COMBIOM and perspectives of IMBG research in biomedicine.
The materials of the Final Joint Scientific Conference “EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STRATEGY FOR THE UKRAINIAN BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE: THE COMBIOM EXPERIENCE” (abstracts of the reports, IMBG Biomed Research Strategy) were published in IMBG scientific journal

8. Promotional activities and dissemination of knowledge

One of the extremely important parts of the COMBIOM project implementation were the promotional activities and dissemination of knowledge, which raised Ukrainian people awareness of the advantages of international cooperation, additionally increased IMBG visibility on Ukrainian biomedical area and provided maximum societal implications of the project. During the last project period, a lot of promotional tools were developed and popularization activities were undertaken: the regularly updated project website ( participation in international and Ukrainian scientific popularization events, such as Days of Science (May 2013, 2014, 2015), three Round tables for the Ukrainian biomedical stakeholders (September 2013, October 2013, 2014), Horizon 2020 Information Days (September 2014, April 2015), demonstration of posters and oral presentations at 6 national exhibitions, different scientific and science-related Ukrainian and international events.
Highly motivated IMBG young scientists, inspired by the example and trainings provided by IIMCB, started large science popularization campaign supported also by NASU and including Days of Sciences, Science Picnics, English Journal Speaking Club meetings, equipment trainings for students, lectures for school pupils and their parents, and students. In total, more than 150 young people attended these events and involved in their organization.

Creation in IMBG of Science - PR and educational team allowed to encourage Ukrainian scientists and managers to make their research more understandable and clear for public, and taught them how to present research results as useful advantages in their everyday life. Their goals are:
• Reducing a gap between science and society;
• Developing materials for biology teaching for schools;
• Lectures, trainings, workshops, and demonstrations for public and professionals;
• Days of Science, IMBG Open Days, Science picnics;
• Fund raising for further activities.

The COMBIOM project activities increased IMBG visibility and raised awareness of wide range of Ukrainian people of advantages of collaboration with EU in Research & Development & Innovations area.
- There were more than 200 Ukrainian researchers and medical scientists involved into participation in COMBIOM events (scientific conferences, round tables) and used informational and promotional materials which were distributed.
- About 50 representatives of Ukrainian authorities (such as Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, NASU managers and Ukrainian H2020 NCP community) were involved into the discussion of problems and obstacles of EU-Ukraine S&T cooperation, which were elucidated clearly due to presenting the results (of SWOT analysis especially the “Threats” part) of IMBG international collaboration in biomedicine area.
- Information about Horizon 2020 Calls and possibilities of cooperation and participation was distributed among the number of Ukrainian stakeholders concerned or interested in international collaboration during Infodays organized by COMBIOM managers in cooperation with the Ukrainian Horizon 2020 NCPs.
- IMBG visibility and COMBIOM impact were increased through demonstration facilities developed for hundreds of Ukrainian people attending the large format exhibitions in the top exposition places in Kiev, as well as science popularization lectures and events in IMBG and NASU premises.
- IMBG management, which is implemented by women (about 30%), in close cooperation with COMBIOM management (60% women), received intensive 3,5 year training in course of implementation of the COMBIOM project as its coordinator. They possess now useful experience, which will be shared among the potential Horizon 2020 participants in Ukraine.

Potential Impact:
Enhancing scientific recognition. During COMBIOM implementation IMBG scientists published 41 publications in internationally recognized journals, visited and hosted distinguished partners from top European centers. The COMBIOM project resulted in deepening existing and initiating new promising EU-Ukrainian cooperations.
Contribution to R&D&I capacity building in Ukraine. The progress in reaching scientific excellence was admitted by the Ukrainian comminity. The large grants were won in competitions among Ukrainian biomedical institutions launched by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, such as the first Ukrainian State Key Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology (SKL), established by the State Agency on Science, Innovation and Informatization on the basis of two leading research institutions in biosciences, one of which was IMBG. For Ukrainian stakeholders in biomedicine, boosting IMBG competitiveness in corresponding research area represent a case of success story of effective involvement in ERA, providing an example of successful transformation of bilateral international relations into wide-ranging cooperation in European research area, and improving IMBG responses to the socio-economic needs of Ukraine.

Networking among Ukrainian biomedical stakeholders. Close cooperation with NCP Horizon 2020 Ukraine allowed to encourage larger audience to COMBIOM events, as well as be informed about all Horizon 2020 news and events in Ukraine, which could serve for increasing involvement of IMBG scientists into international cooperation and active participation in new calls. Data base was composed containing Ukrainian stakeholders in biomedicine area who are interested in international cooperation, especially in participation in EU R&D&I Programmes. These activities will be continued in future, providing the sustainability of the project results in international collaboration area.

National level in policy development. Representatives of Ukrainian authorities dealing with EU-Ukraine cooperation put great attention to the results of development of IMBG Biomed Strategy in the part of improving of international cooperation capacities. They also participated in the final meeting of IMBG International Advisory Board, and are very interested in further development of the ideas which arose during fruitful discussion on the meeting.
Encouraging young scientists. IMBG staff is one of the youngest among NASU institutions: there are 20% young persons among employees and 30% of the research staff is represented by young scientists. High level of scientific work and fruitful discussions at every level provide interesting scientific life attractive for the entry-level investigators. In the framework of COMBIOM several measures were implemented for which the beginners constituted a target group, such as participation in scientific training in leading EU research centres, participation in complementary trainings performed by the experienced EU partners, annual competition for young scientists with the prize “The best article of year” etc. Successful realization of abovementioned activities make IMBG more engaging for young researchers and provide better working conditions and better career opportunities. Interest of youth for making high-level science in the well-known research institution assists in reducing 'brain drain' phenomena.
Enhancing the participation of Ukraine in the EU R&D&I Programmes. Scientific information exchange and sharing knowledge between IMBG teams on one hand and research groups of French and Polish partners institutions on the other hand were implemented aimed to spur forthcoming joint programs. New ideas, new partnerships were generated in course of COMBIOM activities between Ukrainian scientists and representatives of leading European scientists and resulted in 6 new collaborating teams. 8 grants applications were prepared by IMBG researchers in the framework of cooperation with COMBIOM partners, as well as within the new collaborative teams. One of them is the indicator of the increased IMBG visibility in EU biomedicine area. IMBG was invited to apply to the Call for the Twinning Programme in the Main Pillar “Spreading excellence and widening participation” of Horizon 2020 in cooperation with the member of the CEI Science and Technology Network (CEI-PRAISE programme).
EU level. Better integration in the ERA as a whole, partnership with excellent research groups in Europe, exploiting research results in area of biomedical research is aimed at the improvement of the medical approaches and finally wellbeing of EU citizens.

List of Websites:
Coordinator: Prof. Anna ELSKAYA

Administrative contact: Dr. Yanina MISHCHUK
Tel: +380-445261129