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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-18

Optical Probe and Manipulation of Magnetization at the nanometer scale


"This project focuses on fundamental scientific issues of spin manipulation in nano-structured magnetic materials subject to optical/magnetic excitations and further provides the scientific underpinnings of next generation of heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR). The research will focus on two related research themes (i) ultrafast magnetization dynamics, (ii) optical switching of nanomagnets which have the common property of using optical pulses to both probe and manipulate magnetism at the nanometer spatial and femto-second temporal scales.

The strength of this project is to address a novel and challenging scientific program by bringing together international experts with complementary expertise:
Ultra-fast optical (Y.Fainman UCSD)
Nanomagnetism and spintronic (S.Mangin SM the applicant)
Nanomagnetic theory and modeling (V.Lomakin UCSD)
Magnetic data storage (E.E. Fullerton EEF the outgoing host)
The partner organisation CMRR at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) is directed by EEF. This famous research centre serves as a catalyst for joint investigations between industrial and academic partners. EEF is an outstanding scientist (235 papers, 80 invited talks, 48 US patents, h factor = 42).
The collaboration between EEF and SM has already been very active and productive in the past. This program will be a unique opportunity to take the collaboration to a higher level on an innovative and original scientific project and on a broader scale (with new members and student of both partner and host organisation). Since both collaborators are taking more responsibilities a strong trans-Atlantic collaboration will be profitable for their carriers and their institutions. It is also an exceptional chance to bring back to the host organisation competence and knowledge on this new field, maintain a level of excellence for the applicant and his team and create links with industrial partners.
Phase 1: CMRR - USA for 13 months / Phase 2 IJL - France for 12 months"

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Contributo UE
€ 164 684,98
54052 Nancy Cedex

Mostra sulla mappa

Grand Est Lorraine Meurthe-et-Moselle
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Contatto amministrativo
Denis Fix (Dr.)
Costo totale
Nessun dato