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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-16

ATM RD project identification and information Network

Final Report Summary - SARDINE (ATM RD project identification and information Network)

The SARDINE project extended over a period of thirty months. It consisted in collecting and processing information about the entire national and European RTD projects in the field of air traffic management and to advise the European Commission in the most optimal use of the collected information, benefiting the evaluation of European RTD programmes. As final deliverable, Analysis of research and development in European programmes (ARDEP) database is updated yearly and includes a tentative complete recording of ongoing, planned and completed R&D, as well as an analysis and appraisal of trends and needs. To be able to co-ordinate R&D effectively, there was a need to use extensively all existing ATM R&D information systems available, in particular ARDEP and Validation data repository (VDR), from which all relevant information could be made available to interested parties. The results of this work ensured that ongoing research and the results obtained could be analysed year by year from any required viewpoint.

Due to the limited budget, the dissemination plan has been only partly put into actions. This part focuses on internal actions conducted amongst the SARDINE member organisations, including their participation to ARDEP ISN meetings. It has resulted in close and increased coordination between SARDINE members, ARDEP members and Eurocontrol, the ISN meetings becoming an exchange and communication network between SARDINE members, ARDEP ISN members and ARDEP core team (Eurocontrol). External actions have been performed indirectly through projects to which SARDINE member organisations have participated, in particular SESAR. No external meeting - such as participation to forums or workshops - has been organised. Continuous dissemination is performed via the ARDEP data base which SARDINE members have filled. Either the ARDEP Green Book or internal analysis about the results of ARDEP collections is disseminated under SARDINE organisations' management.

Most responses to the customer survey on current use of the available material indicated that the executive summary of the Green Book was the most frequently used, particularly at management levels where an overview is required in order to enable the user to ask an analyst to seek further details or to issue challenges to the R&D community. The main use of both the executive summary and the Green Book is to gain an overview and gather key messages. The details in the Green Book, when used, are considered to be valuable as a reference and, for some as a source of budget information and for identifying other organisations to contact them, either for information on a project in progress or as potential partners for new projects. The data is also used for marketing purposes. It was also commented that project managers in particular are interested in information and detail on individual projects. The 'Analysis by concept' chapter was mentioned the most as being of particular interest. Opinions on use of the database were mixed, ranging from no use to daily use. For those using the database regularly, it was considered valuable or essential for their work. Generally, the information in the executive summary and the analyses in the Green Book were felt to be set at the correct level, although there was a suggestion that they would be found less user-friendly if the user was not familiar with the data and classifications. The satisfaction of website presentation ranges from satisfactory to good, although some responses stated that the website was only used infrequently. For all material, it was noted that the analyses would be of greater value if they could be available earlier, with more up-to-date information. External public like industries could use the data base for strategic planning purpose through the public website. However, some improvements would be required in order to presents results along to industry related needs. Furthermore, the data delivers only an incomplete picture of R&D activities because some industry projects were lacking. Only European Commission projects are mentioned not industries own research topics.