Final Report Summary - XD-STRING (The Structure of the Extra Dimensions of String Theory)
These laws can be approximated well by "supergravity", a variant of Einstein's general relativity which also includes supersymmetry, a conjectural symmetry of the quantum world favored by string theory, that would relate matter and forces. The main tool we have used is a new formalism whose fundamental variables measure minimal volumes --- rather than distances, as originally done in general relativity.
We have obtained many new possible shapes for the extra dimensions, and several methods to look for many more, and to exclude many other possibilities which would mathematically look possible. We have also discovered new phenomena that occur when strings go close to "singularities", points where the shape is pinched and where the Einstein approximation does not work. Such results might point to new ways to realize in string theory the unification of forces, the idea suggested by current data that all elementary forces become in fact aspect of a single one at very short distances.