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Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

Key Aerodynamic Technologies to meet the Vision 2020 Challenges

Final Report Summary - KATNET II (Key Aerodynamic Technologies to Meet the Vision 2020 Challenges)

The KATNET II project was a coordination action on key aerodynamic technologies focusing on open upstream research from 2006 to 2009. It was providing input to the development of strategies and technologies to meet potential future aeronautical requirements on emissions, fuel consumption, noise and safety.

KATNET was covering the relevant technology areas for aircraft performance improvement including the corresponding EU-funded projects / platforms as:
- aircraft configuration technologies - TA1 (shape optimisation - adaptive sections - wing-tip devices - high lift systems - engine integration - novel configurations)
- Drag reduction technologies - TA2 (laminar flow technology - turbulence control - vortex drag reduction technologies - wave and interference drag reduction technologies)
- Separation control technologies - TA3 (control surfaces - vortex generators - surface suction - tangential blowing - MEMS - load control).

The project was structured into work packages as:

R&T strategy development and exploitation
The primary objective of this work package was to identify those aerodynamic technologies which have the potential to deliver to a more effective, environmentally friendly air transport system and improve the competitiveness of future European aerospace products. In addition to build up the necessary roadmap for those identified technology to be implemented, including running activities and possible gaps. A number of technologies are identified having now reached a significant level of maturity. They have been flight tested with the AWIATOR and SILENCE projects. These technologies have high potential for a further step towards the Vision 2020 goals. Significant improvements in drag and noise can be made though the adoption of a proactive green aircraft configuration. This is optimised for minimum fuel burn and noise and has a relatively low cruise Mach number enabling a reduced wing sweep, but increased span and therefore low induced drag. This has a significant benefit on high and low speed performance. The reduced sweep allows for the exploitation of natural laminar flow. A number of as per today relatively immature technologies have been identified which can give a further step in the direction of the Vision 2020 goals and, if successful, could see the goals being achieved.

Multidisciplinary technology assessment
An online multidisciplinary optimisation and trade study tool AeroSens was developed to allow researchers assessing online a technology evaluation tool based on real aircraft applications. The tool calculates (estimates) the impact of a technology relative to two standard aircraft configurations, a two engine short range aircraft for 150 passengers and a four engine long range aircraft for 295 passengers. The tool is hosted on the website of the KATNET partner DLR and is linked to the KATNET II website at: This arrangement allows access to the tool beyond the lifetime of KATNET II.

Dissemination of KATNET II information
This task was concerned with providing network support by updating / using the existing KATNET website, distributing newsletters, and promoting involvement of the academic community networks. The website as main public window of KATNET II provides information on KATNET II itself as well as on the relevant topics.

KATNET II communication platforms
Existing KATNET know-how was used to organise an international conference and four international workshops.