CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
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SEA-EU-NET 2 - EU-ASEAN S&T cooperation to jointly tackle societal challenges

Final Report Summary - SEA-EU-NET II (SEA-EU-NET 2 - EU-ASEAN S&T cooperation to jointly tackle societal challenges)

Executive Summary:
“SEA-EU-NET 2” is the second project that has been set up to expand scientific collaboration between Europe and Southeast Asia (SEA) in a more strategic and coherent manner. The four-year long project was launched in October 2012, involves 21 institutions from the two regions.
Achievement 1: Informing the SEA community on the Horizon 2020 programed: SEA-EU-NET informed Southeast Asian researchers on their possibilities to participate in the Horizon 2020 program by conducting numerous trainings, disseminating information, providing possibilities for networking. Info days have been organized in Phnom Penh, Bangkok, Da Nang and Singapore, a meeting for Alumni organizations in Vietnam. SEA-EU-NET also offered a support scheme for individuals to help applying for an European Research Council Starting Grant in 2015
Achievement 2: analytical work on EU-SEA S&T relations and feeding these into the official dialogue: SEA-EU-NET carried out a Fact Finding Mission to conduct a qualitative analysis on the Innovation Systems in the Southeast Asian countries, filling the gathered information with quantitative data from desk research to achieve creating an in-depth study. The report was published under the title: Spotlight on: Stimulating Innovation in Southeast Asia. Workshops on specialized topics relevant for S&T cooperation in both regions like IPR, Material Transfer Agreements (MTA) and public procurement were also organized.
Achievement 3: Extending the access and communication on EU-SEA S&T cooperation: SEA-EU-NET maintains and updates two homepages ( / permanently, shares information via Facebook ( and Twitter ( and enables you to link with other colleagues via its Research Gate page (
Achievement 4: Intensifying the bi-regional S&T dialogue between EU and ASEAN S&T through the ASEAN-EU Science, Technology and Innovation Days –; The STI Days took place in 2014 in Bangkok, in 2015 in Paris and in 2016 in Hanoi. It has a participation of up to 500 participants from both regions, serving as the event for present Horizon 2020, hosting more the 10 scientific workshops from various thematic areas, informing researchers from Europe and Southeast Asia on mobility programs in Europe and providing space for exhibitors to present their innovative products.
Achievement 5: Providing funds for jointly tackling societal challenges: SEA-EU-NET initiated a dialogue on a common bi-regional funding scheme to enhance cooperation between these two regions. Following the principles of a bi-regional ERANET scheme representative from European and Southeast Asian funding agencies could be convinced to set up a pilot joint call. Various scientific workshops and brokerage events have been organized in three thematic fields – from Antimicrobial Resistance, Infectious Diseases and improved TB vaccines over Climate Change and Water related issues to the importance of small Farms in the global economy. Based on that a “Southeast Asia – Europe Pilot Joint Call for Mobility in the thematic areas of Environment, Health and Food research” was launched in 2015 with 16 participating agencies and 7 projects selected with involvement of Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Poland, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar. Funders showed their interest to continue the program. The 1st regular Call under the Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Funding Scheme (JFS) has been published at the beginning of April 2017 in the thematic areas of Health, Environment /Climate Change with 13 funding agencies participating.

Project Context and Objectives:
To strengthen bi-regional and bi-lateral dialogues in scientific cooperation and foster cooperation between EU and ASEAN research
• Organisation of a yearly EU-ASEAN stakeholder platform on Science & Technology Cooperation
• Providing support to the official EU-ASEAN dialogue on S&T cooperation
• Ensuring policy coherence by creating synergies with development & innovation stakeholders

To identify strategic topics relevant for both regions in the fields of Health, Food Security & Safety and Water Management and to enhance cooperation in these fields between Europe and ASEAN
• Coordinate national research policies in European countries with their ASEAN counterparts
• Stimulate cooperation mechanisms for sustainable bioregional research collaboration
• Strengthen the research and innovation linkages between the two regions
• Enhance long term EU-ASEAN research cooperation by fostering the exchange of you research talent

To support the establishment of EU-ASEAN networks in Science and Innovation
• To strengthen the participation of SEA researchers in the European Research Framework Programme Horizon2020
• EU-SEA Regional Networks in Innovation and Research
• To expand the European Enterprise Network to SEA and link innovation stakeholders from both regions
• Improve collaboration in Metrology between Europe and SEA
• Engage with EU-SEA Alumni networks

To create knowledge based data and sound evidence to the bi-regional S&T policy dialogue and support the project’s other work packages
• Quantitative analysis of research strengths and cooperation patterns
• Qualitative analysis of research strengths and cooperation patterns and opportunities
• Creation of Southeast Asian STI country profiles
• Analysing innovation for cooperation
• Analysing framework conditions for research and innovation

To promote the outcomes of the project and monitor the impact of the project
• Establish and maintain a web portal
• Establish web communities with active participation from Europe and Southeast Asia
• Impact Assessment of the project

Project Results:
(see attached report - as pdf)
Potential Impact:
(see attched report - as pdf)
List of Websites: